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The Shape of the Land Chapter 7, Section 1 & 2 South Asia.

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1 The Shape of the Land Chapter 7, Section 1 & 2 South Asia

2 The Indian Subcontinent South Asia is a _________________________________ just southward from continent of Asia. South Asia is bounded by: 1. Hindu Kush & Himalaya Mountains (North) 2. Arabian Sea (West) 3. Indian Ocean (South) 4. Bay of Bengal (East) Water serves as highways to link South Asia to other parts of the world.

3 The Indian Subcontinent Another name for South Asia is the __________________. A subcontinent is a… 8 Independent nations occupy South Asia: 1. India4. Nepal7. The Maldives 2. Pakistan5. Bhutan8. Afghanistan 3. Bangladesh6. Sri Lanka 3 landforms shape major geographic regions of South Asia 1. _________________________________ 2. Northern Plains 3. _________________________________

4 Northern Mountains 1. Himalayas: Separate Indian Subcontinent from interior of Asia. Many of world’s tallest mountains here, including Mount Everest. 2. ______________________: Smaller than Himalayas, but high & very rugged. Mountain Passes: Allow passage through mountains. Ex: __________________________ through Hindu Kush Mountains Mountain Valleys: Streams fed by melting snow. Among the mountains, high valleys allow farming & herding. Ex: Kashmir Valley goats produce fine wool- cashmere.

5 Northern Plains Also called the ___________________________________. Area benefits from 3 large rivers which have their source in the Himalayas: the _________________, the _______________, & the _________________________. Rivers carry silt from mountains that fertilizes the farmland on the plains & provide reliable source of irrigation.

6 Northern Plains: Rivers Indus River: Empties into the Arabian Sea. Principal river of Pakistan. Majority of Pakistanis live in Indus River Basin. Ganges River: Begins @ an ice cave high in Himalayas & flows eastward across India. Joins the Brahmaputra River in __________________________. 2 Rivers create huge ______________________ (area formed by soil deposited @ the mouth of a river) on Bay of Bengal. Very fertile soil, but terrible flooding.

7 Northern Plains: Thar Desert Thar Desert: Covers _____________ square miles of India & Pakistan (a/b size of Colorado). Barren landscape of sand dunes, sandy plains, & low hills. Rainfall scarce, but some grasses grow. Nomadic herders graze sheep & goats here.

8 Deccan Plateau Region of high, flat land with many rivers & low, rolling hills. Occupies ______ of South Asia. Millions of tiny farms- grow millet, cotton, wheat, & rice. Deccan Plateau bordered by _________________________: The Ghats & the Vindhya Mountains. The Vindhya Mountains separate the Deccan Plateau from the Indo-Gangetic Plain.

9 Climate: The Monsoons Monsoon: Seasonal wind that dominates the climate of South Asia 2 Monsoons define the seasons of South Asia: 1. _________ Monsoon of Summer Late May/Early June, temps as high as 120’, no rain for 8-9 months, ground parched. Land heats air causing it to rise. Cool moist air from sea flows across land bringing rain.

10 Climate: The Monsoons 2. __________ Monsoon of Winter October, cool air masses from northern mountains sink, creating winds that blow back to sea. Winds carry dry air across subcontinent. Bring clear skies, mild temps, low humidity. By March temps rise & cycle begins again.

11 Flooding & Storms in Bangladesh Bangladesh very densely populated. Most live in delta formed by Ganges & Brahmaputra Rivers. Delta soil extremely fertile. Concentration of people in delta can cause problems: 1. Much of land barely above sea level- ______________________ during wet monsoons common. 2. Fierce _________________________ hit every 5-7 years. More than 50 cyclones since 1900. One of worst April 29, 1991- winds 150 mph & waves 20 feet high, 140,000 died.

12 Rainfall & Vegetation Monsoons affect South Asia unevenly, so climate & vegetation vary. Mountains & Rainfall: _________________________ affect rainfall. Winds reach Himalayas & warm, moist air rises & cools. Cooling air releases its moisture as rain. Mountains can create a __________________________. One side of mountain receives plenty of moisture, while other gets almost none. Temperature: vary greatly across subcontinent. Mountains can be cold, much of South Asia tropical.

13 Natural Resources Fertile Soil: constant farming wears out, but rivers silt renews soil. Water ___________________ in many parts. During dry season, must irrigate using ________________ or _________________ for underground water. Deccan Plateau- water lies in rock deep below ground. Must dig wells @ least 200 feet deep. Mineral Resources: South Asia has a variety. Many parts: iron-ore, manganese, bauxite, & copper. Northern Plains: coal, mica, limestone, & gypsum. Few sources of oil- needed for industry today- govt. has supported use of _____________________________ (page 228).

14 The Peoples of South Asia Population: o South Asia: More than _________________________. o _____ out of _____ people in world live in South Asia. o India: _________________ people (2 nd behind China). ¾ of people are farmers. Most people live in villages, but cities are growing.

15 The People of South Asia (continued) Cultural Diversity: Great cultural diversity b/c people migrated from all areas over thousands of years (Ex: Europe, Middle East, & other parts of Asia). Wide variety of customs & practices, different foods, dress, values, & religious beliefs (Ex: Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, & Buddhists). Many languages & dialects spoken. Dialect: a… Most widely spoken in India: ___________________

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