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2007 NACP Meeting Food and Drink Reception Thursday evening orange drink tickets Place your “blue dot” CMR room key on table Pay by the meal if you’re.

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Presentation on theme: "2007 NACP Meeting Food and Drink Reception Thursday evening orange drink tickets Place your “blue dot” CMR room key on table Pay by the meal if you’re."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 NACP Meeting Food and Drink Reception Thursday evening orange drink tickets Place your “blue dot” CMR room key on table Pay by the meal if you’re staying elsewhere

2 2007 NACP Meeting Restrooms There are no restrooms on this level! Upstairs on the Lobby level to the left (men) and right (women) of the fireplace Downstairs to the right (posters are to the left)

3 2007 NACP Meeting Plenary Speakers Plenary speakers please bring your presentations to Amy at the laptops in the plenary room during breaks, lunch, or breakfast bring your computer OR bring your USB jump drive OK to post to the Interactive Agenda? PDF?

4 2007 NACP Meeting Interactive Agenda GlobalSuiteWireless open network browser pass code DAA6 CMRMEETINGS (no passcode) Attend the Breakouts of your choice concise report during plenary complete report posted to discussion forum read and add your comments! Upload your talk or poster presentation to the interactive agenda (off-peak times; optional)

5 2007 NACP Meeting Posters Posters up for the week; but down by 1PM Friday

6 2007 NACP Meeting Who ya gonna call? Julie McKie (CIRES): meeting payment, hotel room rate, dining or meeting rooms Carla Evans: meeting rooms; posters Amy Morrell: plenary presentations; using Interactive Agenda Peter Griffith: using Interactive Agenda; breakout expectations; compliments about how wonderful Julie, Carla, and Amy are; complaints. Find us at the registration table or the Ute room

7 2007 NACP Meeting Title Abstract Participants Keywords Funding Agency Field campaigns URLs to data centers data sets metadata Project Profiles are metadata about a project

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