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1 1 2016-17 Budget Context Senate April 2016 1. University Budget Development Process  Faculties and Divisions submitted budget requests in January 

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1 1 1 2016-17 Budget Context Senate April 2016 1

2 University Budget Development Process  Faculties and Divisions submitted budget requests in January  Several consultations undertaken in January, February and March (townhalls, meetings with various groups)  Budget goes to Board of Governors’ for discussion and decisions later in April 2

3 2016-17 Ryerson Budget: Principles and Considerations  Budget will promote the 4 Academic Plan priorities approved by Senate: 1.Enable greater student engagement and success through exceptional experiences 2.Increase SRC excellence, intensity and impact 3.Foster an innovation ecosystem 4.Expand community engagement and city building  Principles guiding budget development: 1.Fairness and transparency 2.Priority on students 3.Forward looking 4.Flexibility to respond to changing fiscal circumstances  Balanced operating budget 3

4 4 Operating Revenues and Expenditures Grants + Fees = 97% RevenuesExpenditures Salaries + Benefits = 80% Over 95% of Operating Revenue is based on enrolment

5 Enrolment Strategy for 2016-17  Undergraduate Maintain overall intake levels Launch 1 new program  Graduate Aim to be at or slightly above the MTCU funding ceiling Manage enrolment with introduction of 4 new master’s programs and 2 doctoral programs 5

6 Changing Gears  Drivers in future years Access Provincial Demographics Funding constraint  Policy areas under review Funding formula Tuition fee policy Strategic Mandate Agreement negotiation 6

7 OSAP Transformation in 2017-18 7 2016-17 Operating Budget Context  Ontario Student Grant (OSG) Single upfront grant – replaces Ontario Tuition Grant, Ontario Student Opportunity Grant, Ontario Access Grant. Eliminate tuition and education tax credit. Net billing – Students billed net tuition after taking into account student assistance (2018-19). Raise Ontario weekly assistance levels – maximum for individuals (from $155 to $180); married and sole-support parents (from $355 to $450). OTG-equivalent element of OSG – no longer tied to years out of high school. Source: 2016 Ontario Budget: Budget Papers.

8 Projected Demographic Growth: 18-21 Population Index, 2014 = 100 Source: Ontario Ministry of Finance, 2014 8

9 Funding Formula Review: Potential Implications beyond next year  Cap on growth funding? What are the implications for enrolment planning? What are the implications for new programs?  Alternative measures to replace enrolment? Performance funding and performance measurement Student experience and “outcomes lens” 9

10 Other Provincial Policies Under Review  Tuition fee policy New policy required by 2017-18 Issues of affordability, student assistance, net fees  Strategic Mandate Agreement negotiation New SMA required for 2017-18 Issues: funding formula, differentiation, financial sustainability, performance measurement 10

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