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展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 (1/5) Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals CallDeadline European Research Council (ERC) ERC-StG-2015: ERC Starting Grant 3 Feb, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 (1/5) Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals CallDeadline European Research Council (ERC) ERC-StG-2015: ERC Starting Grant 3 Feb, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 (1/5) Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals CallDeadline European Research Council (ERC) ERC-StG-2015: ERC Starting Grant 3 Feb, 2015 ERC-CoG-2015: ERC Consolidator Grant 12 Mar, 2015 ERC-ADG-2015: ERC Advanced Grant 2 Jun, 2015 ERC-PoC-2015: ERC Proof of Concept Grant 1 Oct, 5 Feb, 28 May, 2015 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) FET-OPEN - NOVEL IDEAS FOR RADICALLY NEW TECHNOLOGIES - RESEARCH PROJECTS FETOPEN-RIA-2014-2015: FET-Open research projects 29 Sep 2015 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) MSCA-IF-2015-GF: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-GF) 10 Sep, 2015 MSCA-RISE-2015: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)MSCA-RISE-2015: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) 28 Apr, 2015 First Pillar-Excellent Science 1

2 展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 (2/5) Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals CallDeadline ICT 2015 - INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES (Robotics, IOT, Future Internet) ICT-04-2015: Customised and low power computing ICT-08-2015: Boosting public sector productivity and innovation through cloud computing servicesICT-08-2015: Boosting public sector productivity and innovation through cloud computing services ICT-10-2015: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation ICT-12-2015: Integrating experiments and facilities in FIRE+ ICT-14-2014: Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet ICT-16-2015: Big data - research ICT-19-2015: Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence ICT-20-2015: Technologies for better human learning and teaching ICT-24-2015: Robotics ICT-25-2015: Generic micro- and nano-electronic technologies ICT-27-2015: Photonics KET ICT-28-2015: Cross-cutting ICT KETs ICT-30-2015: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects 14 Apr, 25 Nov, 2015 Second Pillar- Industrial Leadership 2

3 展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 (3/5) Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals CallDeadline Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing PHC-09-2015: PHC 9 – 2015: Vaccine development for poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases: HIV/AIDS PHC-09-2015: PHC 9 – 2015: Vaccine development for poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases: HIV/AIDS PHC-15-2015: Clinical research on regenerative medicine PHC-33-2015: New approaches to improve predictive human safety testing 24 Feb, 2015 PHC-21-2015: Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: Early risk detection and intervention PHC-21-2015: Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: Early risk detection and intervention PHC-25-2015: Advanced ICT systems and services for integrated care PHC-28-2015: Self management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him or herself PHC-28-2015: Self management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him or herself PHC-30-2015: Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment 21 Apr, 2015 Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy SFS-01c-2015: Assessing sustainability of terrestrial livestock production SFS-02b-2015: Assessing soil-improving cropping systems SFS-05-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality SFS-07b-2015: Management and sustainable use of genetic resources SFS-10b-2015: Scientific basis and tools for preventing and mitigating farmed mollusk diseases SFS-11b-2015: Consolidating the environmental sustainability of European aquaculture SFS-13-2015: Biological contamination of crops and the food chain SFS-14b-2015: Authentication of food products SFS-16-2015: Tackling malnutrition in the elderly SFS-18-2015: Small farms but global markets: the role of small and familiy farms in food and nutrition security SFS-18-2015: Small farms but global markets: the role of small and familiy farms in food and nutrition security SFS-20-2015: Sustainable food chains through public policies: the cases of the EU quality policy and of public sector food procurement SFS-20-2015: Sustainable food chains through public policies: the cases of the EU quality policy and of public sector food procurement 3 Feb, 11 Jun 2015 ISIB-03-2015: Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and social innovation ISIB-03-2015: Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and social innovation ISIB-04b-2015: Improved forest management models ISIB-06-2015: Converting CO2 into chemicals 3 Third Pillar-Societal Challenges

4 4 CallDeadline Secure societies (Digital Security, Disaster Resilience & Climate Change, Crime and Terrorism) DS-03-2015: The role of ICT in Critical Infrastructure Protection DS-04-2015: Information driven Cyber Security Management DS-05-2015: Trust eServices 27 Aug, 2015 DRS-01-2015: Crisis management topic 1: potential of current and new measures and technologies to respond to extreme weather and climate events DRS-01-2015: Crisis management topic 1: potential of current and new measures and technologies to respond to extreme weather and climate events DRS-09-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 1: Science and innovation for adaptation to climate change: from assessing costs, risks and opportunities to demonstration of options and practices DRS-09-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 1: Science and innovation for adaptation to climate change: from assessing costs, risks and opportunities to demonstration of options and practices DRS-11-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 3: Mitigating the impacts of climate change and natural hazards on cultural heritage sites, structures and artefacts DRS-11-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 3: Mitigating the impacts of climate change and natural hazards on cultural heritage sites, structures and artefacts DRS-12-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 1: Critical Infrastructure “smart grid” protection and resilience under “smart meters” threats DRS-12-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 1: Critical Infrastructure “smart grid” protection and resilience under “smart meters” threats DRS-13-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 2: Demonstration activity on tools for adapting building and infrastructure standards and design methodologies in vulnerable locations in the case of natural or man-originated catastrophes DRS-13-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 2: Demonstration activity on tools for adapting building and infrastructure standards and design methodologies in vulnerable locations in the case of natural or man-originated catastrophes DRS-14-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 3: Critical Infrastructure resilience indicator - analysis and development of methods for assessing resilience DRS-14-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 3: Critical Infrastructure resilience indicator - analysis and development of methods for assessing resilience DRS-15-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 4: Protecting potentially hazardous and sensitive sites/areas considering multi-sectorial dependencies DRS-15-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 4: Protecting potentially hazardous and sensitive sites/areas considering multi-sectorial dependencies FCT-01-2015: Forensics topic 1: Tools and infrastructure for the extraction, fusion, exchange and analysis of big data including cyber-offenses generated data for forensic investigation FCT-01-2015: Forensics topic 1: Tools and infrastructure for the extraction, fusion, exchange and analysis of big data including cyber-offenses generated data for forensic investigation FCT-02-2015: Forensic topic 2: Advanced easy to use in-situ forensic tools at the scene of crime FCT-03-2015: Forensics topic 3: Mobile, remotely controlled technologies to examine a crime scene in case of an accident or a terrorist attack involving CBRNE materials FCT-03-2015: Forensics topic 3: Mobile, remotely controlled technologies to examine a crime scene in case of an accident or a terrorist attack involving CBRNE materials FCT-04-2015: Forensics topic 4: Internet Forensics to combat organized crime FCT-06-2015: Law Enforcement capabilities 2: Detection and analysis of terrorist-related content on the Internet FCT-06-2015: Law Enforcement capabilities 2: Detection and analysis of terrorist-related content on the Internet FCT-09-2015: Law Enforcement capabilities topic 5: Identity Management FCT-16-2015: Ethical/Societal Dimension Topic 4 - Investigating the role of social, psychological and economic aspects of the processes that lead to organized crime (including cyber related offenses), and terrorist networks and their impact on social cohesion FCT-16-2015: Ethical/Societal Dimension Topic 4 - Investigating the role of social, psychological and economic aspects of the processes that lead to organized crime (including cyber related offenses), and terrorist networks and their impact on social cohesion 展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 (4/5) Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals Third Pillar-Societal Challenges

5 CallDeadline Smart, Green and Integrated Transport GV-6-2015: Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emission GV-8-2015: Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid GV-8-2015: Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid 15 Oct, 2015 MG-1.2-2015: Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation MG-3.6a-2015: Safe and connected automation in road transport MG-4.3-2015: System modelling and life-cycle cost optimisation for waterborne assets MG-5.4-2015: Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of local authorities MG-5.5a-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility MG-5.5a-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility MG-8.4b-2015: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation MG-8.4b-2015: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation 23 Apr, 2015 Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials WATER-1b-2015: Demonstration/pilot activities WATER-2b-2015: Integrated approaches to food security, low-carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation: WATER-2b-2015: Integrated approaches to food security, low-carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation: WATER-5c-2015: Development of water supply and sanitation technology, systems and tools, and/or methodologies WATER-5c-2015: Development of water supply and sanitation technology, systems and tools, and/or methodologies WASTE-6a-2015: Eco-innovative solutions WASTE-6b-2015: Eco-innovative strategies WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products and by- products WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products and by- products 21 Apr, 2015 BG-01-2015: Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine ecosystems BG-01-2015: Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine ecosystems BG-02-2015: Forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture BG-02-2015: Forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture BG-07-2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions 3 Feb, 11 Jun 2015 5 展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 (5/5) Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals Third Pillar-Societal Challenges

6 6 展望 2020 近期徵求計畫總覽 -ERA.NET Recent Horizon 2020 Call For Proposals Joint Call 2014Deadline M-ERA.NET ( 歐盟奈米材料研究計畫 )M-ERA.NET ( 歐盟奈米材料研究計畫 ) 奈米國家型計畫 Integrated Computational Materials Engineering New Surfaces and Coatings Composite Technology Materials for Sustainable and Affordable Low Carbon Energy Technologies Materials for Health Functional Materials Focusing on Sensors Pre-proposal: 16 Sep, 2014 (Closed-174 proposals) Full proposal: 28 Feb, 2015 TRANSCAN ( 歐盟生醫轉譯癌症研究計畫 )TRANSCAN ( 歐盟生醫轉譯癌症研究計畫 ) 生技醫藥國家型計畫 Aim 1: Assessment of the impact of health behaviours on clinical outcomes in cancer patients Aim 2: Optimization of the quality of life of cancer patients Aim 3: Prevention of recurrence and second cancer Pre-proposal: 3 Feb, 2014 Full proposal: 10 Jun, 2014

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