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JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLIC. JEFFERSON’S ROAD  Presidential race between Jefferson and John Adams  After tie with running mate Aaron Burr (Decided in H.O.R.)

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2 JEFFERSON’S ROAD  Presidential race between Jefferson and John Adams  After tie with running mate Aaron Burr (Decided in H.O.R.)  Jefferson targeted by federalists -> whispering campaigns  Affairs / children with another woman  Jefferson wins election (“Negro President”?)  Naturalization Law of 1802 -> age requirement of 5 years  Got rid of Hamilton’s excise tariffs

3 JUDICIARY ACTIONS  Judiciary Act of 1801 = one of last Federalist passed laws  Created 16 new federal judgeships/ judicial offices  On last day Adams signs commissions of “midnight judges”  Fills life long position with anti-Jefferson people  James Madison decides to no allow these appointments  William Marbury one of the midnight judges, sues Madison  Marbury v. Madison  Agreed that Marbury should get his position but Constitution did not give them the power to force this  Led to idea of judicial review

4 JEFFERSON, THE WARRIOR KING?  First action of President was to reduce the military  Believes in using peaceful communication  U.S. begins to encounter pirates raiding their ships  Began to hire private protection  Tripolitan War  Tripoli informally declares war on U.S. for not receiving enough protection money  Jefferson sends what navy we have to shores of Tripoli  Treaty reached -> $60k for ransom fee of captured Americans

5 HELLO LOUISIANA  Napoleon Bonaparte convinced king of Spain to give land rights of Louisiana Territory to France  James Monroe + Robert Livingston sent to Paris  Buy as much land as possible for $10mil  If negotiations were to fail = make alliance with Britain  Napoleon decides to sell land and abandon all hope of a new world empire  Failed efforts to reconqueor Santo Domingo  About to end 20 month fight with Britain (didn’t want British to have that land)  U.S. gets land for $15 mil or 828k square miles for 3 cents an acre  Send Meriwether Lewis and William Clark (aided by Sacajawea) to explore area

6 AARON BURR’S WORLD OF MISCHIEF  Burr is dropped from cabinet in Jefferson’s 2 nd term  Joined group of Federalist extremists to plot secession of New England and New York  Burr challenges Alexander Hamilton to a duel (accepted)  Hamilton refuses to shoot + Burr not so afraid = Dead Hamilton  Burr arrested and placed on trial for treason  Found not guilty and acquitted from the charges  Flees to Europe and tries to get France and Britain to join against U.S.

7 NEUTRALITY?  Jefferson reelected in 1804 by huge margin  France and Britain back in war with each other  Orders of Council -> closed French ports to all foreign countries unless stopping at Britain first  Napoleon orders all merchant ships captured that entered British ports  Impressment -> forcible enlistment of sailors  Chesapeake Affair  British demand the surrender of four alleged deserters from the Chesapeake  American commander refuses the request  British ship fires into the Chesapeake killing 3 and wounding 18

8 EMBRACE THE EMBARGO?  U.S. still wants to stay neutral  Decided that cutting off all exports to foreign countries would force their hand  Passage of the Embargo Act  Forbade the export of all goods from the U.S., whether in American or foreign ships  Effected America long before Britain or France  Citizens become upset with Jefferson (Jefferson doesn’t care)  Repeal the Embargo Act 3 days before Jefferson’s retirement  Non-Intercourse Act -> opened up trade to every country except France and Britain.  The embargo failed because:  Jefferson overestimated the dependence of the 2 countries on America's trade.  Britain and France were not as reliant on America as Jefferson had hoped.  Britain was able to trade with the Latin American republics and France had enough land in Europe to support itself.

9 JAMES MADISON  Becomes president in 1809  Congress passes Macon’s Bill NO. 2  Lifted the embargo completely and allowed free trade to foreign countries  Requested Britain remove Orders in Council (they did not)  Madison reestablishes embargo against Britain only

10 HUH? IT’S TECUMSEH?  Reestablishing embargo on Britain threatened war  Twelfth Congress -> group of war hawks that want to go to war with Britain and eliminate Native American threats in the West  Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa (“The Prophet”) decide to stand up to this threat  Put together a confederacy of tribes east of the Mississippi River  Americans believe Britain is behind this Indian rebellion  Battle of Tippecanoe  Tecumseh was away but “The Prophet” attacks William Henry Harrison (gov. of Indiana territory) and was defeated

11 MADISON’S FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE  Madison realizes war is inevitable  British found to be arming Native Americans to attack U.S.  Prove that a new nation and gov’t could survive?  June 1, 1812 -> Congress declares war for first of only 5 times in history  The Democratic-Republicans who supported the war ("war hawks") felt that the country had to assert American rights to the world.  They wanted to invade Canada, the Indians' stronghold, because the Indians were being armed by the British to attack the settlers.  The Federalists were opposed because they supported Britain.

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