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CS Educators Summit Jenna Garcia District Manager May 4, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "CS Educators Summit Jenna Garcia District Manager May 4, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS Educators Summit Jenna Garcia District Manager May 4, 2016

2 Mini Introductions  About Jenna  About You

3 Our Mission: every school every student opportunity

4 Through CS, students learn:  Mathematical and computational ideas  Strategies for solving problems  Effective ways to communicate  How to collaborate with others Through CS, students are becoming:  Creators  Innovators  Persistent problem solvers  Active participants in society

5 A Few More Considerations Related to CS

6 Debunking Computer Science Myths  Our kids should be learning to code. computer science  Computer Science education is on the rise. recovery from a 10-year decline.

7 Debunking Computer Science Myths  Computer science is about technology. logic, problem solving, and creativity  Computer science is for boys. everybody

8 Technology affects every field:

9 Just like they learn about the digestive system, photosynthesis, or electricity. Every 21 st century student should have a chance to learn about algorithms, how to make apps, or how the internet works.

10 Debunking Computer Science Myths Every  The tech industry is desperately trying to hire computer programmers.



13 The Picture in Wisconsin

14 Debunking Computer Science Myths  Computer Science is vocational. foundational AUDIENCE POP QUIZ 1.What is photosynthesis? 2.What is H 2 O? 3.Solve: x 2 – 9 = 0 4.What is a for loop?

15 Why CS in K-8?  Early exposure to determine if a student likes it  Helps build skills important for other subjects  Builds a foundation to grow from  Prepares students for the future (life in general & career)

16 Dispelling myths about STEM  There is a surplus of jobs in STEM computer science

17 Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Center for Education Statistics 71% of all new jobs in STEM are in computing 8% of STEM graduates are in computer science The STEM problem is in computer science

18’s Curriculum

19 What are our courses about?  Hour of Code  K-5:  CS Fundamentals (K5)  Middle School:  CS Discoveries (new in spring of 2017)

20 Hour of Code  Nice, easy “get your feet wet” activity for your classroom, school or district  Helps teachers feel prepared and confident to teach CS  An introduction to CS for students

21 CS Fundamentals

22 Training Options  Sign up for a scheduled workshop  Go to this site:  If there are enough teachers in your district, Dennis Brylow is willing / able to travel to the district to host a free 1-day workshop for you and your teacher  Email:

23 ▪7-9 th grade introductory course ▪Curriculum: ▪Semester 1: CS Discoveries: Exploration and Expression ▪Unit 1 - Problem Solving: Computers and Logic ▪Unit 2 - The Internet: Web Development ▪Unit 3 - Programming: Interactive Games and Animations ▪Semester 2: CS Discoveries: Innovation and Impact ▪Unit 4 - Problem Solving: The Design Process ▪Unit 5 - The Internet: Data and Society ▪Unit 6 - Programming: The Internet of Things CS Discoveries

24 Training ▪Visit our site to sign up to be an early adopter next Spring (2017) ▪

25 State of Partnerships in WI  Currently partnered with Janesville (2 nd year), Juda, Albany and Monticello  Working with DPI to get a statewide partnership  Volunteers for classroom:

26 @codeorg #hourofcode Questions

27 Let’s try out the curriculum

28 Hour of Code Tutorial

29 Graph Paper Programming  Move One Square Right  Move One Square Left  Move One Square Up  Move One Square Down  Fill-In Square with color

30 Let’s try another one…

31 Can we make the instructions shorter?

32 Can we figure out the picture with just the instructions?

33 Let’s try on paper!

34 Let’s try in Code Studio!

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