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March 17-19, 2016 Welcome to Carolinas PETS 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "March 17-19, 2016 Welcome to Carolinas PETS 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 17-19, 2016 Welcome to Carolinas PETS 2016

2 Terry Weaver 7750 District Governor 2015-16 Rotary Club of Greenville Carolinas PETS 2016

3 Lance Young 7750 District Governor 2016-17 Rotary Club of Greenville Evening Carolinas PETS 2016

4 Ed Irick 7750 District Governor 2017-18 Rotary Club of Greenville Evening Carolinas PETS 2016

5 Rita Yarbrough 7750 District Governor 2018-19 Rotary Club of Newberry

6 Assistant Governors Presidents-Elect President Nominees PETS Discussion Leader District Administrator Carolinas PETS 2016

7 2016-2017 Officers & Committee Chairs

8 2016-2017 Overview

9 2016-2017 Rotary International President

10 “I believe everyone recognizes the opportunity to serve Rotary for what it truly is: not a small opportunity, but a great one; an opportunity of a lifetime to change the world for the better, forever through Rotary’s service to humanity” John Germ 2016-2017 Rotary International Theme

11 Rotary Serving Humanity, through: People, Pride, Passion 2016-2017 District 7750 Theme “We need more hearts willing hands, more caring, and more bright minds to move our work forward.” John Germ

12 SERVICE PROJECT LITMUS TESTS worthy of the name “Rotary” substantial good 3.justify the time and efforts of members who are asked to participate 4.provide personal satisfaction to those members 5.display the ROTARY brand during the project or at completion Rotary service projects should: Vs: 1.Send a check 2.Few Rotarians hands-on 3.No Rotary visibility

13 SERVICE PROJECTS 6 Areas of Focus Clean Water Maternal & Child Health Disease Prevention Literacy Economic Development Peace Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala Free Medical & Dental Clinics PolioPlus 25% of SC can’t read the newspaper Mentoring & Shadowing Peace Seminar – April 13, 2016


15 MEMBERSHIP CHALLENGE – If your club is over 25 members: Grow your club by 10 members or 10% – If your club is below 25 members Grow to 25 members If you’re below 15 members, close the gap between where you are and 25 members by HALF Remember – This is a means, not an end. This is how we execute the mission and sustain the enterprise

16 “Enhancing Rotary’s image isn’t the only way boost membership. “We need clubs that are flexible, so our service will be more attractive to younger members, recent retirees, and working people.” John Germ MEMBERSHIP

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