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USING A WRITING PROCESS TO PLAN UNITS OF STUDY Module #5 Highline Public Schools Literacy Team.

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Presentation on theme: "USING A WRITING PROCESS TO PLAN UNITS OF STUDY Module #5 Highline Public Schools Literacy Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 USING A WRITING PROCESS TO PLAN UNITS OF STUDY Module #5 Highline Public Schools Literacy Team

2 OUTCOMES **Please sit with your grade-level team. Participants will:  Understand the complexity of the writing process  Study the If…Then… book as a resource for unit planning

3 THE WRITING PROCESS Read Chapter 6: “The Writing Cycle” from Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide by Ralph Fletcher and JoAnn Portalupi Guiding Questions:  What are some of the elements that make the writing process complex?  What are some of the ways the writing process influences unit and lesson planning?

4 REFLECT ON THE WRITING PROCESS Share out:  What are some of your “ahas” about the writing process?  What questions does this raise about the writing process?

5 UNIT PLANNING Steps for Unit Planning (from Chapter 10) 1.Decide on the Subject for the Unit of Study 2.Plan the Work Children will Do 3.Gather and Study Texts for Children to Emulate 4.Read, Write and Study What You will Teach 5.Outline a Sequence of Teaching Points 6.Write Minilessons 7.Plan Conferences, Assessments, Homework, and the Rest

6 PLANNING WITH IF…THEN… 1. Decide on the Subject for the Unit of Study  What do you want to extend?  What do you want to reteach?  What new genre do you want to teach?  What do you need to preteach for an upcoming unit? Pick a unit from the If…Then… Table of Contents

7 PLANNING WITH IF…THEN… 2.Plan the Work Children will Do 3.Gather and Study Texts for Children to Emulate 4.Read, Write and Study What You will Teach Read “Rationale/Introduction” and “Summary of the Bends in the Road for this Unit”  What are the major outcomes of this unit/bends?  What parts of the writing process do you go through in each bend?

8 PLANNING WITH IF…THEN… 5.Outline a Sequence of Teaching Points For each bend…  Read to find the teaching points  Name where you are in the writing process  Write the teaching points in “Writers… By…” language  Writers revise their poetry by adding specific images or details.  Review bend – add mid-workshop teaching points and shares to connect lessons

9 PLANNING WITH IF…THEN… 3.Gather and Study Texts for Children to Emulate 6.Write Minilessons 7.Plan Conferences, Assessments, Homework, and the Rest Balance unit planning and daily planning

10 REFLECTION Please complete the reflection:  3 key understandings  2 next steps  1 question

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