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Unit 1 Vocabulary Human Geography. Environment The combination of conditions that affect the growth & development of an organism; one’s surrounding or.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Vocabulary Human Geography. Environment The combination of conditions that affect the growth & development of an organism; one’s surrounding or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Vocabulary Human Geography

2 Environment The combination of conditions that affect the growth & development of an organism; one’s surrounding or circumstances.

3 Climate Weather over an extended period of time.

4 Civilization An advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.

5 Society A group of people sharing certain characteristics, like language, customs, etc.

6 Population The people of an area or of a particular group.

7 Migration A move; esp. a group moving together.

8 Interaction A reciprocal action, effect or influence.

9 Source Any thing or place from which something comes. A book, statement, or person that supplies information.

10 Perspective A way of regarding situations, facts, etc. and judging their relative importance.

11 Politics The science of gov’t; tactics for gaining and holding power.

12 Economy The management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.

13 Religion A system of belief; an order of worship.

14 Ideas Mental images, schemes, concepts, or opinions.

15 Art A skill; any craft requiring skill; creative work.

16 Demographics The classification of a population by age, sex, income level etc.

17 Bias A mental tendency or inclination, esp. an irrational preference or prejudice.

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