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11T Quality Assurance O. Housiaux, R. Berthet, S. Menu, R. Principe 3rd International Review on the 11T dipoles at collimator Section for the HL-LHC 6-8.

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Presentation on theme: "11T Quality Assurance O. Housiaux, R. Berthet, S. Menu, R. Principe 3rd International Review on the 11T dipoles at collimator Section for the HL-LHC 6-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 11T Quality Assurance O. Housiaux, R. Berthet, S. Menu, R. Principe 3rd International Review on the 11T dipoles at collimator Section for the HL-LHC 6-8 april 2016 CERN

2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS : 2  QA Plan for HL-LHC Work Package 11 (11T),  Documentation management, EDMS,  Procedures,  Quality Control and traceability (MTF),  Non conformities management,  Procurement,  Continual improvement.


4 M ANDATE  In collaboration with the Technical Responsibles, draft and edit the procedures,  Write the related follow-up files needed to monitor the WP11 project activities,  In field quality control and audit the operation compliance (MIP),  Process, analyse and archive data collected during operations,  Traceability of operations (MTF),  Manage the non-conformity reports,  Monitor and archive the WP11 documentation. 4

5 G ENESIS OF THE QA A PPROACH  Experience: LS1 project, magnet repair,  Literature,  HiLumi Quality Assurance Plan,  LHC Quality Assurance Plan,  Quality Management for the Accelerators & Technology Sector (Hardware baseline).  Sensitive areas:  Documentation Management,  Manufacturing and Inspection Plan (MIP),  Procurement,  Design and drawings,  Communication (sections, institutes). 5

6 D OCUMENTATION MANAGEMENT  All documentation is managed and named after the procedure « Documentation management » (LHC-LBH- QA-0005) following:LHC-LBH- QA-0005  LHC Quality Assurance Plan,  HL-LHC Quality Assurance Plan,  International standards (ISO 9001).  Important : All documentation has to be checked by WP11 Quality Team whose responsablities are :  To name it properly,  To make it available within WP11 and HL-LHC,  To insure all the validation process are respected. 6

7 D OCUMENTATION MANAGEMENT  All documentation is available in the EDMS structures :  WP11 project structure: CERN-0000130199, CERN-0000130199  HiLumi: CERN-000096381,CERN-000096381  Item catalogue: LHCPM117.LHCPM117  Once it is validated, documentation is available in:  LHC Hardware baseline: LHCAM273.LHCAM273  Validation circuit:  Engineering Check: within the technical responsibles + other stakeholders if needed  Under Approval : 1.WP11: within WP11 2.Impact outside WP11: HiLumi PLO 7

8 WP11: CERN-0000130199CERN-0000130199 8

9 H I L UMI : CERN-000096381CERN-000096381 9



12 P ROCEDURES  Write and edit the QAP and all procedures for the WP11 project in collaboration with the Technical Responsibles.  More than 100 procedures to be provided  + follow-up files, and test reports, et… 12

13 Q UALITY CONTROL The Quality control of the production relies on a package of documentation for each production milestones:  Procurement of sub-components,  Manufacturing of the coils,  Manufacturing of the cold masses… 13

14 Q UALITY CONTROL The packages of documents are composed with:  Manufacturing flowcharts,  Manufacturing and inspection Plans,  Follow-up files,  Fabrication Procedures,  Control Procedures. This documentation is drafted, edited and validated during the prototyping phase. 14

15 M ANUFACTURING F LOWCHART 15 Example: Coil’s Manufacturing Flowchart.

16 M ANUFACTURING AND I NSPECTION P LAN  The Manufacturing and Inspection Plan = MIP 16

17 M ANUFACTURING AND I NSPECTION P LAN 17 Documentation traceability Validation Operation : Internal layer winding Control Reports Follow-up file



20 F ABRICATION P ROCEDURES 20 Naming and traceability Validation Process

21 F ABRICATION P ROCEDURES 21 Traceability of modifications

22 F ABRICATION P ROCEDURES 22 References (Follow up files, MIP, Flowchart…) Drawings

23 F ABRICATION P ROCEDURES 23 Quality instructions. Manufacturing instructions Information/data logging.

24 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES  Follow-up in the Manufacturing and Test Folder (MTF), the CERN developped interface which allows:  Traceability of the sub-equipments installed in a 11T magnet,  Traceability of the operations,  Retrieval of all documentation, reports, test results…  Easy access to critical data (possibilities of reporting),  Non conformity report management. 24

25 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES  Follow-up in the Manufacturing and Test Folder (MTF) 25

26 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES  Tracability of the sub-equipments: 26

27 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES 27  Critical data :

28 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES 28  Operation: Operation traceability Documentation Non conformity

29 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES 29  Polymérisation cycle:

30 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES 30  Annotated procedure:

31 F OLLOW - UP OF THE WP11 A CTIVITIES  For a 11T magnet to be installed, should know:  Fabrication procedures used + version;  Drawings used + version. 31

32 N ON CONFORMITY MANAGEMENT  As soon as a non conformity is detected:  By technicians during manufacturing,  During quality control.  1) A Non Conformity Report is opened by the QA responsible and the Technical Responsible, they should define:  The proposed action to be taken in order to fix the non conformity,  The proposed corrective action to be implemented in order to eliminate the causes of the Non Conformity,  The criticity of the non conformity (Critical / non critical). 32

33 N ON CONFORMITY MANAGEMENT  Criticity:  Critical Non conformity:  According to LHC procedure Handling of Nonconforming Equipment (LHC-PM-QA-310): ”All nonconformities that may have an impact on the equipment performance, durability, interchangeability, interface to other LHC systems, health or safety are categorised as critical nonconformities”.  Particularity of HL-LHC project: ”Interface to other HL-LHC Work Package”.  Non Critical Non conformity:  According to LHC procedure Handling of Nonconforming Equipment (LHC-PM-QA-310): ”All nonconformities that are not evaluated to be critical as defined above are categorised as noncritical nonconformities”. 33

34 N ON CONFORMITY MANAGEMENT  2) Once all the parameters are set, the QA Responsible and the Technical Responsible define the list of persons who should be involved in the validation of the non conformity (LHC systems, HL-LHC work packages and HL-LHC Project Leader Office).  3) Once all the parameters are set, the non-conformity’s life cycle follows the process define in the LHC procedure «Non Conformities Reporting » (LHC-PM-QA-0611). 34


36 P ROCUREMENT  The Procurement must comply with the rules defined by the CERN’s IPT. 36

37 P ROCUREMENT  The Technical Specifications are written by the Technical Responsibles, they should refer to:  Manufacturing and Inspection plan,  Approved drawings,  International Standards.  They should explicitly request from the manufacturer:  A Quality Assurance Plan,  Manufacturing procedures,  Manufacturing documentation (material certificates, control reports…),  Non conformities. 37

38 P ROCUREMENT  Reception by the Technical Responsibles:  In collaboration with Logistic Service,  In collaboration with Quality Service.  Controls to be performed before acceptance:  Visual inspection (Logistic + Technical Responsible),  Documentation control (Quality + Technical Responsible),  Acceptance Sampling. 38

39 P ROCUREMENT  Traceability in MTF. 39 Manufacturing information Formal acceptance by the Technical Responsible

40 C ONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT  Continue the implementation of the MIP,  Provide 100% of the required documents:  Procedures, follow-up files, reports, MIPs, et.  One QA approach within WP11,  Improve and upgrade QA,  Adapt to the WP11 needs.  Present the QAP to the WP11 stakeholders,  Take over the ownership of the QA system,  Have a feed-back,  Shared attitude within the project. 40

41 Thank you 41

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