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Requester NSA Provider NSA & NRM Transport plane X = clock skew Y = Prov. delay ProvNSA initiates provisioning at t=A’-X-M-Y Provisioning occurs at t=A-M.

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Presentation on theme: "Requester NSA Provider NSA & NRM Transport plane X = clock skew Y = Prov. delay ProvNSA initiates provisioning at t=A’-X-M-Y Provisioning occurs at t=A-M."— Presentation transcript:

1 Requester NSA Provider NSA & NRM Transport plane X = clock skew Y = Prov. delay ProvNSA initiates provisioning at t=A’-X-M-Y Provisioning occurs at t=A-M A Key A reqNSA start time A’ provNSA start time X Clock skew between reqNSA and provNSA Y Provisioning delay M Margin A’ M = margin Automatic Provisioning timing detail: Requester NSA sets start time Provision message Provision confirmation

2 Requester NSA Provider NSA & NRM Transport plane X = clock skew Y = Prov. delay ProvNSA initiates provisioning at t=A’-X-M-Y Provisioning occurs at t=A-M A Key A reqNSA start time A’ provNSA start time X Clock skew between reqNSA and provNSA Y Provisioning delay M Margin A’ M = margin Provision message Provision confirmation ‘User’ Automatic Provisioning timing detail: user sets start time

3 Requester NSA Provider NSA & NRM Transport plane X = clock skew Y = Prov. delay ProvNSA initiates de-provisioning at t=B’+X+M de-provisioning begins at t=B+M B Key B reqNSA end time B’ provNSA end time X Clock skew between reqNSA and provNSA Y Provisioning delay M Margin Note: this assumes connection can no-longer be guaranteed from beginning of de-provisioning B’ M = margin de-provisioning ends at t=B+M+Y De-provision message De-provision confirmation Automatic de-provisioning timing detail: Requester NSA sets start time

4 Requester NSA Provider NSA & NRM Transport plane X = clock skew Y = Prov. delay ProvNSA initiates de-provisioning at t=B’+X+M de-provisioning begins at t=B+M B Key B reqNSA end time B’ provNSA end time X Clock skew between reqNSA and provNSA Y Provisioning delay M Margin Note: this assumes connection can no-longer be guaranteed from beginning of de-provisioning B’ M = margin de-provisioning ends at t=B+M+Y De-provision message De-provision confirmation ‘User’ Automatic de-provisioning timing detail: user sets start time

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