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Quantitative approaches to the remote sensing of ancient settlements in the Near East using ASTER and SRTM data Bjoern Menze Interdisciplinary Center for.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantitative approaches to the remote sensing of ancient settlements in the Near East using ASTER and SRTM data Bjoern Menze Interdisciplinary Center for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantitative approaches to the remote sensing of ancient settlements in the Near East using ASTER and SRTM data Bjoern Menze Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing University of Heidelberg, Germany

2 Settlement mounds of the Near East “tells”: Arbil / Iraq top Konya Plain / Turkey right Arbil

3 Mapping tells accurate, supra- regional data sets guidance in local survey objective search criteria by RS “Archaeological distribution- maps are maps of the distribution of archaeologists.” Western Khabur plain ASPRO

4 “Spotting tells from space” Digital elevation model (SRTM) A. Sherratt “Spotting tells from space” Antiquity, No. 301 (2004) Multispectral imagery K. N. Wilkinson et al. “Satellite Imagery as a Resource in the Prospection for Archaeological Sites in Central Syria” Geoarchaeology, No. 7, 735–750 (2006) Tell Brak [Sherratt 04] [Wilkinson 06]

5 Digital elevation model Training data set from CORONA & ground survey DEM patches of tell sites and “background” sites [Ur J, Wilkinson T]

6 Digital elevation model Binary classifier: Learn set of linear “Eigen”-filter Nonlinear classifier on Eigenspaces Menze B, Ur J, Sherratt A PE & RS 2006

7 Digital elevation model ASPRO data set

8 Digital elevation model Mounds in the DEM

9 Spectral imagery Training data set from CORONA & ground survey Spectra of tell sites and “background” sites [Ur J 2003, Wilkinson T 2000] Tell Beydar

10 Spectral imagery Training data set from CORONA & ground survey Spectra of tell sites and “background” sites [Ur J 2003, Wilkinson T 2000] Tell Beydar

11 Spectral imagery Training data set from CORONA & ground survey Spectra of tell sites and “background” sites [Ur J 2003, Wilkinson T 2000] Tell Beydar

12 Spectral imagery Training data set from CORONA & ground survey Spectra of tell sites and “background” sites [Ur J 2003, Wilkinson T 2000] Tell Beydar

13 Spectral imagery Training data set from CORONA & ground survey Spectra of tell sites and “background” sites, over time [Ur J 2003, Wilkinson T 2000] Tell Beydar

14 Spectral imagery Binary classifier: (independent of season) classify each ASTER image individually fuse result maps & pool decisions Menze B, Ur J Proc ISPMSRS 2007

15 Spectral imagery Tell Hamoukar

16 Spectral imagery Tell Hamoukar – ground survey [Ur J, Akkadica 2002]

17 Summary Mapping ancient settlement mounds: elevation profile “supra-regional” survey spectral signature “local” survey SRTM ASTER Tell Brak

18 Summary Mapping ancient settlement mounds: elevation profile “supra-regional” survey spectral signature “local” survey SRTM ASTER Tell Brak Thank you.

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