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The Grammar Police proudly present….. SENTENCE SENTENCE FRAGMENTS ( 不完整的句子 )

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Presentation on theme: "The Grammar Police proudly present….. SENTENCE SENTENCE FRAGMENTS ( 不完整的句子 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Grammar Police proudly present….


3 We often speak in phrases rather than complete sentences….

4 However, formal English writing requires complete sentences. 英文口語可以接受不完整的句子,但是在英文寫作,尤其是正式或學術性的寫作 時,會被視為不恰當或錯誤的。

5 Fragments are pieces!

6 Sentence fragments are pieces of sentences. FRAGMENT (in red) : The walls of the shop have become dingy and should be repainted. If possible, in a refreshing shade such as blue or pink.

7 Corrected Fragment: The walls of the shop have become dingy and should be repainted, if possible, in a refreshing shade such as blue or pink.

8 Sentence Fragment: In the future, I would like to travel in various foreign countries. For example, Spain, Egypt, and New Zealand.

9 Corrected Fragment: In the future, I would like to travel in various foreign countries. Several of the countries that I would like to visit are Spain, Egypt, and New Zealand.

10 Every English sentence needs a subject and a verb.

11 If you put one of these words before a clause with a subject and a verb, the clause is no longer complete: after even though though although every time unless as if until as soon as in case when because now that whenever before once whereas by the time only if whether even if the first time while 從屬連接詞

12 It becomes a fragment that cannot stand alone.

13 Examples: After you called. Although it wasn’t easy. Because there was no other choice. Before it’s too late. Every time I think of him. In case it rains. Unless we come up with another plan. 從屬子句無法單獨存在,它必須依靠主要子句,所以才有「從屬」這個 名稱。

14 These fragments must be attached to other clauses that can stand alone.

15 Repaired fragments: After you called, I went back to sleep. Although it wasn’t easy, we finished by the deadline. Because there was no other choice, I hired him. Act now before it’s too late. I smile every time I think of him. We need to bring an umbrella in case it rains. We are going to lose three million dollars unless we come up with another plan.

16 Don’t let fragments “ruin” you!

17 REMEMBER: There are two ways to correct a sentence fragment.

18 1. Add the missing part.

19 2. Join the fragment to another sentence.

20 Sentence Fragment: As we walk through ancient ruins, we can gain insight into the culture of the people who lived in them. For example, to understand their social structures, their daily habits, and their special ceremonies.

21 Why is it a fragment? For example, to understand their social structures, their daily habits, and their special ceremonies. NO SUBJECT NO VERB. This is an infinitive phrase, not a sentence.

22 The Repair Job : Add the missing parts.

23 FRAGMENT: As we walk through ancient ruins, we can gain insight into the culture of the people who lived in them. For example, to understand their social structures, their daily habits, and their special ceremonies. CORRECTED: As we walk through ancient ruins, we can gain insight into the culture of the people who lived in them. For example, we can understand their social structures, their daily habits, and their special ceremonies.

24 Sentence Fragment: Friendships are a part of a happy and healthy life. Although it can be a challenge to keep-up long- distance relationships.

25 Why is it a fragment? Although it can be a challenge to keep up long- distance relationships. The clause begins with the word although. It is a dependent clause that cannot stand alone.

26 The Repair Job: Attach the fragment to another sentence.

27 FRAGMENT: Friendships are a part of a happy and healthy life. Although it can be a challenge to keep up long- distance relationships. CORRECTED: Friendships are a part of a happy and healthy life, although it can be a challenge to keep up long- distance relationships.


29 Sentence Fragment Exercise 1. You need to contact all the club members before the next meeting. If possible, before the weekend.

30 Sentence Fragment Exercise 2. Fairness is very important to me. Especially when it comes to sexual equality.

31 Sentence Fragment Exercise 3. My older sister, who is six years older than I am. Whenever we look at photographs of the two of us, we can’t tell who is who.

32 4. The only person I told was Mandy. Because I know I can trust her not to tell anyone else. Sentence Fragment Exercise

33 5. The teacher warned me that I need to study harder in this course. Unless I get at least an 80 on the final exam, I am not going to pass. Sentence Fragment Exercise

34 6. The man sitting behind us on the train was a famous Korean pop star. Although we didn’t recognize him at first.

35 Sentence Fragment Exercise 7. This summer I went to Australia with my relatives. Including my grandmother, my uncle, my aunt, and my sister.

36 Sentence Fragment Exercise 8. No matter it is a good habit or not. I cannot sleep without my teddy bear.

37 Sentence Fragment Exercise 9. Because I missed the train, I arrived at school twenty minutes after our class had started.

38 10. I would never eat a cockroach. Even if you paid me a million dollars. Sentence Fragment Exercise

39 11. Having a field of specialization is very helpful for translation students. Sentence Fragment Exercise

40 12. Our department requires students to study another foreign language in addition to English. The choices are French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Sentence Fragment Exercise

41 13. Having ability in a second foreign language gives students a competitive edge in the job market. Which is why I transferred to this school. Sentence Fragment Exercise

42 14. As we dream, our brains create stories. Sometimes to replay recent events and sometimes to express concerns that our waking minds are not ready to face. Sentence Fragment Exercise

43 15. Communication must be “two- way” in nature. That is because people have ears as well as mouths. Sentence Fragment Exercise

44 16. One-way communication is called “broadcasting.” Because it does not let the other person express his or her opinion. Sentence Fragment Exercise

45 17. Our teacher told us that students who entered the speech contest would get extra credit. Now that I know that, I wish had entered. Sentence Fragment Exercise

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