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Water Resources Department June 2, 2016. The city’s water is safe for children, adults and pets. We are in full compliance with all regulations dictated.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Resources Department June 2, 2016. The city’s water is safe for children, adults and pets. We are in full compliance with all regulations dictated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Resources Department June 2, 2016

2 The city’s water is safe for children, adults and pets. We are in full compliance with all regulations dictated by the EPA, FDEP.

3 Lead is a naturally occurring element – Pb. Lead is generally not found in significant quantities in source water. Lead leaches into water through corrosion of: pipes solder washers fixtures

4 More than 180 sampling sites city-wide. Approximately 3,500 samples taken per year. 2,800 permit required tests 700 quality assurance tests Approximately 15,000 analyses are performed annually. 6,500 permit required tests 7,500 quality assurance tests Monitor more than 30 chemical and biological parameters.

5 Control Alkalinity - Hardness Addition of lime Maintain at 120 to 140 mg/l Control Acid/Base - pH Addition of caustic soda Ideal pH of 8.2 to 8.3 Automatic control and monitoring

6 Initiated monthly lead analysis at 20 sites throughout distribution system Results for April 19 sites undetectable - below 1.4 parts per billion (ppb) One site: 2.31 ppb April Sample at Washington Terrace Pump Station – undetectable

7 Homes that were constructed between January 1982 and December 1988. Plumbed with copper pipe with lead solder. No treatment devices – filters, softeners, etc. Same homes are used each sample year to monitor changes to baseline. Must have permission of the home owner.

8 Samples are taken every three years, by Water Resources staff. Sampling done in the summer when the water is the warmest. Samples taken from the cold water faucet in kitchen or bathroom. Water must sit in plumbing for at least six hours, cannot flush the line. Five or more samples of the 50 samples tested (90% percentile) cannot exceed the Action Level of 15 parts per billion (ppb).






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