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ServiceNow Special Interest Group Phased WorkTemplate Information & Educational Technology 1 DRAFT 04.11.2016.

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Presentation on theme: "ServiceNow Special Interest Group Phased WorkTemplate Information & Educational Technology 1 DRAFT 04.11.2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 ServiceNow Special Interest Group Phased WorkTemplate Information & Educational Technology 1 DRAFT 04.11.2016

2 DRAFT 2 Allocated resources Develop work packages Service validation and testing Incremental reviews PLAN Vision for the system Desired features Resources needs/requirements INITIATION MANAGEMENT PLAN Clear purpose and scope Significant Risks HI Level Requirements HL Roadmap Team organization Risks Approach to work System architecture Build approach Detailed requirements / Sprint backlog ANALYSIS & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION BUILD RUN TRANSITION Release plan Product documentation User training plan Support training plan Communication plans Support documentation OPERATION SIG Phased Deliverables Note: Phase deliverables may vary depending on risk, complexity, size. Maintenance Plans Support Plans Improvements

3 DRAFT 3 Instructions Each sections should be filled in as the SIG team transitions through each phase. Do not complete all sections at once. Only complete the sections that pertain to the phase in which you are currently working (Plan, Build or Run). You will update the remaining sections as you enter each phase. For each section, enter bullet points to use as talking points when your team meets with the Oversight Group Committee. Attach any detailed documents that you would like the Oversight Group to review. Note: Delete the blue text instructions.

4 DRAFT 4 PLAN Phase INITIATION Stage Vision for the system [What will the solution look like when its done? What benefits will it provide? ] Desired features [ What are the key success factors, features or functionality that must be achieved to consider this a successful solution? ] Assumptions [ Enter conditions, technology, process, or other assumptions which may not have been verified and will need investigation. ] Resources needs/requirements [ What are the anticipated skills to support the technology or service? What kind of operational support will be needed? documentation? training? ] Anticipated Risks [ What risks you foresee which could seriously impact or stop the work? ] Primary Performer: Project Facilitator

5 DRAFT 5 PLAN Phase PLANNING Stage Scope [ Describe the boundaries of the work? Is it for local, departmental, organizational or campus use? Etc.] Development Objectives [ Enter 2 to 5 key objectives.] High Level Timeline of activities [ Provide a high level timeline or milestone plan. If you prefer, you can attach a document or project] Approach to work [ Describe how the method that will be used to perform the work. This is the approach to keep the work moving. Example: Scrum, or other project methodology]. Risks [ Enter any high impact risks that were identified in this Planning stage. Have any previously identified risks been mitigated? ] Primary Performer: Project Manager

6 DRAFT 6 PLAN Phase PLANNING Stage Notes and follow up actions from the Oversight Group Meeting [ Enter any follow-up actions from the meeting. Include notes to for historical purposes.] Primary Performer: Project Facilitator

7 DRAFT 7 BUILD Phase ANALYSIS & DESIGN Stage Solution Architecture Architectural goals and philosophy [Describe the philosophy of the architecture. Identify issues that drive design decisions such as out of box functionality choices versus customization and maintenance. Are there unique parts to the architecture such as data feeds? API integrations with other systems? Architecturally significant requirements [High level summary of architectural requirements that must be met to realize the architecture.] Assumptions and dependencies [List the assumptions and dependencies that drive architectural decisions. This could include sensitive or critical areas, dependencies on other systems, additional infrastructure, the skill and experience of the team, the availability of important resources, etc.] Primary Performer: Developer Additional Performers: Business Analyst

8 DRAFT 8 BUILD Phase CONSTRUCTION Stage Build Team [ Identify the team members and roles they will play in the SIG. A SIG representative must be identified.] Build Milestones [ Provide a high level milestone plan. If you prefer, you can attach a document, link to a project plan or scurm board] Stakeholder Review Plan [ Describe how you plan to review progress with stakeholders (not the Oversight Group). Example – sprint reviews bi-weekly] Primary Performer: Developer

9 DRAFT 9 Notes and follow up actions from the Oversight Group Meeting [ Enter any follow-up actions from the Oversight Group meeting. Include notes to for historical purposes.] BUILD Phase CONSTRUCTION Stage Primary Performer: Developer Additional Performers: Tester

10 DRAFT 10 RUN Phase TRANSITION Stage Release Plan [ How will the system be released into Production?] Product Documentation [ What product documents have been created?. Where are they accessed? Attach documents or links as appropriate.] Support Training [ How will support training will be provided to operational support personnel? ] User Training [ How are users of the system going to be trained? What materials will be made available to them? ] Communication Plan [ Briefly identify who is in the communication plan. You can attach a document or link to the information.] Target Deployment (Change Record) [ If a change record has been created, enter it here.] Change Number: Primary Performer: Project Facilitator Additional Performers: Business Analyst Support Analyst

11 DRAFT 11 RUN Phase OPERATION Stage Ongoing maintenance plan [ What is the plan for ongoing feature requests, changes, and improvements to the system?] Support plan(s) [ How will incidents, requests and customer support questions be handled? ] Feature and Improvement plan [ How will features and improvements be developed? Will the SIG team build them or IET Client Services? Will vendor resources be used? ] Primary Performer: Production Support Additional Performers: Process Manager

12 DRAFT 12 RUN Phase OPERATION Stage Notes and follow up actions from the Oversight Group Meeting [ Enter any follow-up actions from the meeting. Include notes to for historical purposes.] Primary Performer: Production Support Additional Performers: Process Manager

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