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The Founding Fathers George Washington Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin John Adams James Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "The Founding Fathers George Washington Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin John Adams James Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Founding Fathers George Washington Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin John Adams James Madison

2 Founding ?  Root word : Found  Definition : The creation of an object, item or idea; to create, establish, make, start, originate or construct.


4 Original 13 United States

5 “First” Founding Father*  Last King to control area now known as the United States.  Ruled as monarch for 40 years [1760-1801.  Manipulated Parliament by bribery.  Under his rule taxation of colonies accelerated.

6 George Washington  Born in the state of Virginia 1732.  Third (3 rd ) generation American.  Inherited thousands of acres of land and over one hundred slaves from his father.

7 George Washington  Never fathered any children.  Married a wealthy heiress and became more wealthy.

8 George Washington  No formal education (public schools, college).  Early jobs: Farmer (planter), surveyor, spy and soldier.

9 George Washington  In 1775 became Top general of the Continental Army.  Against the English (British).

10 George Washington  Six years after the War for Independence ended he was elected the first U.S. President.  Served from 1789-1797.  His V.P. was John Adams.

11 Thomas Jefferson  Born in the state of Virginia in 1743  Second (2 nd ) generation American.  Inherited thousands of acres of land and over one hundred slaves from his father.

12 Thomas Jefferson  Extensive (thorough, vast) formal education which included legal training.  Early jobs: farmer, surveyor, writer and lawyer.

13 Thomas Jefferson  Principal author of the Declaration of Independence.  No military service.  Washington’s Foreign Secretary (Secretary of State).  Became third (3 rd ) U.S. President.

14 Thomas Jefferson  Was accused of fathering several children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings.  In the 1990’s D.N.A. tests of descendants showed evidence of “common blood lines.”

15 Benjamin Franklin  Oldest of the Founding Fathers.  Born in 1702 in Massachusetts.  First (1 st ) generation American.

16 Benjamin Franklin  Raised as Puritan in Boston.  Limited formal education but no college.

17 Benjamin Franklin  Fought for the English in the 7 Years’ War.  Never held a paid official title in U.S. government.

18 Benjamin Franklin  Spoke 3 different languages (Latin, French and English).  Fathered 3 children by two different women.

19 Benjamin Franklin  Early jobs: Printer, inventor and Colonial Postmaster.  Signed all three major founding documents: Declaration, Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

20 James Madison  Native born Virginian (born 1751- died 1836)  From a wealthy plantation family with thousands of acres and hundreds of slaves.

21 James Madison  Well educated at college (Princeton) and trained in law.  He was a protégé of Thomas Jefferson.  Both as TJ’s Secretary of State and succeeding him as President (1809-1817).

22 James Madison  Never served in military (5’4’’ 100 lbs.)  Favored a strong Federal government.  Took precise minutes of debates during the Constitutional convention.

23 John Adams  Native of Massachusetts (born 1735-died 1826).  Working class parents of modest means (laborers).  Well educated with college (Harvard) and law training.

24 John Adams  Worked as teacher and school headmaster (principal).  Worked as a lawyer and defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre trial

25 John Adams  GW’s vice-president  Succeeded GW as president serving one term from 1797- 1801

26 Sources  ted_Kingdom-e.jpg ted_Kingdom-e.jpg ted_Kingdom-e.jpg   franklin.jpg franklin.jpg franklin.jpg   washington-l.jpg washington-l.jpg washington-l.jpg  Visitors/George-Washington-big.jpg Visitors/George-Washington-big.jpg Visitors/George-Washington-big.jpg

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