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So You Want To Be An Officer? Officer Development February 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "So You Want To Be An Officer? Officer Development February 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 So You Want To Be An Officer? Officer Development February 2012

2 Why are we here?

3 Ask Yourself Why am I here?

4 Why? Money Prestige - respect Power – being in charge Personal growth plan – build your resume? Mother-in-law would be impressed Can it do better than other officers I have had Be a Change Agent – make the department better Solve Problems Help others develop

5 Pinning on the Badge You represent me Your represent the organization You represent the fire service

6 Management

7 Management is doing the thing right and leadership is doing the right thing Leaders by Warren Bennis

8 Job Responsibilities Get the job done Response ready Train Know your first due buildings Pre-plan review and revision Station and vehicles Enforcing the rules/values Evaluate your crew Reports accurate and on time Planning

9 Leadership

10 Leadership is like an elephant

11 He who thinketh he leadeth, but have no one following him, is only taking a walk. James Autry

12 No man is a leader until his appointment is ratified in the hearts and minds of men

13 Vision

14 A path for change Status Quo = Vision

15 Vision Optimistic Enthusiastic Sincere

16 Vision Help others achieve If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams

17 Vision Moral compass “Leaders must have zero tolerance for ethically challenged employees” “It’s the tone at the top. Any trip up in ethics or integrity at the top is magnified in the trenches.” Sharon Watkins - Enron

18 Competence

19 Be a lifelong learner Study outside of fire service/EMS Education is important


21 Integrity

22 Mark Twain “Good and evil grow at compound interest.”

23 Integrity Character is revealed when the price of doing the right thing is more than you are willing to pay. Michael Josephson

24 Defining Moments Character is what you are when no one will know. Defining moments – those times when you must decide to do right or wrong; or between right and right

25 Critical Thinking

26 Critical Thinker Can you think past your own bias? Can you set aside the conventional wisdom to analyze the facts? Question common wisdom


28 Emotional Intelligence

29 The ability to manage ourselves, and our relationships effectively through awareness of and effective response to our emotions.

30 Four Categories of EI Self Awareness Know thyself Social Awareness Understand others Self Management Control yourself Relationship Management Influencing others

31 Understanding Yourself and Others Instruments –Insights –Myers-Briggs –Emergenetics –Campbell Leadership Index

32 Humility

33 Being vulnerable Admitting when you are wrong Not having to have the final say Doesn’t have to be your idea Let others take the recognition

34 Level 5 Leaders “ Level 5 leaders channel their ego needs away from themselves and into the larger goal of building a great company. It’s not that Level 5 leaders have no ego or self-interest. Indeed, they are incredibly ambitious – but their ambition is first and foremost for the institution, not themselves” Jim Collins

35 Characteristics of Level 5 Leaders Humility and Will Ambition for the Company – setting up successors for success Compelling modesty Unwavering resolve – Do what must be done Practice the window and the mirror tactic

36 Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher, 600 BC “ A leader is best When people barely know that he exists, Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him. Fail to honor people, they fail to honor you; But of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled They will all say, We did this ourselves.”

37 Courage

38 Courage to have and demonstrate integrity Courage to question common wisdom Courage to be a continuous learner Courage to be vulnerable Courage to confront and discipline

39 Leaders don’t inflict pain - they bear pain Max Dupree

40 Do You Have the Commitment? Change? Control your emotions? Subjugate your personal needs to those of your subordinates and organization? Learn about yourself? Learn about others? Sacrifice personal time? Are you willing to:

41 Commitment cont’d Make hard decisions? Be misunderstood and criticized? Be a lifelong learner? Think critically with an open mind?

42 Significance and Balance It is more important to be significant than it is significant to be important!

43 Lead Well!!

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