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AP Psychology Ms. Bors Chapter 3 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up:

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2 AP Psychology Ms. Bors Chapter 3

3 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing

4 Presentations -Senses Projects HW/ Coming up: Read pages 118-131 by Friday! Quiz is on Friday! Study Guide/Flashcards for your next unit due Wednesday, November 18 th ! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Sensation and Perception Test- Wednesday, November 18 th ! Goal(s): Be able to explain all the different terms/concepts assigned for this unit. Candy Friday! Will your class qualify?

5 Here’s what one person from each group needs to do right now please… …bring me one of your rubrics with all your names on it.

6 Everyone- be respectful and listen quietly; take notes as you feel like you should; Highlight (with the highlighter you picked up from the side counter as part of the bell work) anything the groups present (ex. any terms) you think you will not be able to remember/you don’t think you are understanding.


8 Everyone- be respectful and listen quietly; take notes as you feel like you should; Highlight (with the highlighter you picked up from the side counter as part of the bell work) anything the groups present (ex. any terms) you think you will not be able to remember/you don’t think you are understanding.


10 Everyone- be respectful and listen quietly; take notes as you feel like you should; Highlight (with the highlighter you picked up from the side counter as part of the bell work) anything the groups present (ex. any terms) you think you will not be able to remember/you don’t think you are understanding.


12 Place the markers back please.

13 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Write about one piece of information you learned today while listening to the presentations. Provide as much detail as possible. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

14 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing

15 Presentations -Senses Projects HW/ Coming up: Read pages 118-131 by Friday! Quiz is on Friday! Study Guide/Flashcards for your next unit due Wednesday, November 18 th ! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Sensation and Perception Test- Wednesday, November 18 th ! Goal(s): Be able to explain all the different terms/concepts assigned for this unit. Candy Friday! Will your class qualify?

16 Everyone- be respectful and listen quietly; take notes as you feel like you should; Highlight (with the highlighter you picked up from the side counter as part of the bell work) anything the groups present (ex. any terms) you think you will not be able to remember/you don’t think you are understanding.




20 Everyone- be respectful and listen quietly; take notes as you feel like you should; Highlight (with the highlighter you picked up from the side counter as part of the bell work) anything the groups present (ex. any terms) you think you will not be able to remember/you don’t think you are understanding.


22 Place the markers back please.

23 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing

24 Sensation/ Perception Notes Activities HW/ Coming up: Read pages 118-131 by Friday! Quiz is on Friday! Study Guide/Flashcards for your next unit due Wednesday, November 18th! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Sensation and Perception Test- Wednesday, November 18th! Goal(s): Be able to explain the body senses, synesthesia, as well as any factors that affect perception.

25 1. Kinesthesis: Our sense of the position and movement of individual body parts 1. Ex: One’s leg “falling asleep” is a disruption of the kinesthetic sense.

26 1. Vestibular Sense: The system for sensing body orientation and balance Regulated by the semicircular canals

27 A disorder where the brain mixes up all the senses. 2-one-step-beyond-synesthesia-video.htm

28 Be sure to play along!

29 Transduction- (signal transduction)- any process by which a biological cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another

30 Sensory Adaptation - diminished sensitivity as a consequence of constant stimulation.

31 Sensory Habituation- a decrease in response to a stimulus after repeated presentations. For example, a novel sound in your environment, such as a new ring tone, may initially draw your attention or even become distracting. After you become accustomed to this sound, you pay less attention to the noise and your response to the sound will diminish.




35 Overstimulation of the senses. Can use selective attention to reduce sensory overload. Selective attention The focusing of attention on selected aspects of the environment and the blocking out of others.

36 The Cocktail Party Effect Ability to listen to 1 voice among many Our auditory system separates the input into distinct auditory channels.

37 Inattentional (change) blindness Blindness caused by not attending to a stimulus.

38 Choice blindness Ways in which people are blind to their own choices and preferences

39 Visual capture The dominance of vision over other sense modalities in creating a percept. In this process, the visual senses influence the other parts of the somatosensory system, to result in a perceived environment that is not congruent with the actual stimuli


41 Sensory deprivation the deliberate reduction or removal of stimuli from one or more of the senses Ex. sensory deprivation tank Critical period- a period during someone's development in which a particular skill or characteristic is believed to be most readily acquired In humans, some babies are born blind in one or both eyes, for example, due to cataracts. Even when their vision is restored later by treatment, their sight would not function in the normal way as for someone who had binocular vision from birth or had surgery to restore vision shortly after birth. Therefore, it is important to treat babies born blind soon if their condition is treatable.

42 Perceptual adaptation In vision, the ability to adjust to an artificially displaced or even inverted visual field.

43 Perceptual set Past experiences, motives, contexts, or suggestions that prepare us to perceive in a certain way

44 Table of Contents Exit

45 Context effects We often discern the meaning of something by using the context in which it is placed. Importance of EXPECTATIONS

46 Below one’s absolute threshold for conscious awareness. Yes & No Slide studies showed some emotional reactivity (called priming a response). The effects are subtle and fleeting. Are subliminal ads effective?

47 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! What are some differences between sensory adaptation and sensory habituation? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

48 Sit at one of the stations, by any of the desks you want to. Work quietly on the bell work. Pass up: Nothing

49 Sensation and Perception Graphic Organizer Sensation and Perception Stations HW/ Coming up: Sensatio and Perception Stations Packets due tomorrow! Review Session- Monday of next week (so two days before the test)! Sensation and Perception Graphic Organizer (double sided; for extra credit)/ Study Guide/Flashcards for this unit due Wednesday, November 18 th ! Sensation and Perception Test- Wednesday, November 18 th ! Goal(s): Be able to explore further the following: vision, hearing, Gestalt principles, and illusions.

50 This is a 4 minute Blue Man Group presentation summarizing the process of vision.

51 … Work on the handout that is in the packet you received today for that station’s activity. You will have 10 minutes to work on each station’s activity. What you don’t finish you will have to work on at home and bring back to class tomorrow!

52 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! How will you make sure you understand the process of vision and hearing? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

53 Place raffle tickets into the box! Put your phones and books away. Pick up a scantron off the counter. We will begin on the quiz shortly. Pass up: Bell Works Sensation and Perception Packets

54 Once done, place the scantron and quiz on the side counter, in two separate piles. ONLY go on your phone once you have turned in the quiz and the scantron.

55 Sensation and Perception Quiz Go over the Sensation and Perception Stations Packets Finding Psychology in the World around You HW/ Coming up: Review Session- Monday (so two days before the test)! Finding Psychology in the World around You due Wednesday! Sensation and Perception Graphic Organizer (double sided; for extra credit)/ Study Guide/Flashcards for this unit due Wednesday, November 18th! Sensation and Perception Test- Wednesday, November 18th! Goal(s): Be able to use your resources well to answer quiz questions. Be able to explain different perception terms. Candy Friday! Does your class qualify?

56 Let’s go over the Sensation and Perception Stations packet!

57 Pass these up!

58 Let’s draw!

59 Finding Psychology in the World around You Work on this individually using your book (pages outlined for you) and/or your phone. We will finish working on it on Monday, but you will have to draw examples in the example box that day as well, so if you don’t want homework from Monday to Wednesday, at least do the rest of the definitions you don’t have time for in class today at home over the weekend.

60 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! How are you planning on studying for this test to do well on it? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

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