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1 L0Calo ECS. 2 Introduction L0Calo consists in several boards: –In the cavern: Front-End Boards, Trigger Validation Boards and SPD Multiplicity Boards.

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Presentation on theme: "1 L0Calo ECS. 2 Introduction L0Calo consists in several boards: –In the cavern: Front-End Boards, Trigger Validation Boards and SPD Multiplicity Boards."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 L0Calo ECS

2 2 Introduction L0Calo consists in several boards: –In the cavern: Front-End Boards, Trigger Validation Boards and SPD Multiplicity Boards –In the barrack (L0Calo subsystem): 8 Selection Boards and 2 TELL1 Information and instructions are maintained in the following twiki: –

3 3 Definitions TVB: Trigger Validation Board SB: Selection Board LUT: Look Up Tables – in TVB: defines the HCAL-ECAL mapping and the validation of ECAL by PS/SPD – in SB: defines the final address of the candidate IDLE, Data valid, BCId Reset: signals used to time-aligned the boards Delay, latency: delays applied to different inputs to time- align them properly for the processing Mask: remove the information from the L0 computation

4 4 PVSS Panel of ECAL/HCAL TrigPGA Click to mask one channel, then click on « Write » Read the current configuration Writes to the board the changes made in the panel

5 5 L0Calo Hardware In rack D3B01, crate D3B01U: 8 Selection Boards –SBELE (Selects highest Electron)‏ –SBPHO (Selects highest Photon)‏ –SBPIG (Selects highest Global Pi0)‏ –SBPIL (Selects highest Local Pi0)‏ –SBSPD (Sums SPD multiplicities)‏ –SBHMA (Master), SBHS1 (Slave1), SBHS2 (Slave2) (Sums HCAL Et and selects highest hadron)‏ In rack D3B02, crate D3B02U: 2 TELL1s (Rack shared with ECAL)‏ –TCATELL01 (Tell1 for the 5 electromagnetic SB)‏ –TCATELL02 (Tell1 for the 3 hadron SB)‏

6 6 Location of hardware D3 barrack (third floor), second section Entrance Selection Boards TELL1s

7 7 How to configure L0Calo It is usually done from the main console Run: – G:\online\ecs\Shortcuts38\TRG\TCALO\TCADAQ/TCADA Q_UI_DEN.lnk (Windows)‏ – /group/online/ecs/Shortcuts38/TRG/TCALO/TCADAQ/T (Linux)‏

8 8 1. Take ownership 2. Click on « Configure » -> then « Send »

9 9 Second step is to go to « Running » to be able to take data. In this step, the optical input links are synchronized, so the TVB must be « Ready » before. Also if any parameter of one TVB is modified (BCId reset for example), this step must be redone (Stop -> Start)‏

10 10 Click to access Selection Boards summary panel Click to access TELL1

11 11 Selection Board Summary panel All dots must be green, if one is red, it indicates a problem CCSERV: if red, the server is not running → restart it (see instructions on twiki: to_check_or_restart_a_CCPC_s Output Links: if red in READY or RUNNING state, problem with configuration → ask to reset and re-configure Input Links: if red in READY or RUNNING state and when all TVB are in READY or RUNNING state, problem with optical link between TVB (or SPD CB) and SB: ask to reset and re- configure corresponding TVB/SPD SB. Time Alignment: if red in RUNNING state, problem with input optical link synchronization: ask to reset PRS, ECAL and TCALO

12 12 Selection Board pannel Visualization of all input links (green means sending data, red means off, blue means IDLE)‏ Click on the « M » button to mask one link Everything should be green in this aread Click here for help (mapping of input chanels,...)‏

13 13 L0Calo Monitoring tools Patrick Robbe Marie-Hélène Schune Comparison of the selection boards data with the expected trigger decision computed from the 8-bits adc data Monitoring of the selection boards data

14 14 L0CaloMonit Selection Boards data L0CaloAlg (Selection Boards simulation from 8-bits adc data) ‏ Histograms Monitoring of the selection boards data

15 15 L0CaloMonit outputs :

16 16 Each crate is drawn with its number Allows to spot hot channels (red cells) Allows to detect missing PM or FE board What to see on a 2D hit map ?

17 17 L0CaloCompare Selection Boards data L0CaloAlg (Selection Boards simulation from 8-bits adc data) ‏ Histograms Comparison of the selection boards data with the expected trigger decision computed from the 8-bits adc data

18 18 A 2D map filled only if Emulated and Decoded data differ for each type of L0candidate : electron, photon, hadron, Pi0Local, Pi0Global L0CaloCompare outputs : Histogram of the (SumEt_Emulated - SumEt_Decoded) distribution Reference data are the emulated ones, checked data are the decoded (from selection boards) data (can be changed through options file) Histogram of the (SpdMult_Emulated - SpdMult_Decoded) distribution

19 19 The 2D maps should be empty …

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