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2016 European Culture Forum Brussels 20 April 2016 Aida Liha Matejicek, PhD Head of Unit DG DEVCO B4, Education, Health, Culture International Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 European Culture Forum Brussels 20 April 2016 Aida Liha Matejicek, PhD Head of Unit DG DEVCO B4, Education, Health, Culture International Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 European Culture Forum Brussels 20 April 2016 Aida Liha Matejicek, PhD Head of Unit DG DEVCO B4, Education, Health, Culture International Cooperation and Development DEVCO XIII Flash Session Culture and Development

2 Structure of the presentation -- Culture and Development: Intro to the EU policy framework and commitments -- ACPCultures + -- What role for culture in development? -- Examples: UNESCO Expert Facility; Sri Lanka; Niger, Ivory Coast -- Culture and development: Future perspectives -- Useful links

3 International Cooperation and Development DEVCO Culture and development: EU policy framework and commitments International commitments (Agenda 2030; 2005 UNESCO Convention) EU level agreements (Cotonou Agreement; European Consensus for Development (2006), Council Conclusions on culture in the EU's external relations with a focus on culture in development cooperation, 11/2015) European Commission documents (Communication EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations)

4 International Cooperation and Development DEVCO The role of culture in development Culture as the tool to achieve inclusive, equitable and sustainable society Culture as vector for economic growth and jobs Culture as a tool for building of social cohesion Culture particularly effective (sometimes the only available tool) in development efforts in a broad spectrum of difficult contexts

5 Implemented by the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States Funded by the European Union

6 ACPCultures +: Spécific objectives Culture is an integral component of the ACP-EU Development cooperation Strategy defined in the Cotonou Agreement (particularly Article 27).Cotonou Agreement Following this agreement, 3 meetings of ACP Ministers of Culture have defined the main political and strategic priorities for the sector: - The Dakar Declaration and its Action Plan (2003) - The Santo Domingo Resolution (2006) - The Brussels Resolution (2012)Brussels Resolution ACPCultures + is the 3 rd intra-ACP support program for the sector.

7 -Highlight ACP diversity of cultural expressions; -Support and strengthen access to local, regional, intra-ACP and international markets for cultural services and goods in ACP States; -Reinforce ACP cultural operators’ skills; -Promote intra-ACP and ACP-EU partnerships; -Contribute to improve the regulatory environment in ACP cultural sectors ACPCultures +: Specific objectives

8 Activities carried out in over 60 ACP countries and involving more than 200 cultural operators working in partnership ACPCultures +: Key figures

9 ACPCultures +: Component of cultural policy Besides financing and following-up projects, the Programme aims to improve the regulatory framework and cultural policies of the ACP Group of States. Studies, tools, recommendations for cultural decision makers in ACP countries:

10 Documentation Center on the Website - The Library gives access to a search engine which allows to consult more than 400 reference documents on cultural industries policies in ACP countries and in the world. ACPCultures +: Component of cultural policy

11 International Cooperation and Development DEVCO What role for culture in development? Example: UNESCO/EU Expert Facility Project: UNESCO/EU Expert Facility (EUR 1,5 M - DCI) Results: Set up of global TA facility to support cultural governance; missions to 13 countries (on demand). Training & capacity building methodologies. Development of national policies, strategies and recommendations in 4 countries e.g. National Strategy for the Creative Industries in Vietnam Photo from High-Level Seminar: The inclusion of Culture in Development Programmes, Brussels, 5 June 2015High-Level Seminar: The inclusion of Culture in Development Programmes

12 International Cooperation and Development DEVCO What role for culture in development? Example: Sri Lanka Project Results: North-South exchange programmes for cultural actors and universities (785 participants). Small grants for cultural productions and local initiatives (1400 participants). Facilitated cultural festivals to establish networks for social integration and reconciliation (6025 participants). Mobile theatre campaign promoting bi-lingualism and multiculturalism (11000 participants). Photo: Bilingual multi-ethnic theatre group: performance from a mobile theatre festival in Badulla, Sri Lanka, 2015

13 International Cooperation and Development DEVCO What role for Culture in Development? Example: Niger The project enables: Identification and preservation of earthen architecture in West Africa; Awareness raising; public-private partnership in culture. Project Results: Trained 116 people trained (technical and entrepreneurial capacities) Created 50 jobs Constructed 1 pavilion for earthen architecture Established Network for promotion of eco-materials in Niamey Series of conferences :The morning of earthen architecture' Photo: Restaurant «Le Pilier», Niamey, Niger, 2015

14 What role for Culture in Development? Example: 'Run', Ivory Coast - 'Run', directed by Philippe Lacôte, 2014 - Participated actively in the national reconciliation debate.

15 International Cooperation and Development DEVCO Culture and development: future perspectives Global Public Goods and Challenges (GPGC): Intercultural dialogue & local authorities – 2016 (EUR 30 million for the period 2014-2020). Intra ACP (11 th EDF): Cultural and creative industries (EUR 40 million for the period 2014-2020).

16 GPGC Culture Culture as enabler of intercultural dialogue Areas of cooperation: Promotion of inter-cultural dialogue, cultural diversity and respect for the equal dignity of all cultures, and Supporting culture as a promising economic sector for development and growth.

17 Intercultural dialogue and local authorities – Specific objectives - to contribute to the emergence of a social, political and economic environment where all members of the community can fully participate in and benefit from the development process; - to contribute to more socio-economic equality, social cohesion, increased opportunities for all and better representation in the democratic and decision making process; - to promote the inclusion of the intercultural dialogue dimension in local authorities’ development strategies; - to protect cultural heritage -

18 International Cooperation and Development DEVCO Useful Links Capacity4dev Intra ACP Europeaid (grants and procurement) EDD 2016

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