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School of Environment and Development Faculty of Humanities Challenges at School level surrounding Ethical Approval for research Rosie Williams Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "School of Environment and Development Faculty of Humanities Challenges at School level surrounding Ethical Approval for research Rosie Williams Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 School of Environment and Development Faculty of Humanities Challenges at School level surrounding Ethical Approval for research Rosie Williams Teaching and Learning Administrator

2 Background The School of Environment and Development (SED) combines the discipline areas of Geography, Planning & Landscape, Architecture, and the Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM) c.80 academic staff c.1000 undergraduate students c.650 postgraduate taught students c.170 postgraduate research students

3 Background (cont) Much of the research undertaken by both staff and students of all levels is applied, and involves primary data gathering from human subjects. A large proportion of the work undertaken is overseas in developing countries, with vulnerable groups.

4 School Ethical Advisory Group Chaired by Director of Research Has representation from each of the 4 disciplines, the Research Development Administrator and Teaching and Learning Administrator Vets all Ethical Applications for the School from students and staff Currently meets monthly

5 Staff Ethical Approval Staff are given guidance via School intranet into how to complete the form. Recent workshop held to give best practice in Ethical Approval Staff are informed by School Research Team during research bid process about Ethical Approval Around 12-15 submissions a year from Academic Staff

6 Taught Students Ethical Approval School recently had approval from UEC for two sets of guidelines  Ethics Approval for Student Research Projects with Adults able to give Informed Consent  Ethics Approval for Student Research Projects with Young Adults and Children These guidelines alongside completed and signed tick sheets act as the ethical approval. Without these guidelines around 400+ UGT and PGT approval forms would need to be viewed by the School and the UEC between September- March each year

7 PGR Students Ethical Approval 3 year PGR students in SED generally follow a standard timetable registering in September, and submitting a first year continuation review in May Fieldwork/primary research generally begins around the start of their second year in September Leaves a small window for a fully formed research plan to be submitted to UEC for Ethical Approval between March-June of each year (to be assured of approval for a September fieldwork start date)

8 PGR students Ethical Approval (cont) 2009-2010 academic year 68 new entrants, all required to complete form for School vetting by School Ethical Advisory Group (SEAG) Around 6 were not undertaking primary research with humans Remaining 62 have been sent to UEC or are in process of being sent or are being revised and resubmitted to SEAG for future UEC approval.

9 Issues Around PGR Ethics Volume Timing Support needed for them to complete form Requirement to attend UEC with supervisor Lack of ability to forward plan a timetable for UEC submission and approval Possible consideration to grant Schools ability to approve “basic” primary research which meet clear criteria

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