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Catholic Religious Attire A basic survey of what men and women religious wear in different orders.

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Presentation on theme: "Catholic Religious Attire A basic survey of what men and women religious wear in different orders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catholic Religious Attire A basic survey of what men and women religious wear in different orders.

2 Diocesan priests do not belong to a religious group/order. This is what they often wear: Clericals

3 Cassocks

4 Men and women of religious orders. Things to remember: Novices are sisters/brothers who have not made a permanent vow to live a religious life. They have made or about to make a temporary vow. Postulants are men/women who are “trying out” the life of religious. Nuns are women religious who live a more contemplative prayer life. Sisters are women religious who live a more active ministry life.

5 More… Monks are men religious (either brother or priest) who live more contemplative lives in a monastery or abbey. Cannons are priests that live in a monastery or abbey with a particular emphasis. Friars are men religious that emphasize the brotherhood among them. Friar means brother. Abbott/Abbess- a man/woman who is in charge of an religious group living in an abbey.

6 Dominican men

7 Dominican women

8 Franciscan men

9 Franciscan women

10 Carmelite women

11 Carmelite male

12 Benedictine man

13 Benedictine woman

14 Norbertine man

15 Norbertine women

16 Cistercian men

17 Cistercian women (except the guy)

18 Trappist men and women

19 Brigittine women

20 Augustinian men

21 Augustinian women

22 The end… for now.

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