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Presentation to the UTFAB Presentation to the UTFAB December, 1 st, 2014 December, 1 st, 2014 By – Douglas Satterfield By – Douglas Satterfield Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the UTFAB Presentation to the UTFAB December, 1 st, 2014 December, 1 st, 2014 By – Douglas Satterfield By – Douglas Satterfield Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the UTFAB Presentation to the UTFAB December, 1 st, 2014 December, 1 st, 2014 By – Douglas Satterfield By – Douglas Satterfield Classroom Support Services-ACNS,, ext.1-6080 Classroom Support Services-ACNS,, ext.1-6080

2 CLASSROOM SUPPORT SERVICES  Classroom Support Services – ACNS/CSS  We support and maintain the Classroom Technology across the University  Our primary mission is in support of the Technology found in the General Assignment Classrooms  We are dedicated to helping to provide and maintain the latest in classroom technology used to enhance presentations and to promote a collaborative learning experience

3 CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY TODAY’S TOPICS Classroom Updates – recently completed Technology Upgrades  UTFAB - UFFAB - New Construction  New Flipped Classrooms Update on UTFAB FY15 projects Classroom Technology on the Horizon – 2015 Annual Classroom Technology refresh initiative A look ahead to Classroom Technology – UTFAB FY16 Flipped Classrooms Discussion and Technology Model Wrap up - Q & A

4 CLASSROOM UPGRADES RECENTLY COMPLETED SUMMER 2014 Animal Sciences Animal Sciences – (4-rooms) completion of the Building remodel Classrooms - 31 – 35 - 131 – 135 AZ W106 – New Lectern and new Smart room Electronics 50/50 funding Visual Art J100 – New Computer Lab with presentation equipment for teaching UTFAB FY14 classrooms upgrades - Military Science 201 Technology refresh Microbiology A113 - Technology refresh Microbiology A101 - (Full Room Update) Engineering 100 (Full Room Update) (Including Echo 360) – AZW250 Echo 360 Install Clark C248 (Full Room Update) Eng E105 Technology refresh Eng B105 – Technology refresh Eng B103 - Technology refresh

5 NEW CLASSROOMS 2014 Animal Sciences 4 New Classrooms

6 CLASSROOM UPGRADES RECENTLY COMPLETED SUMMER 2014 Gifford 237 (Full Smart room New)- 50/50 Funded Johnson Hall 115 – 120 - 220 ( Eddy Hall replacement rooms ) Wagar 107b – Full classrooms remodel including technology (UFFAB)

7 BSB105 – Moving to a Flipped Classroom arrangement – Winter Break 2014 CLASSROOM UPGRADES RECENTLY COMPLETED Flipped Classrooms – Projects 2014 – Completed Summer 2014 Engineering E204 –Flipped Classroom full remodel Engineering E205 – Flipped Classroom full remodel FLIPPED CLASSROOMS


9 UTFAB - Technology Refreshes & Upgrades for FY 15 Completed Summer 2014 Classroom Technology Refreshes - Updates UTFAB FY15  Clark Awing Projector Refreshes & Upgrades – 11 Rooms A102 A103 A104 A201 A202 A204 A204 A205 A206 A207 Higher Brightness Standard wide screen resolution Longer Lamp Life Available 5 year warranty Clark A101 Clark A101 – Large Venue Projector = Larger Screen Size – Challenges  Increased brightness +  Increased resoltution +  Rugged build quality for daily auditorium use

10 CLARK A101 – LARGE VENUE PROJECTOR Completed Summer 2014 – UTFAB FY15 Clark A101 – Seating Capacity – 343

11 Technology Refreshes & Upgrades for FY 15 Classroom Technology Refreshes & Upgrades Classroom Technology – Full Smart Classroom remodels  Physiology 243 Winter 2014  Plant Science W9 Spring 2015  Education 7 Summer 2015 o New Projectors o New Lecterns o New Screens o Crestron Touch Panel & Controls o New Sound Systems


13 FULL CLASSROOM UPGRADE Remodeled Completed Clark C248

14 CLASSROOM UPGRADES ON THE HORIZON BSB105 – Moving to a Flipped Classroom arrangement – Winter Break 2014 Clark Cwing Classroom remodels – including technology refreshes – Winter 2014 – for Spring 2015 C 142 – C144 – C146 Eddy Building Remodel – including two new classroom 100 & 200 designed as Flipped classrooms UTFAB FY15 Full Technology Upgrades Plant Science W09 Physiology 243 Education 7

15 CSU CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY Maintaining Classroom Standards Laptop interface - VGA and HDMI Projector / Flat Panels – Wide bright image High quality Document Camera Standardized user interface and controls Flipped Classrooms with Wireless Presentation Lecture Capture These standards are the focus of our yearly Classroom Refresh efforts

16 ANNUAL TECHNOLOGY REFRESHES New Data projectors – Brighter – Lower Maintenance Digital / HDMI source inputs and outputs - Better image New Audio Amp – Green Lower Power consumption Standard Creston Controls – for Classroom Monitoring and Updates Newer High resolution Document Cameras – Reliability / image quality Lecture Capture Ready – associated equipment Complete Classroom Technology Remodels – When Needed Focus on Technology Refreshes & Upgrades 4 / 5 Year Refresh Rate

17 CSU CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY LOOKING AHEAD TO FY16 Clark Awing – (10 Rooms) Lectern Electronics upgrades combined source switching to one HDMI output  Benefits – Scaled resolution matching the projector  Better clearer image  Lectern Capture now will include HDMI Laptop (currently it does not)  Newer Electronics better suited for HDMI signals

18 CSU CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY LOOKING AHEAD TO FY16 General Assignment Classroom Technology Proposed FY16 Plan  11- Classrooms - Due for a Technology Refresh  4 – Classrooms Needing a more extensive overhaul  10- Clark Awing Switcher upgrades as mentioned  Annual Classroom PC Support / upgrades  New Technologies – Wireless BYOD Devices

19 CLARK A101Switcher Upgrade CLARK A102Switcher Upgrade CLARK A103Switcher Upgrade CLARK A104Switcher Upgrade CLARK A201Switcher Upgrade CLARK A202Switcher Upgrade CLARK A203Switcher Upgrade CLARK A204Switcher Upgrade CLARK A205Switcher Upgrade CLARK A206Switcher Upgrade CLARK A207Switcher Upgrade EDUCATION 13 Projector EDUCATION 105BSwitcher & Projector EDUCATION 236Projector GIFFORD 146Projector GLOVER 201Switcher & Projector & Electric Screen GUGENHIEM 107Needs Overhaul JOHNSON HALL 222Switcher Upgrades MILITARY SCIENCE 105Projector MILITARY SCIENCE 115Upgrade PATHOLOGY 109Projector Upgrade Rockwell 36Needs Overhaul TILT 221New Switcher & Projector WAGAR 132New Crestron System WAGAR 231Needs Overhaul WAGAR 232Needs Overhaul Annual Classroom PC SupportMaintenance and Upgrades Flipped BYOD DevicesCrestron Aimedia Proposed Technology Refresh / Upgrades For FY 16

20 FLIPPED CLASSROOM New approach to Teaching and Learning New Flexible Furniture allowing for classroom reconfigurations New Classroom Layouts promoting group collaborations New Classroom Technologies including Side Monitors for small group wireless presentations Class Materials available prior to classroom time Lecture Capture All of the Above ?

21 Wireless Presentation Devices  Helps to promote the collaborative learning spaces and experience  BYOD – Bring you own Device  Is a key element in the Flipped classroom design CSU CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY


23 UTFAB FUNDING CRITERIA 1. Benefit as many students as possible Most if not all CSU students benefit 2. Ability to effectively utilize the fee Your decision. 3. Not funded by CFTCorrect. 4. Adherence to budget and accountability Your decision. 5. Potential for direct student use Absolutely 6. Effort, thought & clarity in the plan Your decision. 7. Quantitative usage dataClassroom Technology used daily. 8. Financial co-sponsorshipUTFAB / UFFAB / CRB / ACNS 9. Central/distributed balanceYour decision. 10. Cost/benefit ratioYour decision.

24 Questions / Comments Thank You !

25 CSU CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY Staying ahead of the Curve Echo 360 Lecture Capture Rooms

26 ONE THING WE KNOW ABOUT TECHNOLOGY - It is constantly changing it is changing the way we communicate It is changing the way we teach and learn

27 CSU CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY Laptop VGA to HDMI Analog Sunset – VGA to be phased out completely by 2015 on all new Laptops  CSU has been incorporating HDMI connections since 2008  CSU began switching to the wide 16:10 screen format in 2008  Currently 85% of the classrooms have HDMI inputs available

28 UTFAB - Technology Refreshes & Upgrades for FY 15 Classroom Technology Refreshes & Upgrades Completed Summer 2014  Clark Awing Projector Refreshes & Upgrades – 11 Rooms A102 A103 A104 A201 A202 A204 A204 A205 A206 A207 Higher Brightness Standard wide screen resolution Longer Lamp Life Available 5 year warranty Clark A101 Clark A101 – Large Venue Projector = Larger Screen Size – Challenges  Increased brightness +  Increased resoltution +  Rugged build quality for daily auditorium use

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