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Desalination of Saltwater. Intro Out of 7 billion people, 1 billion of them still do not have clean water to drink. Mostly 2 nd and 3 rd world problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Desalination of Saltwater. Intro Out of 7 billion people, 1 billion of them still do not have clean water to drink. Mostly 2 nd and 3 rd world problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desalination of Saltwater

2 Intro Out of 7 billion people, 1 billion of them still do not have clean water to drink. Mostly 2 nd and 3 rd world problems due to unsafe water filters, etc… Many of us take advantage of water, but really to it is a privilege.

3 Background According to United States Government, 71% of earth is water! Just only 3% of that water is Freshwater. 68% of it is stuck in Glaciers. What if we could create a de-salting water filter? Many ideas have tried to solve this problem, but failed.

4 Background The world waste 365 Trillion Gallons of Water each year. 11 trillion is wasted landscaping, that’s enough for 300 million American house-holds. According to National Geographic, America Wastes the most water out of any country!

5 So what is desalination Desalination or desalinization is a process that removes minerals from saline water. More generally, desalination may also refer to the removal of salts and minerals, as in soil desalination, which also happens to be a major issue for agricultural production.

6 New Ideas Many New Ideas have been popping up, but a new very interesting idea has caught my attention: Salt Water Converter 5 Hour Energy owner has created a new, very efficient way to convert salt water to fresh water.

7 Droughts The world is 71% water and 96.5% is salt. The droughts in California would end if there was a sufficient desalination machine. All of our water problems in the world would be over. Including ours in our state, Utah. Only 65% of our students at Wasatch that have taken my survey were aware of the drought in Utah. We are most likely going to have water shortages this summer in Heber and across most of the state.

8 Idea 5 hour energy owner donates 99% of wealth to Research -Salt water to fresh water converter -Affordable for 3 rd world countries. -For costal countries. Example: Australia

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