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The Hawthorne Effect (In McDonalds)

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1 The Hawthorne Effect (In McDonalds)
By: Kegan Saajasto

2 Goals Hawthorne Effect
Do people act differently when they know they are being studied? Do they do things that they otherwise would not?

3 Review the literature Western Electric Company (1920’s-1930’s)
Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger “investigations into the importance for work behavior and attitudes of a variety of physical, economic, and social variables.” Franke and Kaul “Relay Assembly Room” atmosphere and working conditions

4 Review the Literature (continued)
Alex Carey Awards / money “Overall, however, there is a high – perhaps surprisingly high – degree of correspondence between the present statistical analysis of worker interdependence and the verbal accounts given by the early Hawthorne researchers.” (Worker Interdependence and Output: The Hawthorne Studies Reevaluated. (pg 187)).

5 Formulate a Hypothesis
1/5 people will leave their trash at the table when NOT aware of the research (20%) 1/8 people will leave their trash at the table when aware of the research (12.5%)

6 Choose a research Method
Field Research Observation McDonalds

7 Research Plan McDonalds Call to get permission 4:00
10 minute span without signs (changed) 10 minute span with signs (changed)

8 Results without signs Results in America
# of People who got up to leave # of People who threw all of their trash away # of People who didn’t throw their trash away % of people who didn’t throw their trash away 9 7 2 22% Results in South Korea # of People who got up to leave # of People who threw all of their trash away # of People who didn’t throw their trash away % of people who didn’t throw their trash away 17 16 1 5.9%

9 Results with signs Results in America # of People who got up to leave
# of People who threw all of their trash away # of People who didn’t throw their trash away % of people who didn’t throw their trash away 12 11 1 8.3% Results in South Korea # of People who got up to leave # of People who threw all of their trash away # of People who didn’t throw their trash away % of people who didn’t throw their trash away 21 0%

10 Analysis of Results Hawthorne Effect: Supported? Refuted? 1/5 (20%)
2/9, 1/17 (22%), (5.89%) With Signs 1/8 (12.5%) 1/12, 0/21 (8.3%), (0.0%)

11 Possible Flaws Signs were only in English Signs visibility
Coincidence/Chance Not enough time What people eat may change results Size Difference

12 Pictures of American Experiment










22 Pictures of South Korean Experiment





27 Citations Alex Carey. "The Hawthorne Studies: A Radical Criticism." American Sociological Review, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Jun., 1967), Pp American Sociological Association. Web. 21 Mar < "The Interview Process The Human Relations Movement , Historical Collections." Baker Library | Bloomberg Center. Harvard Business School. Web. 22 Mar <

28 Jones, Stephen R. G. "Was There a Hawthorne Effect
Jones, Stephen R.G. "Was There a Hawthorne Effect?" The American Journal Of Sociology 98 (Nov. 1992): JStor. Web. 21 Mar Milton Bloombaum. "The Hawthorne Experiments: A Critique and Reanalysis of the First Statistical Interpretation by Franke and Kaul." Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Jan., 1983), Pp University of California Press. Web. 21 Mar <

29 Stephen R. G. Jones. "Worker Interdependence and Output: The Hawthorne Studies Reevaluated." American Sociological Review, Vol. 55, No. 2 (Apr., 1990), Pp American Sociological Association. Web. 22 Mar <

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