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On the role of the Ionosphere for the Atmospheric Evolution of Planets – insights from Titan J-E. Wahlund, M. Yamauchi P. Garnier, R. Modolo, M. Morooka,

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Presentation on theme: "On the role of the Ionosphere for the Atmospheric Evolution of Planets – insights from Titan J-E. Wahlund, M. Yamauchi P. Garnier, R. Modolo, M. Morooka,"— Presentation transcript:

1 On the role of the Ionosphere for the Atmospheric Evolution of Planets – insights from Titan J-E. Wahlund, M. Yamauchi P. Garnier, R. Modolo, M. Morooka, L. Rosenkvist, K. Ågrén V. Vuitton, R. Yelle M. Galand, I. Müller-Wodarg T. Cravens, I. Robertson, H. Waite A. Coates D. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth NORDITA, Stockholm, January 11, 2008 Brief overview of understanding –Ionospheric & Exospheric escape mechanisms Escape of plasma from the dense & expanded ionosphere of Titan –Interaction with a dynamic magnetospheric environment Titan’s Ionosphere is a factory for pre-biotic building blocks –Heavy ions (>100 amu) dominate lower ionosphere –Negative ions & Aerosol formation


3 Brief Overview of Understanding  Jeans escape – Thermal tail exceeds escape speed – Thermal, affects mostly light neutrals (H, He)  Hydrodynamic blow-off – Extreme EUV condition at early Sun/star – Thermal  Photochemical heating – Release of energy in excited states – Chemical, light neutrals  Ion pick-up (subsequent sputtering) – Exposed ions in the SW is subject to SW E DC – Non-thermal, favours light ions  Non-thermal ion energization by E || & plasma waves – Local deposit of SW energy to ionosphere cause an electrodynamic coupling that accelerates ions – Both heavy and light ions  Large scale momentum transfer – SW p dynamic & EM forces “push” bulk plasma anti-sunward at boundary region – Non-thermal, both heavy & light ions

4 Non-thermal Escape Escape rates at Solar Maximum (15000-60000 ton/yr) –Mars: 0.5 kg/s (O +, O 2 + ) –Venus: 2 kg/s(O + ) –Earth: 1 kg/s (O + ) CLUSTER/CIS, [Nilsson et al., 2004] H+H+ O+O+ [Lundin et al., 2004]

5 Dependence on Solar Activity (F 10.7 ) Solar activity Max/Min ~ 3 Earth: –O + outflow ~ 100 variability –H + outflow ~ 3 variability –Large contribution to O/H-ratio –Large O/H at early Earth? Venus: –Factor 20 change in ionotail density Mars: –A factor 100 difference between MEX & Phobos-2 CLUSTER, [Cully et al., 2003]

6 Dependence on Geomagnetic Activity Strongly on K p, SW p dynamic, and IMF H+H+ O+O+ Akebono/DE/Polar [Cully et al., 2003] Freja, 1700 km, [Nordqvist et al., 1998] Broad Band Electrostatic Low Frequency waves Lower Hybrid & Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves

7 SW interaction with Atmosphere Early Earth? SW stopped by the magnetic pressure of the planetary B Dipole Early Earth? Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) enhanced around ionosphere due to induction currents (magnetic pile-up) Galiean moons: Europa, Callisto, Ganymede Strong magnetic field between ionosphere & (shocked) SW


9 Ionopause is EUV/FUV dependent  Solar cycle variation of ionopause altitude  Venus (& Mars): – 1700 km difference [Zhang et al., 2007]  Extended exosphere/atmosphere => Higher ionization rate (by EUV/energetic particles) => Ionization of otherwise escaping neutrals => trapped by magnetized ionopause/magnetopause =>  Reduction of Jeans escape (mostly H, He)  Higher ionopause => less neutrals beyond => Reduction of ion pick-up


11 SW dependence of ionopause altitude  Expect: 1. Strong & stable IMF => No change 2. Variable IMF=> Lower pressure balance altitude (cancel B) 3. Strong SW p dynamic => Lower pressure balance altitude

12 Exra ionization (hot case)  Critical Ionization Velocity (CIV)

13 Early Earth Ionosphere  Most likely high EUV/FUV  Most likely high SW p dynamic  Probably strong/active IMF  Larger O escape & larger O/H-ratio escape then present  The Early Atmosphere could have been chemically reduced Many unclear parameters! Magnetized/Non-magnetized Atmospheric composition Internal conditions

14 Dense & Expanded Ionosphere of Titan


16 Cassini RPWS LP Mätningar av plasma Langmuirsond (LP) ”Väderstation” för elektriskt laddad gas –Mycket noggrann Ampere-meter –Några pA känslighet –Densitet –Temperaturer –Hastighet –Rymdfarkostladdning –Sammansättning (grov)

17 Langmuir Probe theory (brief) linear logarithmic U<0U>0 From OML theory (with Maxwellian distribution function, Fahlesson approximation): LP measures currents: U < 0U > 0 with + Ly-  intensity fr. I ph

18 n e -Estimation from the LP LP well designed for dense/cold plasma S/C photo-e - contaminate for low densities n e > 5 cm -3 Assume we have at least two e - populations (photo-e -, ambient) Can be identified in dI/dU n e < 5 cm -3 U float derived from sweep analysis N e deduced from ELS-LP empirical relationship (proxy)

19 Voyager-1 (1981) –Thick Atmosphere 1.5 bar N 2 82-98% CH 4 2-8% Ar few %? Thick Organic Haze

20 Saturn’s Magnetosphere


22 Ionosphere of Titan Max n e = 3800 cm -3 Escape Flux (Cyl.) ∫n e v i ~ few  10 25 ions/s ≈1-2 kg/s Wahlund et al., Science, 2005

23 T5 MLB H = 320±50 km Ionosphere Exo-Ionosphere [Ågrén et al., 2008]

24 Ionospheric Plasma Escape from Titan (T9)  Differential outflow processes – Light ions ● Magn. ionization side ● charge-exchange – Heavies ● Solar ionization side ● Convection E-fields ● Alfvén wings?  Occurs during enhanced magnetospheric plasma outflow event  Plasma erosion: – Heavies: ~4  10 25 ions/s – Light ions: ~2  10 25 ions/s [Modolo et al., GRL, 2007a & b]

25 T9 Plasma waves

26 T11 Possible ion acoustic like emissions below 100 Hz C s ~ 7 km/s –Beam driven/ion-ion instab? f [Hz]  [deg] E- vs E+

27 Wave induced Plasma Escape [Dobe & Szego, JGR, 2005] Solar wind driven ion acoustic (lower hybrid) wave generation cause “enhanced drag” of cold ionospheric ions


29 Production of Heavy Organics in Titan ’ s Ionosphere

30 From Simple to Complex The origin of Life!? –Atoms  Pre-biotic molecules  Self-replicating bio-molecules –Short RNA-strands that undergoes Molecular Evolution through Autocatalysis ?

31 Upper Atmospheric Organic Factory Driven by Energetic Radiation –Solar UV –Magnetospheric electrons –Break N 2 (covalent bond) & ionize N-radicals react with CH 4 –Hydrocarbons (Ethane, Acetylene) –Nitriles (HCN-polymers, Adenine) –Diffuse downward, H escape –Organic Haze protect from UV No Oxygen! –Few amino acids expected Cassini path


33 Chemistry in Titan ’ s ionosphere Keller et al. 1998

34 T18, RPWS & INMS density profiles don ’ t agree in the deep Titan ’ s ionosphere … [Courtesy of H. Waite, T. Cravens, I. Robertson, R. Yelle]

35 Lower Ionosphere dominated by >100 amu heavies RPWS see heavier ions  (n i,RPWS -n i,INMS ) ≈ 1500-2000 cm -3 INMS total density doubtful n e (LP) n i (LP) at V SC n e (f uh ) n i (INMS) (LP) (INMS) C/A



38 Conclusions:  Lower ionosphere (<1050 km) – At times dominated by >100 amu positive ions! – At times there exist also substantial amounts of negative ions!  The deep Ionosphere of Titan is the main producer of heavy organic compounds for the aerosol haze and deposits on the surface – Key is the energetic EUV/particle precipitation together with a N 2 and CH 4 atmosphere. – We can learn early Earth chemistry from Titan studies – Add water and hydrolysis leads to pre-biotic building blocks – H 2 CN + is dominant ionospheric species


40 T16: Negative Ions Signature in RPWS/LP? Really need DC E-field Ion drift meter … but we don’t Ion speed deviation CAPS/ELS (A. Coates) Negative Ion Densities T16: ~1000 cm -3 T18: ~200 cm -3 T17, T21: somewhat less T5 none (?)

41 I dust Contribution ≈ 0.1– 0.3 nA observed in E-ring (positive) (negative)

42 ≈ 700 cm -3 (v i -v SC ) ≈ 4 km/s Strange behavior Negative ion density!?

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