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What is a Mechanism? Two pieces of a machine where motion of one part causes the other part to move.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Mechanism? Two pieces of a machine where motion of one part causes the other part to move."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Mechanism? Two pieces of a machine where motion of one part causes the other part to move.

2 What is an input? The work or effort being put into a mechanism

3 What is an output? The work the mechanism is performing

4 How is a Mechanism used? Mechanisms are used to: – Change the direction of movement – Change the type of movement – Change the speed of movement – Change the amount of force

5 Change the amount of force Torque is a push or pull in a circular direction. (a twisting force) How do you increase speed? Input- Large Output- Small

6 Linear Movement When a mechanism (two or more pieces) create a motion that is in one direction following a straight line. Examples: Or:

7 Reciprocating Movement When a mechanism (two or more pieces) create a motion that is back and forth in a straight line. Examples:

8 Rotary Movement When a mechanism (two or more pieces) create a motion that is in one direction following a circle shape.

9 Oscillating Examples When a mechanism (two or more pieces) create a motion that moves back and forth in a circular motion.

10 Hardware Subsystem- Screws Purpose: To help hold the metal pieces together

11 Hardware Subsystem- Krep Nuts Purpose: To tighten the screw and hold onto the metal pieces that you need to attach Downside: IF not properly tightened, it can loosen up over time

12 Hardware Subsystem- Standoffs Purpose: To create a space between your components Uses the standard screws on both sides.

13 Motion Systems- Square Shafts Purpose: Allows motion to move throughout a robot

14 Motion Systems- Flat Bearing Purpose: Allows square shaft to turn without metal to metal contact

15 Motion System- Collars Purpose: Holds shaft and parts on shaft in place

16 Simple Gear Train Purpose: Rotary to rotary motion Spins output in opposite direction

17 Simple Gear Train with Idler Purpose: Rotary to rotary motion Spins output in same direction

18 Bevel Gear Purpose: Rotary to rotary Allows output to spin 90 degrees from input

19 Chain Drive Purpose: Spins gears in same direction Transfers energy over long distances easily

20 Worm and Wheel Wheel Worm Rotary to rotary Increases torque Output is 90 degrees from input Not reversible

21 Crank and Slider Rotary to reciprocating motion Non reversible Slider Crank

22 Cam and Follower CAM FOLLOWER Rotary to reciprocating motion Not reversible

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