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Chapter 24 The Electromagnetic Wave. 0) Summary of electromagnetism to Maxwell (1860) Kelvin: lines-of-force to replace action-at-a-distance (Coulomb’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 24 The Electromagnetic Wave. 0) Summary of electromagnetism to Maxwell (1860) Kelvin: lines-of-force to replace action-at-a-distance (Coulomb’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 24 The Electromagnetic Wave

2 0) Summary of electromagnetism to Maxwell (1860) Kelvin: lines-of-force to replace action-at-a-distance (Coulomb’s law) Faraday extended idea of fields Maxwell rationalized E&M as stresses and strains in a medium, and tied up the whole field.


4 a) Gauss’s Law A line that doesn’t start or finish inside must leave if it enters.

5 Gauss’s law expresses Coulomb’s law, but valid for moving charges (in free space)

6 b) Gauss’s Law for magnetism (since there are no magnetic monopoles)

7 c) Ampere’s Law (in free space)

8 d) Faraday’s Law Recall so around a loop,

9 a) b) c) d) In free space

10 e) Maxwell’s displacement current I Current through A1 is I current through A2 is zero both are bounded by the loop A1 A2 loop Ampere’s law needs a term for the growing electric field Displacement Current + + + + + + + +

11 (in free space) Recall Faraday’s law: Maxwell looked for a term proportional to

12 f) Maxwell’s Equations in free space

13 g) Solutions to Maxwell’s equations Solution to Maxwell’s equations give Solution to F=ma for constant F is x(t):

14 The concept: Oscillating source -> E changes -> B changes -> E changes…

15 The solution:

16 where Maxwell’s equations predict a disturbance that propogates through empty space at a speed:

17 The conclusion was inescapable: light is “an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of waves” propogated in the ether.

18 1) Nature of electromagnetic waves Radiation field propogates indefinitely Transverse wave E and B perpendicular to each other and to v No medium needed (speed lower in medium)

19 Reception


21 2) The electromagnetic spectrum c = f Range of f and is more than 20 orders of magnitude


23 3) The speed of light Definition: c  299 792 458 m/s exactly Meter  distance light travels in 1/299792458 s (1 second defined by oscillations in Cs)

24 Measurements: –100 BC, Hero of Alexandria, eye blinking: c infinite –Descartes, geometry of eclipse: c infinite

25 –1600, Galileo, lanterns: c > mach 10

26 –1676, Roemer, eclipse of IO: c = 2 x 10 8 m/s

27 –1728, Bradley, stellar aberration: c=3.01x10 8 m/s

28 –1849, Fizeau, toothed wheel: c = 3.13x10 8 m/s

29 –1875, Foucault, rotating mirror: c = 2.99796x10 8 m/s

30 –1878 - 1926, Michelson, rotating mirror: c=2.99796x10 8 m/s

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