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Plagiarism at HCT. Information on the Internet is freely available to everyone. I can copy and paste anything from the Internet. True False.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism at HCT. Information on the Internet is freely available to everyone. I can copy and paste anything from the Internet. True False."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism at HCT

2 Information on the Internet is freely available to everyone. I can copy and paste anything from the Internet. True False

3 I can change the words around when I find information, and then it’s ok. True False

4 “Barack Obama is the current President of the United States.” I don’t need to cite this information. True False

5 Your friend is too busy to finish her project by the deadline so you lend her yours, asking her not to tell anyone. This is ok. True False

6 The Prophet says if you cheat you are only cheating yourself, and this is wrong. True False


8 Plagiarism Plagiarism is a very serious form of cheating. You can avoid it by citing your sources. الانتحال أسلوب خطير جدا من أساليب الغش. يمكنك تجنب ذلك عن طريق توثيق المصدر

9 Plagiarism is … It is using (stealing) other peoples’ words or ideas and pretending them to be your own. It is not crediting where the source of the words or ideas comes from


11 Penalties at HCT  If you are caught plagiarizing you will: Fail the paper! Possibly be asked to leave the college!

12 Why reference? World academic credibility Others can find your resources YOU can find your sources again! Impress your teacher – show what work you have done! Giving credit to authors - You will want to be acknowledged when you write





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