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EURES in the Czech Republic 2008. EURES Czech Republic - Structure Employment Policy and Labour Market Section Foreign Employment Unit  EURES manager.

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Presentation on theme: "EURES in the Czech Republic 2008. EURES Czech Republic - Structure Employment Policy and Labour Market Section Foreign Employment Unit  EURES manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 EURES in the Czech Republic 2008

2 EURES Czech Republic - Structure Employment Policy and Labour Market Section Foreign Employment Unit  EURES manager  EURES financial manager  EURES coordinator  IT expert Regional Labour offices (14)  EURES line manager  EURES adviser  (EURES assistant) Local Labour offices (63)  EURES „Contact persons“ Labour office (1)  EURES – T coordinator Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic

3 EURES TEAM  EURES manager (MoLSA) – 100%  Line managers – (RLO) – 10%  14 EURES advisers (regional LO) – 100%  1 EURES –T adviser – Bayern-Tschechien, TriRegio, Beskydy + Austria -100%  63 contact persons (local LO) – 25%  Financial manager (MoLSA) – 100%  IT expert – (MoLSA) – 20%

4 EURES advisers CR

5 63 EURES Contact Persons in Labour Offices

6 MAIN objectives EURES CR Support workers´ mobility within EU/EEA Submit qualified information on European labour market; living and working conditions in EU/EEA countries… Monitor supply and demand in the field of job opportunities Assist with recruitment from other EU/EEA countries Cooperate with employers, students… Develop cross-border cooperation

7 Target groups EURES CR Employers – information days, seminar, conferences; presentations, job fairs (tailor- made–small – 2-3 employers x big international seminar) Graduate sector - seminars, presentations, info days, participation in fairs - IASTE, GAUDEAMUS, Symbióza, Do práce +, presentations and seminars in all universities of CR Employees – information, individual advices, information days, seminars, job fairs

8 Best practices 2004/2007 International seminar - „700 days after enlargement“ - 24 countries, exchange of experience, ideas 3 international job fairs Ostrava – placed 200 workers Small job fairs - 50 Cross-border cooperation Bayern-Tschechien - 1. EURES-T „old x new country“ – official approval EC 2005 Information weeks European Bus Road Show

9 Other activities EURES CR Cooperation with chambers of commerce, trade unions, EURO centres, EUROPASS, regional municipalities and educational institutions, … Large information campaign – national web sites, TV, radio, newspapers - national and regional level, DVD

10 ….others Development of human resources – training of EURES advisers and contact persons + line managers – on European and national level – initial and advance trainings, communication skills, E-forms, social systems, taxations, coordination of social benefits,… Cooperation with other European PES – GB, Ireland, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Norway – common seminars in CR

11 Successes Information and communication strategy National Web Site Meeting with journalists + media „Jobdays“ – Prague Information for students, graduates… Job fair – Brno Cross-border cooperation

12 Main ideas for 2007 – 2010 Ongoing - information and communication strategy Contribute to elimination of mobility obstacles Improve exchange of vacancies Improve cooperation with employers and employment agencies Develop international mobility projects (activities) Support free movement of workers and pendlers Develop EURES-T, enhance cooperation of partners in regions

13 Newsletter




17 EURES-T in the Czech Republic  Bayern - Tschechien – approved, leader ZAV Germany  Beskydy – approved, leader Slovakia  TriRegio – not yet approved, leader ZAV Germany  Austria - preparing partnership of Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Austria

18 EURES-T cooperations


20 Thank you for your attention.

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