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Published byStanley Andrews Modified over 8 years ago
OGC Live Demo at GEOSS Workshop July 30 - Denver, CO Demo Scripts Liping Di, Peisheng Zhao, George Mason University ( Rudolf Husar, Washington University ( )
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically AQ Science Analysis-- Pollutant Sources, Transport Processes Purpose: To perform analysis regarding the sources and transport of air pollutants Background: The pattern of air pollution is determined by the combined effects of emission sources, and by the interaction of transport, transformation and removal processes. The contribution of the various factors an be examined by simple analysis tools. Analysis Tool: The analysis tool consists of display/browser of observed AQ data; source density, transport pattern and model simulations. Usage: The analyst identifies the location of high pollution levels. Various AQ data are overlaid on top of emission density maps to see if the air resided over high pollutant emission regions. Based on satellite and model data, the analyst examines possible emissions from major fires. Given the location of high pollution values, model forecast transport simulations are displayed. Services: Each data set is accessed through WMS/WCS/WFS, Portray, Overlaid, augmented by data wrappers and adopters. Chaining is executed at multiple servers to demonstrate interoperability. The tool is a special client. Service Integration: A special client that allows data overlay, browsing as well as zoom and pan, in space and time.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Demo Specifics Analyzing the sources and transport of pollutants from Canadian forest fires in June to USA. The analyst needs to access to Air Quality Images, which is the integration of: –Surface visibility and meteorological conditions observed from AirNow and surface meteorological network. –Satellite observation (MODIS) –Political boundary Date: –June 26, 2006; July 6, 2006 –By comparing the two images, the analyst will be able to find the source and transport of the pollutants Geographic Region –United States and part of Canada –BBOX: -130, 24, -65, 52
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Live Air Quality Demo-Step 1 The analyst goes to OGC CSW catalog –Search the air quality images for the specific date and geographic coverage. –The analyst finds there is no such a data product available
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Live Air Quality Demo-Step 2 The analyst is an expert on creating such a product through a geo-processing model. The analyst goes to model designer : and create the model using OGC service and data types schema with the help of the The analyst registers the model as a virtual product in OGC CSW.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Live Creation of Geo-processing Model for Air Quality Image
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Live Air Quality Demo-Step 3 The analyst goes to vdp/ again and search for air quality image for June 26 vdp/ The system responds with the availability of the image.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Live Air Quality Demo – Step 4 The analyst retrieve the air quality image for June 26 through WCS interface. The analyst repeats steps 3 and 4 again for July 6 image. While waiting the system for producing the product on-live through the service chaining and execution –Explain what’s going on behind the scene through the following slides
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Live Air Quality Demo Behind Scene – Workflow The system converts the model to an executable workflow in BPEL by automatically plugging-in real services and data based on user’s specification. Executes the workflow in BPELPower to generate the product on demand by using the distributed services 1.Accessing a point monitoring dataset (AIRNOW, SURF_MET ) 2.Aggregating from hourly to daily average 3.Portraying as a geoimage 4.Accessing satellite data 5.Overlaying the point and satellite data.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically QUEST=GetCoverage&VERSION=1.0.0&CRS=EPSG:4326& COVERAGE=AIRNOW.pmfine&FORMAT=dataset-schema& BBOX=-130,24,-65,52,0,0& TIME=2006-06-27T00:00:00Z/2006-06-27T15:00:00Z &WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=600&DEPTH=99 Behind the scene -- WCS Service 1.Accessing a point monitoring dataset AIRNOW.pmfine (DataFed WCS) Hourly to Daily
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Behind the scene -- aggregation service 2. Aggregating AIRNOW.pmfine from hourly to daily average (DataFed Aggregator service) … AIRNOW pmfine avg 5000 1
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically … 1000 600 24 52 -130 - 65 0xE1FFF0 image/png pmfine 0 100 false 10 10 0 0 circle 4 false 0.5 solid red solid yellow used.symbol.width=symbol.width*norm_param_value;used.symbol.height=symbo l.height*norm_param_value; Behind the scene—Render service 3. Portraying as a geoimage (DataFed Render service)
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically QUEST=GetCoverage&VERSION=1.0.0&CRS=EPSG:4326& COVERAGE=SURF_MET.T&FORMAT=dataset-schema& BBOX=-130,24,-65,52,0,0& TIME=2006-06-27T00:00:00Z/2006-06-27T15:00:00Z &WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=600&DEPTH=99 Behind scene- Surface_Met WCS service 4. Accessing a point monitoring dataset SURF_MET.T (DataFed WCS) Hourly to Daily
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Behind the scene – Aggregator service for SURF_MET 5. Aggregating SURF_MET.T from hourly to daily average (DataFed Aggregator service) … SURF_MET T avg 5000 1
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Behind the scene– WMS satellite image service 6 Accessing satellite data and other data (NASA ESG WMS) Boundary, MODIS wms.cgi?VERSION=1.1.1&service=wms&REQUEST=GetMap&BB OX=-130,24,-65,52 &SRS=EPSG:4326&HEIGHT=200&WIDTH=400&FORMAT=image /png&LAYERS=modis,states20m&STYLES=default&TRANSPARE NT=TRUE&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&time=2006 -06-27T21:00:00Z
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Behind the scene-Overlay service 7. Overlaying the point and satellite data. (GMU Overlay service)
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Services and Tools used in this demo Data Access Services – DataFed, NASA-GIO, INRC&UF and GMU –WCS (air quality and satellite) –WMS (air quality and satellite) Gridding Service – DataFed –Chaining (netCDF_Table in, netCDF_CF grid out) Coverage Portrayal Service – DataFed and INRC&UF –Chaining (netCDF_CF grin in, PNG out) Overlay Service – DataFed and GMU –Chaining (PNG & PNG in, PNG out) Catalog Service – GMU –Register all necessary data and services Service Chain Engine – GMU –Build service chain –Execute service chain
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Live Air Quality Demo-Interoperability Show the interoperability of OGC services. Show the chaining of OGC services from different providers. Show the interoperability of service chains using different workflow engine (BPELPower). Demo the flexibility of product virtualization in web service environment.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Participants in the Demo (incomplete) George Mason University (GMU) - Demo Lead Washington University, St. Louis Unidata/UCAR NOAA/NCDC NASA: Geoscience Interoperability Office (GIO) IMAA/CNR (University of Florence) Columbia University: CIESIN University College London: Geomatic Engineering EPA University of Nottingham: CGS NRCan/GeoConnections and Environment Canada IEEE and Workshop Organizers OGC Many other participants through the GEOSS Web Services (GWS) and OGC/GWS Telecons
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