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Jessica Gutierrez Sociology 1 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN.

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1 Jessica Gutierrez Sociology 1 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN

2  The HRC was founded in 1980 by Steven Endean in the U.S. as one of the first LGBTQ political action committees.  Their core mission at the time was to raise enough funds on behalf of the gay community to political candidates who supported gay civil rights legislation in order to ensure change.  In 1982, the HRC fund reached success as the 17 th largest independent political action committee in the U.S.  In 1987, half a million individuals attended the March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights, leading to the founding of numerous LGBTQ organizations and raising awareness for this community. THE BEGINNING

3  92% of LBGTQ adults view society as becoming more accepting  45% of American’s view homosexuality as a sin  There is an 18% increase of American’s who hold a favorable view of gay men from 2003-2013  There is a 19% increase of American’s who hold a favorable view of gay women from 2003-2013  In 2013, only 19% of adults shared they would be upset over learning their child was gay or lesbian. In 1985, this same statistic was at 64%.  Studies show that in another 10 years or so, statistics for viewing this community as wrong will fall even lower. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES

4  92% of members agree that society is more accepting (2013)  39% claimed to have been rejected by family members or friends at some point for their chosen lifestyle (2013)  30% have been attacked or threatened (2013)  29% have been rejected in a place of worship (2013)  61% of gay men between 20 and 29 believe being gay is extremely important to their identity (2015)  75% of gay men between 20 and 29 agree that “Being gay makes me feel different in a good way” (2015)  81% of members agree that the LGBTQ community is not as “close-knit” and is now more “clique-y” (2015) INNER PERSPECTIVES

5  In 2010 the HRC launched “NOM Exposed”, which held the National Organization for Marriage accountable for “misinformation” and “hate spread” in an effort to spread equality which slowly led to marriage equality in individual states over time and eventually in 2015 when “love won” across America  The HRC invested $2 million in a 12-week campaign which resulted in a successful vote for the U.S. to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in 2013.  The HRC led a nationwide strategy to end the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” law in the military.  In 2015, the HRC delivered the “People’s Brief” calling for full nationwide marriage equality to the U.S. Supreme Court. CHANGE OVER TIME

6  To be entirely honest, I do not think I could do much to improve the Human Right’s Campaign. Since the beginning they have done everything in their power to improve the lives of the LGBTQ community and ensure their safety and happiness in the U.S. through various campaigns and fundraisers. They have overcome a tremendous amount of victories to ensure equality for the gay community and are still working for more each day. The only thing I could possibly do to improve the HRC is perhaps advertise their campaign more to the younger generation so that equality will be instilled in their minds and hearts at a young age so that by the time they are older, they will see the struggles this community has faced and why they should be treated equally. HOW WOULD I IMPROVE THE HRC?

7  Steve Endean had previously worked with the Gay Rights National Lobby from 1978. In 1980 he had established the HRC and merged the two groups.  In 1983, one of the leading LGBTQ rights activists of Washington D.C., Vic Basile, was elected as the first Executive Director.  Bill Clinton earned the HRC’s first presidential endorsement in 1992.  In 2008, the HRC endorsed Barack Obama for president and raised money online/rallied volunteers in key states to elect him. The HRC endorsed Obama for re-election in order to re- elect who they claim to be the most supportive president in LGBTQ American history. MAJOR PARTICIPANTS

8  The Human Rights Campaign is an organization invested in improving the lives and working toward equality for the LGBTQ community. This is the community who is gaining benefit through the various fundraisers and campaigns the HRC holds. Therefore, I believe that the HRC works better for this community since it is the main community in focus. However, it does benefit those who do not consider themselves to be gay or transgender by exposing them to the struggles these individuals are faced with and providing knowledge on how we can become an equal society. DOES THE HRC WORK BETTER FOR SOME MEMBERS OF SOCIETY?

9  The functionalist perspective carefully analyzes each separate role in society and observes how they work together to create one whole order. For example, in this case the functionalist perspective would believe that society is held through individuals working together to decide on what is best for society overall, being determined by a democracy. A final decision is made by agreeing on what is best for the overall population instead of being based on what is best for individuals in order for society to increase in stability the best it can. The functionalist theory is productive by having individuals work together to find a solution yet being extremely careful to avoid interruption of the economic system. FUNCTIONALIST THEORY ANALYSIS

10  The conflict perspective explores each separate compartment of society to exemplify the power of social order and breaks it down into several categories which include race, gender, sexuality, wealth, etc. This theory exercises the power of social control, for example, individual morals and values are not as valuable as those of the people who are in control of society like political figures or celebrities which can cause conflict and inequality among individuals. These conflicts are what sparks growth and keeps society changing. In this case, conflict theorists might agree that this change is exactly what we might need for economic growth. CONFLICT THEORY ANALYSIS

11  1."Human Rights Campaign." Human Rights Campaign. HRC, n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2015.  2.Levy, Gabrielle. "The Next Fight Over Gay Rights Will Be in Congress." U.S. News. U.S. News and World Report, 23 July 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2015.  3.Abcarian, Robin. "Biden on Homophobia: 'I've Had It up to Here with Cultural Norms'" Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 01 Oct. 2015.  4.Drake, Bruce. "How LGBT Adults See Society and How the Public Sees Them." Pew Research Center RSS. Fact Tank, 25 June 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2015.  5."A Survey of LGBT Americans." Pew Research Centers Social Demographic Trends Project RSS. PRC, 13 June 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2015.  6.Rosenberg, Alyssa. "A New Study Reveals How Gay Men See Themselves and Their Communities." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 23 Sept. 2015. Web. 10 Oct. 2015.  7."The HRC Story: About Our Logo". Human Rights Campaign. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. SOURCES

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