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A forum for coordinating state, federal, and tribal aquatic monitoring programs in the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "A forum for coordinating state, federal, and tribal aquatic monitoring programs in the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 A forum for coordinating state, federal, and tribal aquatic monitoring programs in the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP)

2 Purpose is to achieve more robust and cost-effective information through improved coordination and compatibility cost-effective information through improved coordination and compatibility  Allow shared resources and data across organizations  Provide increased scientific credibility, cost-effective use of limited funds, and greater accountability to stakeholders Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

3 PNAMP Goals  Technical forum to develop, coordinate and inform M&E programs  Forum and process for communication to decision makers  Clearing house for design, protocols, and data management  Process to establish landscape/ecosystem metrics Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

4 PNAMP Partners August 2005 BPA CDFG CBFWA CRITFC Colville Tribes EPA NOAA Fisheries NWIFC NPCC OWEB PSMFC ACOE BLM USBR USFS USGS WA ECY WA GSRO WA SRFB Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

5 Structure of PNAMP  Watershed condition monitoring  Fish population monitoring  Project effectiveness monitoring  Data management  Estuary monitoring  Other topics as interest merits Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

6 PNAMP 2005 Progress  Charter finalized and signed by 19 state, tribal, federal, and regional entities  Strategy Complete  Identify key management questions  Develop standardized metrics and protocols  Identify regional efforts that are key components of a monitoring network  2005 Workplan Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

7 PNAMP 2005 Progress  Protocol Comparisons  Watershed “Side-by-side Test” underway Summer 2005; Fish Protocol document under review  Universal Survey Design  IMW draft plan  Regional data dictionary Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

8 PNAMP 2006 Planning  2006 Workplan under development  Cross-cut tasks identified at 2005 PNAMP Steering Committee Retreat Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

9 PNAMP 2006 Cross-cut tasks  Protocol standardization/coordination  Inventory of monitoring activities  Universal Survey Design for status monitoring  Data Management  High-level Indicators  Facilitate regional Networking Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

10 Next Steps  Increase involvement in technical workgroups  Increase cross-workgroup interaction  Finalize 2006 Workplan Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

11 For more information, see Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

12 Supplemental Slides Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

13 Watershed Condition Monitoring  Protocol Comparison: “Side-by-side Test” underway Summer 2005  Universal Survey Design: under consideration for use by regional monitoring programs Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

14 Fish Population Monitoring  Protocol comparison publication: facilitate review of Johnson et al.  Identify regional FPM RME needs and facilitate interaction with existing groups and programs (e.g. CSMEP; CRB pilot studies)  Field protocol comparison tests Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

15 Effectiveness Monitoring Workgroup  Intensively monitored watershed (IMW) network  Regional data dictionary for aquatic monitoring attributes  Tools (including high level indicators) for reporting on effectiveness of projects  Common sampling protocols for testing effectiveness of projects Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

16 Data Management  Regional coordination workshops hosted by the NED, PNW RGIC, and others (e.g. regional QA/QC, regional spatial definitions, data networking, project management data)  Data Management Coordination Plan, including interaction with existing entities, e.g. NED, IRICC Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership

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