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Final 1 st Semester Mini-Syllabus. JANUARY 5 Correct pronoun work Sanders – read and annotate ASSIGNMENT: Work on gender observation essay. Engaging introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Final 1 st Semester Mini-Syllabus. JANUARY 5 Correct pronoun work Sanders – read and annotate ASSIGNMENT: Work on gender observation essay. Engaging introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final 1 st Semester Mini-Syllabus

2 JANUARY 5 Correct pronoun work Sanders – read and annotate ASSIGNMENT: Work on gender observation essay. Engaging introduction due next time.

3 JANUARY 7 In-class persuasion essay Share introductions ASSIGNMENT: Gender observation essay due next time! Thou shalt not violate MLA format.

4 JANUARY 11 Peer reviews of in-class essay Share gender observation papers ASSIGNMENT: Hurston, p. 393-403, E/T 1, 3, and 5 and a reaction paragraph (make a claim about the story and support it with data and warrant). Consider for discussion: What is the speaker’s toward the roles & position of women in the society depicted in the story?

5 Jan. 13 Self-review of in-class essay Discuss Hurston ASSIGNMENT: Write 2 DIFFERENT versions of a conclusion for one of your in-class persuasion essays. These may be brief, but they should be carefully crafted, with… Strong verbs Active voice Content that leaves the reader thinking

6 Jan. 15 Share/discuss conclusions Gender conversation ASSIGNMENT: Gather notes for final. We will review them in class. Tone Words” from peers Pronouns (study from corrected assignment) “Notorious Confusables”

7 JANUARY 19 Review notes for the final.


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