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Happy Tuesday Halloweenies Today: 1.Mini Lecture and Video: Perception and Processing 2.Key Vocab Activity 3.Understanding Top Down vs Bottom Up Processing.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Tuesday Halloweenies Today: 1.Mini Lecture and Video: Perception and Processing 2.Key Vocab Activity 3.Understanding Top Down vs Bottom Up Processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Tuesday Halloweenies Today: 1.Mini Lecture and Video: Perception and Processing 2.Key Vocab Activity 3.Understanding Top Down vs Bottom Up Processing Case Study 4.Exit Ticket: Processing and Reality HW: Read Ch. 6 pages 216-226, and 231 – 242. EQ: How does our experience of sensation and perception create reality? EQ: How does Top Down vs Bottom Up Processing impact our perception of reality? On your drive: Notes for today Copy of Case Study for Today

2 Key Terms Bottom Up Processing – starts at your sensory receptors and works up to higher levels or processing. (SENSATION) Top Down Processing – constructs perceptions from the sensory input by combining that input with experiences and expectations. ( PERCEPTION) Perceptual Set - the mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another Priming – The activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing ones perception, memory, or response.

3 Key Terms Cont: Absolute Threshold – the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus (50% of the time.) Difference Threshold – the minimum difference between two stimuli required for detection (50% of the time.) Sensory Adaptation – stimuli becoming less intense after continuous stimulation. (Habituation)

4 Vocab Activity: Solidifying Understanding In your groups: 1.Write a definition, in your own words, of the 7 key terms 2.Come up with an image to represent each key term. You may draw this into your notes or find a picture online. 3.Come up with a concrete example for each key term and write these into your notes. Key Terms: 1.Bottom Up Processing 2.Top Down Processing 3.Perceptual Set 4.Priming 5.Absolute Threshold 6.Difference Threshold 7.Sensory Adaptation

5 HAPPY THURSDAY TO THE FANS OF THE, WORLD SERIES CHAMPINON, SAN FRANCISCO, GIANTs! Today: 1.Warm up: Perception 2.Review from Tuesday – 3.Case Study: Schizophrenia 4.Notes: Vision 5.Case Study Video: Capgras Syndrom 6.Notes: Vision Cont. EQ: What factors impact our visual perceptions of the world? HW: Ch. 6 reading ON THE DRIVE: NOTES FOR TODAY

6 Warm Up: Perception Why did President Obama huge Nurse Pham, the Nurse who caught Ebola in Texas after treating patients? What is perception? How can perception impact behavior?

7 Review from Tuesday: Perception and Reality Review Your Notes As A Group: How does top-down, and bottom up, processing interact to create your perception of reality? Use threshold, sensory adaptation, and perceptual set in your explanation. Once a stimulus, reaches the absolute threshold of detection, your bottom-up processing kicks in to action. This assumes you haven’t already become accustom to it through a sensory adaptation. You register the sensory information and transmit it through your neurons to your brain, it then combines with the process of top- down processing and your perceptual set – anything you already know, believe, or expect about sensory information. This is how a stimulus, combines with your expectations to form an understanding of the world around you.

8 Case Study: Schizophrenia How do most people perceive the Hollow Face Illusion? Why is this? *use key vocab in your explanation* How do Schizophrenics perceive the hollow face illusion? Why is this? *use key vocab in your explanation* How might a failure of top down processing create the hallucinations schizophrenics experience? Why is top down processing a evolutionary adaptation.

9 Context, Emotion and Motivation Context Effects: Emotion – How far away something is depends on how tired we feel. Motivation Your interest in something makes you feel its physically closer.

10 Feature Detection David Hubel and Torsten Wisel – – Nobel Prize Winning Scientists- Work on Feature detection in the brain. – Specific areas in the brain associated with FEATURE DETECTION – specific places for identifying faces, chairs, houses, houses and chairs. However, ALWAYS doing parallel processing, combining the bottom- up process of feature detection, motion detection, color detection, depth detection, with the top-down information already know about what you are viewing and its many elements. – INCLUDING HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT.

11 Capgras Syndrome HOW MUCH DOES EMOTION MATTER IN VISUAL PERCEPTION?Syndrome Why does David see someone who resemble their his, but yet he knows they are not his father? What does it mean that he also doesn’t believe his house is his home? What does it mean that over the phone David believe that is his parents?

12 Gestalt Theory and Form Detection ALL TOP DOWN PROCESSING HERE FOLKS: 1.Gestalt Theory – German word for form or whole. 1.Tend to put things together by 1.Grouping 2.Continuity 3.Closure 2.Depth Perception 1.Same complex top-down process – 1.Compare binocular information and monocular information.

13 Exit Ticket: Perception Explain how we know that the face we see in front of us is the face of our friend? Explain both what happens in the bottom up process and the top down process. We detect the visual aspects of their face, the features, the distance, the depth of the different parts of their face and the color and the size, and combine that information with how we feel emotionally about them to form an understanding of who we see in front of us.

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