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Task linking to conscience Homework task: write what a libertarian would say about the examples.

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1 Task linking to conscience Homework task: write what a libertarian would say about the examples.

2 Consider the following definition of conscience. Choose one which you find most plausible and justify your choice ‘ knowledge within oneself’, ‘ The faculty or principle which pronounce upon the moral quality of one’s actions or motives, approving the right and condemning the wrong’ (Oxford English Dictionary) ‘Conscience is thus…the voice of our true selves which summons us…to live productively, to develop fully and harmoniously. It is the guardian of our integrity (Enrich Fromn) ‘ it is the reason making moral judgements or choice values’ (St Thomas Aquinas) ‘The built in monitor of moral action or choice values’ (John Macquarrie)

3 The following acting morally or immorally, and should they punished for their actions A conscript who refuses to fight because he or she believes that war is wrong A regular solider who refuses to fight because he or she is believes that a particular war is wrong A mother who sends her daughter to school in trousers despite school rules insisting on skirts Environmental activists who destroy a field of experimental genetically modified crops. A demonstrator who blocks traffic in the street to make his or he protest known

4 An animal rights activist who breaks into a pharmaceuticals laboratory and destroys the research equipment and the results of animal experimentation Local families who drive out a paedophile living near their homes who is being released after serving a prison sentence A person who breaks into the premises of a British arms dealer and damages war planes due for export

5 Teachers who go on strike demanding better pay. A priest who refuses to preach a teaching of his church on sexual morality, which he believes is wrong. Who Anti- abortionists who burn down an abortion clinic A citizen who refuses to pay tax to the government because that the countries nuclear deterrent is immoral and doesn’t want his money to support it

6 HOMEWORK explain the importance of free will (30 marks) Use your original essay and include sections we have learnt since and previously in yr12 Human condition Conscience etc Needs to be typed. 12 font. Double spaced. Due Thursday 29 th

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