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Published byShannon Hancock Modified over 8 years ago
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 5-10mins Topic : DribblingIntensity : 3Code: GCAA02/15U7 Curriculum / Session: week 1 Age : u7Length : 60minsAuthor : DD Coach Notes Small touches with use of all areas of feet (inside, outside, laces, sole) Head up whilst moving to avoid others and see where next gate is Can players accelerate after the gate to get to the next one quicker Awareness of other players (teammates and opposition) Passing the ball to make up greater area quicker. Spacing near open gates. Coach Notes Warm up- Time: Coach Notes Stop play and get the kids to say when a good time to dribble is and when a good time to pass is. Relax them on ball and to make sure they do not ‘just kick’ the ball. (pass/dribble or shoot) Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 20mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 15-20mins 6. Warm Down / Debrief Time : 3-5mins ScrimmageTime : 5mins All but 1 players to be given a penny as a tail. (tucked into the back/side of their shorts). The player without a tail will try to take a tail from the other players. If successful then that player will tuck tail into their shorts and the new fox can start to chase others for their tails. After completion, paly again but now say that if your tail is taken out you are also a fox and now you will have multiple foxes. Keep going until 1 player left with a tail. Players can have a ball as well, and must escape whilst keeping control of their ball 24yrds 30yrds Players all start with a ball each. They are to dribble through as many gates as possible in 2 minutes. After this, pair them with somebody else. They are now to try to go through as many gates whilst their partner tries to stop them. If partner gets the ball the n they try to go through the gates. (Who can score the most points). Now they are to pass and move to go through as many gates as possible working together. Now combine 2 pairs to play against each other and see who can get through more gates. Coach Notes Introduction Players to be introduced to all coaches. Coaches to welcome kids and parents saying what team they are coaching. 24yrds 30yrds End session with a scrimmage. If possible keep at 4v4 Control of the ball not just kicking ball away should be highly encouraged Introduce rules to the game. Group debrief to be held with all players and discuss learnings and session.
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10-15mins Topic : Dribbling/Skills Intensity : 4Code: GCAA03/161U8 Curriculum / Session: week 2 Age : u7Length : 60minsAuthor : DD Coach Notes -Importance of getting head up should be stressed. -Can players identify where space is and quickly go through that space. -If on the approach they can see a lot of players going through, maybe they could go slower and allow for then to pass, or maybe can they go faster to get through area before other players get there. -Use of different parts of foot to move ball quickly to react to the situation. Coach Notes Warm up- Time: Coach Notes -Identify when and where there is space. -turn away if defender comes close -Can they use skills to get pass defenders? Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 5-10mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 7-12mins 6. Warm Down / Debrief Time : 3-5mins Scrimmage Time: 15mins 5mins 8 players (can be more or less) 2 at each outer cone. All 4 cones to go at the same time and they must dribble to middle cones then go off to the side to the next outside cone. Player to give ball to the next player and then they may go. Players to be shown certain skills to perform as they approach center cone. -Stanley Matthews -Scissors Direction of play should be switched often. 24yrds 30yrds With all 4 players still going at the same time, they must now dribble through the center cones to the opposite side. When they reach opposite side they are to give ball to next player and they can then immediately go. Coach Notes Skill school Players to move around grid with ball. They should attempt to perform some dribbling skills whilst moving. Encourage looking at others and attempting to copy what any of them do. You may provide examples but allowing their creativity to come out and ‘invent’ some stuff can be quite rewarding. (This is a warm up so not a lot of coaching needs to be done. 24yrds 30yrds Players are to get points by dribbling through ‘Defenders area’ in the middle of the field. Defenders must stay within this area but can stop players getting through. Players must attempt to dribble through and get to the other goal to gain a point. If defenders get ball they should pass it away off the field (no point awarded if they then cross sides) Players do not need to start on the same side. Group debrief to be held. Discussion about dribbling skills and when to use them should be main points brought up. 24yrds 30yrds End session with a scrimmage. If possible keep at 4v4 Control of the ball not just kicking ball away should be highly encouraged Can they use learned skills during the game? Maintain rules of the game. Encouraging dribbling opportunities should be priority. Is there space? (yes) Can you get through it quickly? What is the best part of foot to use? Is there space? (no) Can you change direction to create some or use skill? What is the best part of foot to use? Can you change direction to create space? (No) Can you find a teammate to pass to? -Close control on the approach to center cone. -Timing of skill extremely important (should be at least 1-2 yards away) - Use of outside of foot to take ball in correct direction -Bending of knee and lowering of shoulder to create disguise and allow for push off
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10-15mins Topic : DribblingIntensity : 3Code: GCAA03/162U7 Curriculum / Session: week 3Age : u7Length : 60minsAuthor : DD Coach Notes Head up, to know where gate is and make direct approach to gate. Can teammate position self in a good position towards the next gate if player is dribbling through 1 already Coach Notes Warm up- Time: 3-5mins Coach Notes Decision making. Where are the defenders? Where are my teammates? Can I go forwards? Yes, go! No, turn backwards. Space to run with ball? Yes, Do it! No, pass. Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 5mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 15-20mins 6. Warm Down / Debrief Time : 3-5mins Scrimmage Time : 15-20mins 24yrds 30yrds 4 Gates to position near the corners of the field. Players are to work in pairs to try and dribble the ball through all of the gates. They can pass to a teammate who is better positioned to go through a gate to be quicker. Sharks and minnows Players lined up across the width at 1 end of the field. 1 defender in the middle. When coach says go, players are to dribble to the other end without being caught by the defender. If caught they are a defender also for the next round. The gates are now goals. Each team has 2 gates to protect and 2 to score in. 4v4 Players are now still to score by dribbling through a gate in any of the opponents. However only 1 ball to be used. Can players pass the ball to a teammate if they have defenders near them. (If too difficult, make field smaller) Group debrief to be held with all players and discuss learnings and session. 4v4 scrimmage to end. Encouraging dribbling opportunities and knowing when to pass rather than dribble. Spacing of teammates to support player on the ball. 24yrds 30yrds Coach Notes Good control of weight of touch on the ball. Slow down approach to the ball to secure a good touch. Soccer shuttles. Players line up behind the row of cones at the front. They must dribble ball to 1 st cone, stop it, run back to the start. Then they run to their ball, dribble it forward to the next cone, stop it, then run back to the start without the ball. Then once again run to their ball, dribble it forward to the last cone before turning and dribbling it back. As players stop ball, you can now make them do 10 toe taps on the ball when they get to each cone before they dribble it forward to the next (don’t have to run back each time) Repeat with -side to sides - knee taps on the ball Run with the ball Run without the ball 5yrds
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10-15mins Topic : PassingIntensity : 3Code: GCAA03/163U7 Curriculum / Session: week 4Age : u7Length : 60minsAuthor : DD Coach Notes This drill creates direction to accomplish results. Players can pass in any direction within the area/ dribble but can only score by passing to target. Coach Notes Warm up- Time: 3-5mins Coach Notes Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 15mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 6. Warm Down / Debrief Time : 3-5mins Scrimmage Time : 15-20mins In groups of 3 or 4. Player on outside passes ball into central player. Player turns and passes ball to the other player. That player then passes the ball back to the central player who again passes to the other side. (switch roles after 90 seconds) Progression: after receiving the ball central player must go through center cones before passing to the other side. In a 10x10 square 2v1/3v1 (depending on numbers), players are to try and pass the ball to their target player (by orange cone) who is outside the square. Defender is working hard to prevent it. After every 2 goes change target player. Target player can move side to side to create an angle for teammates inside square. Coach Notes Numbers Players to dribble around area, coach to shout out a number 1-5. Players must do that number. 1)stop 2) toe taps 3) side to side 4)turn 5) go faster Introduce 1 at a time using demonstrations. Group debrief to be held with all players and discuss learnings and session. If players are struggling with passes, go through technique. (inside of foot pass-standing foot next to ball with knee and toe pointing to target player, lift knee up and out of kicking leg before going towards the ball to hit it) Player in middle to move towards outside players to make it easier for them. Play a scrimmage to end. Encouraging passing opportunities 24yrds 30yrds 5 yards 1 yard
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10mins Topic : PassingIntensity : 3Code: GCAA03/164U7 Curriculum / Session: week 5Age : u7Length : 60minsAuthor : DD Coach Notes Technique and player being on toes ready is important to coach. Coach Notes Warm up- Time: 3-5mins Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 15 mins 6. Warm Down / Debrief Time : 3-5mins Scrimmage Time : 20mins Players to pass ball in pairs. 3-5 yards apart (close passing) Get players to take turns passing ball with inside of foot, sole of foot and laces. Progression: players when receiving can touch ball to the side then pass to teammate. Short passing but now with direction changes. 3 cones set up as so. 1 player works harder to link passes and go from 1 player to the next. Switch players round after 2 minutes. Coach Notes Numbers Players to dribble around area, coach to shout out a number 1-5. Players must do that number. 1) stop 2) toe taps 3) side to side 4)turn 5) go faster Players now know these so quick recap and get them going! Group debrief to be held with all players and discuss learnings and session. Pass needs to be accurate (use of inside/sole/laces) NO TOES! Take time to aim at the start to make sure of accuracy before passing quickly Control ball before passing. scrimmage. Please implement as many of the game day rules as possible 24yrds 30yrds Time given to you as a coach to work with your team. You can go through kick off routines/ corners throw ins or anything else you feel you would like to work on
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10-15mins Topic : Passing/ shootingIntensity : 3Code: GCAA04/161U7 Curriculum / Session: week 6Age : u7Length : 60minsAuthor : DD Coach Notes Keeping head up Encourage teammates calling for the ball Awareness of goal. Coach Notes Warm up- Time: 5mins Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 20 mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 6. Warm Down / Debrief Time : 3-5mins Scrimmage Time : 20mins Player stand behind their cone with a tall cone positioned in front of them. When its their turn they are to strike the ball to attempt to knock over teammates. If knocked over player gets a point. Players with ball on outside. 1 player in the middle. Player is to receive ball from each player (1 at a time) turn and shoot at goal, before quickly getting the next pass. Every 1 to have a turn. Pass needs to be good and accurate to player. Player in the middle should move towards player, CALL for the ball before pass is played. A GK is placed in goal to start off with as a bit of pressure to the shooter to think about. If shooter is advanced then GK becomes a defender and must try to tackle them. Coach Notes Sharks and minnows A quick game of shark and minnows. Players are lined up on one side of the area, Sharks are placed in the middle. Players are to get across with their ball to the other side on coaches command. If successful they wait there until next command from coach. If caught they become a shark. Players to stay within boundaries of field at all times. Group debrief to be held with all players and discuss learnings and session. Technique of striking the ball. Laces/inside. Aiming legs knee and toe to point towards target Follow through after contact with the ball scrimmage. Please implement as many of the game day rules as possible 24yrds 30yrds 8 yards
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10-15mins Topic : Skills/ shieldingIntensity : 3Code: GCAA04/162U7 Curriculum / Session: week 7Age : u7Length : 60minsAuthor : DD Coach Notes Sideways stance when shielding. Body to be low (bent knees) Keeping head up Protection of soccer ball Skills / timing of skills to move into space Coach Notes Warm up- Time: 3-5mins Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10mins 6. Warm Down / Debrief Time : 3-5mins Scrimmage Time : 20mins Players all to have a ball within the area. Players to be encouraged to perform skills as they dribble. (self discover) Teach skills- Stanley Matthews (drop of shoulder, take ball with opposite leg using outside of foot. Scissors- stepping around ball (in to out) then taking ball with outside of opposite foot. King of the ring Players to try to maintain possession of the ball with the area. Defender is to kick their balls outside. If they are out they must get their ball and practice skills on the outside. Last player standing is crowned king/queen. After game 1 finishes teach shielding (being in the way of ball and defender). Play 1 last time encouraging skills or shielding. Coach Notes Create a boxed area 20x20 yards. Players to dribble around inside the area. On GO command players are to stop their ball sprint outside the box before returning and collecting any soccer ball. Players to then continue to dribble. Then introduce command FIVE in which players must stop ball give somebody a high five then return back to a ball and continue dribbling. Group debrief to be held with all players and discuss learnings and session. Drop of shoulder is to create disguise. Knee to be bent when dropping shoulder to create balance and allow quicker exit scrimmage. Please implement as many of the game day rules as possible 24yrds 30yrds 1v1s Players to be partnered up. Can they take on there teammate. 1 point for getting past them, 3 points for a nutmeg. Note: going sideways does not count as going past them. If they get tackled or lose the ball then they attempt ot do the same. Coach Notes Encourage use of skills to get past. Timings of skill is very important to be efficient. (1 yard away from defender). If defender is too close/ fatigue kicks in, protect the ball until space is given or energy is recovered.
Session One – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 10mins Topic: ScrimmagesIntensity:2Code: GCAA05/15U7 Curriculum / Session: week 8Age: u7Length: 60minsAuthor: DD Coach Notes Warm up Time: 5mins Coach Notes Session Two – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: 45mins Session Three – Physical | Technical | Tactical | Scrimmage Time: Warm Down / Debrief Time: Scrimmage Time: Coach Notes Hills and valleys Disc cones to be placed around area. Half upside down. 2 teams: 1 team turns upside down cones (valleys) the right way up(hills) and the other team turns hills to valleys. They should be given a 60 second time limit. After 1 go, get all players a ball. Now they must dribble to each cone before they can turn it around. Play for 2 minutes. Wall breaker 2 teams Players must break the wall of opposing team. Start with 2 balls, but take 1 out after a minute or 2 to leave just 1. Observe and coach players to control ball and identify when to attack/defend. Relaxing on receiving the ball and making a decision on next choice. Can they dribble? Can they pass? Head up Split all players into 4 teams. We are going to scrimmage against all other teams. (3 games). Mini tournament. Each game should last 12 minutes with a quick water break in between each 1. Switch opposition after each game until all teams have been played. Please still coach within the scrimmages if you feel it is needed.
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