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By Kelsey Regan  People in coastal areas  Sea levels could rise one meter by 2100  Could cause migration  Developing nations  Shift in precipitation.

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2 By Kelsey Regan

3  People in coastal areas  Sea levels could rise one meter by 2100  Could cause migration  Developing nations  Shift in precipitation patterns could increase malnourished children by 21% by 2050, 10 million of those in sub Saharan Africa.


5  ½ world’s population could face severe food shortages by the end of the century  20-40% reduction in yields caused by increased temperatures  Could cause conflicts over distribution of fresh water, food, arable land, and forests.  1/3 world’s population lives in water scarce areas  Land grabbing by wealthy by food insecure nations could jeopardize food security in developing nations

6  Globalization from developed countries has caused issues with food security in the developing world  Resulted in global warming, less biodiversity, international food crisis, high energy prices  Misguided policy choices by one country can affect people all over the world.  Rich countries could do more to counteract global warming without spending too much  US government spends 65 times more on the military than on climate change  Nuclear weapons budget is 3 times more than renewable energy budget

7 ain_emitters.gif

8  Better seed and sustainability practices to help resist climate change, increase yields and reduce emissions  Expand irrigation and infrastructure  Drought resistant crops  More aid from rich nations

9  Aid from rich nations to help developing nations  European Union agreed to pay $10.5 billion over the next three years to help poor countries combat global warming  Developing world needs $100 billion/year  Industrialized countries pledged to work towards an emissions limit less than 2 o C above temperatures in the 1800’s  Copenhagen conference on climate change  Rich countries required to meet reduction goals  Developing countries required to audit and report activities they do to reduce emissions  $30 bil will go to developing countries to deal with global warming and sustainable development  Developed countries will spend $100 billion a year on climate change

10  Renner, Michael. “Climate Warming Demands Fresh Thinking About Security Policy.” World Watch. Jan/Feb 2010. Vol 23. p 18-23. b649- 00657f90644c%40sessionmgr12&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=afh&AN=47219931.  Severino, Jena-Michel and Oliver Ray. “Taking the Measure of Global Aid.” Current History. January 2010. Vol 109. Issue 723. P 35-39. b649-00657f90644c%40sessionmgr12.  Tollefson, Jeff. “World Looks Ahead Post-Copenhagen.” Nature. 24 December 2009. Vol 462. Issue 7276. P 966-967. 7219-4529-b649- 00657f90644c%40sessionmgr12&bquery=(Taking+AND+the+AND+Measure+AND+of+AND+Global+AND+ Aid)&bdata=JmRiPWFmaCZ0eXBlPTAmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl.  Tollefson, Jeff. “Growing agricultural Benefits for Climate Change.” Nature. 22 December 2009. Vol 462. p 966-967. 7219-4529-b649- 00657f90644c%40sessionmgr12&bquery=(Taking+AND+the+AND+Measure+AND+of+AND+Global+AND+ Aid)&bdata=JmRiPWFmaCZ0eXBlPTAmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl.  Kanter, James. “Europe Pledges Billions in Climate Change Funding.” New York Times. 12 December 2009. Billions%20in%20Climate%20Change%20Funding&st=cse.

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