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1 Coming - Embedded Active Components! How Does IPC Respond? TAEC Meeting, Minneapolis October 24, 2004 Denny Fritz.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Coming - Embedded Active Components! How Does IPC Respond? TAEC Meeting, Minneapolis October 24, 2004 Denny Fritz."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Coming - Embedded Active Components! How Does IPC Respond? TAEC Meeting, Minneapolis October 24, 2004 Denny Fritz

2 2 Embedded Components (Passive and Active)  Resistors - Embedded Discrete  Capacitors - Embedded Distributed Capacitance Layers  Capacitors - Embedded Discrete  Actives - Placed Simple Actives  Are RFID Tags a View of the Future?  Actives - Printed Organic Semiconductors, Using PWB Methodologies?

3 3 Embedded Components (Passive and Active)

4 4 Japan View of Embeddeds Capacitor/Resistor/Inductor /Filter High End Server/Computer Memory/Logic/Linear Capacitor/Resistor/Inductor /Filter Digital TV & Set Box Capacitor/Inductor/FilterResistor Engine Controller Inductor/Memory/Logic/ Linear Capacitor/Resistor/Filter Car Entertainment System InductorCapacitor/Resistor/Filter Notebook PC Memory/Logic/Linear Capacitor/Resistor/Inductor /Filter Digital Video Camcorder Memory/Logic/Linear Capacitor/Resistor/Inductor /Filter Digital Still Camera LinearMemory/Logic Capacitor/Resistor/Inductor /Filter PDA LinearMemory/Logic Capacitor/Resistor/Inductor /Filter Cellular Phone CapacitorResistor/Inductor/FilterMemory/Logic/Linear Portable Audio Player InductorResistor/FilterCapacitor Wearable Products 200820062002Products/Year

5 5 Assumable Active Embedded Technology Cavity Type Lamination Type Ceramics Type Molding Type SMD FR-4, BT, PI, etc. Cavity < Reflow Process > < Reflow Process + Lamination > Thin Type SMD (Film Components, etc.) Thick/Thin Film < Cofired > Green Sheet SMD FR-4, BT, PI, Etc. < Reflow Process > Molding Resin Source: Japan Jisso Technology Roadmap2003 Edition, JEITA

6 6 Chip-in-Polymer Project Memory module with 16 SRAM chips Source: Fraunhofer IZM

7 7 HIDING DIES Project RCC lamination Via drilling by laser Metal deposition Printed circuit board (PCB), panel size 18" x 24" RCC sheet Thin chip Goal: Development of a PCB process for embedding of active chips Reduced cost by large area process on 18“x24“ panels Source: Fraunhofer IZM

8 8 Capacitive Layer Embedded Chip Integrated Resistor Embedded IPD Antenna Project SHIFT - Smart High-Integration Flex Goal: Development of low-cost, high-density flex technologies Integration of passive (R, L, C) and active components Source: Fraunhofer IZM

9 9 What Committees Are Affected, and What Do We Do?  Is It Board Fab, or Is It Assembly?  Components in Boards - “Formed” Means Fabricated, and “Placed” Means Assembled?  Do We Need New Standards, or Can We Document Only the Layers Affected?

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