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BOMES THEATER INFORMATIONAL MEETING Department of Planning & Development City of Providence October 24, 2013.

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1 BOMES THEATER INFORMATIONAL MEETING Department of Planning & Development City of Providence October 24, 2013



4 History: The Bomes Theater is a two-story, Beaux Arts, flat-roof, brick theater with stone trim, constructed in 1921. It is located on an approximately 9,583 sq. ft. lot with approximately 13,284 sq. ft. of building area. The theater is divided into two blocks: The first block is two-stories and approximately 1,600 sq. ft. with retail space on the first floor and offices on the second. The second block is the theater itself, which is approximately 6,700 sq. ft., containing the stage and proscenium in a deteriorated state. At one point the existing sloped theater floor was filled with sand and capped with a concrete floor, creating a level surface.

5 Broad Street / Experiencing World Cultures


7 Experiencing World Cultures


9 Broad Street / Experiencing World Cultures

10 Experiencing World Cultures

11 Zoning: The property is zoned C-1, Limited Commercial District. This zone is intended for neighborhood commercial/residential areas that primarily serve local neighborhood needs for convenience retail, services and professional office establishments. (Sec. 101.2). The property is also located within the Commercial Corridor Overlay Districts (CCOD). This overlay zone is superimposed on existing zoning districts on commercial corridor throughout Providence. The overlay zone requires additional dimensional requirements and performance standards as provided in Section 507. In some instances, the CCOD covers blocks that border the commercial area, in order to comprehensively protect the integrity of the block, and reduce the impacts of development on adjacent residential neighborhoods. [Ord. 2001-14] (Sec. 507). Additionally, the property is within the City’s Industrial and Commercial Buildings District historic overlay (ICBD). Demolition and major changes to the building need to be reviewed by the Providence Historic District Commission (Sec. 501.14).

12 Current Conditions: The Bomes Theater has sat unused since 2004. There are various architectural and environmental concerns at the property that need to be remediated. The Providence Redevelopment Agency has enlisted the services of Union Studios and Yoder + Tidwell, for architectural and engineering analysis. They have each submitted preliminary reports. The key findings of the reports were: The building has extensive damage on all visible interior surfaces, as well as evidence of structural compromise above the decorative ceiling; The buildings interiors have decayed to the point of being financially (if not technically) unfeasible to restore; Rain is draining into the southwest corner of the building; Besides localized issues, the exterior masonry appears to be in relatively good shape; The front elevation, containing extensive glazed terra cotta detail and ornament, and the original marquee, which may be present underneath the existing plywood and vinyl enclosure, is in relatively good shape; The building in its current state represents a threat to public health and safety with various environmental concerns (extensive mold, friable asbestos, deteriorating lead paint) as well as decomposing trash, ceiling tiles and mattresses; Until recently secured by the City, it had been open to and occupied by squatters. Physical evidence on-site shows evidence of rampant drug use within the structure; Vermin, including rats, were witnessed; The building currently has no electricity. The main electrical board has been destroyed; and, The building potentially has serious structural issues with the roof. There would need to be further investigation to determine the full extent of these issues. In summary, there are serious concerns with the structural integrity over the roof. There are also concerns with the architectural integrity of the interiors, although the front (Broad Street) facade is remarkably intact and appears to be structurally sound.

13 Additional considerations: The Providence Redevelopment Agency owns an adjoining property, 17 Warrington Street, AP 53, lot 619, approximately 4,998 sq. ft. with approximately 12 parking spaces. The additional lot could create parking for the reuse of the building. There are two blighted lots, 10 Warrington Street, AP 53, Lot 518, and 26 Warrington Street, AP 53, Lot 402. These properties could be acquired and used for parking, allowing the additional lot to be incorporated into the reuse/rehabilitation of the theater. Potential Outcomes: Demolition with sale of parcel for future development; Keeping the Broad Street façade and incorporating into a new development; Partial demolition. Removal of rear theater block, with retention of the front 1,600 sq ft block and restoration of the façade and two-story office/retail spaces, with the theater block to be redeveloped with new attached construction; new construction could potentially also take place on the Warrington Street parcel; and, Restoration of Building;

14 Questions and Comments Jason Martin, Preservation Planner Department of Planning & Development 444 Westminster Street, Suite 3A Providence, RI 02903 401.680.8517 Don Gralnek, Executive Director Providence Redevelopment Agency 444 Westminster Street, Suite 3A Providence, RI 02903 401.680.8426

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