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JIRA FUNDAMENTALS COURSE JRA-F010 1. 2014 Course outline Part 1 : Introduction (from slide 3) Part 2 : JIRA Concepts (from slide 19) Part 3 : Security.

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2 2014 Course outline Part 1 : Introduction (from slide 3) Part 2 : JIRA Concepts (from slide 19) Part 3 : Security features (from slide 33) Part 4 : Using JIRA (from slide 53) 2


4 2014 Table of contents Features Technical environment Use cases and target users Atlassian community and documentation INTRODUCTION 4

5 2014 Features INTRODUCTION Issues management Require ments Change requests Bugs Service requests Other?Incidents Issues Tasks Risks 5

6 2014 Features INTRODUCTION 6

7 2014 Features INTRODUCTION Manage projects Versions Components Releases Release Notes Changes 7

8 2014 Features INTRODUCTION Estimate Time spent Remaining Overall time spent Time tracking Activity feed Information sharing Notifications Collaboration Powerful search engine Watch Dashboards Reports Reporting 8

9 2014 Features INTRODUCTION Web No installation required User-friendly Customisable Interface User directories Project-level permissions Issue-level permissions Security Easy to add new features with add-ons Data export REST and RPC APIs Integrations 9

10 2014 INTRODUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Track bugs and new features Track requirements, business requests, tests Track technical releases Track activity, review, risks Track sub-contractors Project portfolio management Use cases Development 10

11 2014 INTRODUCTION Use cases Operations & Support SERVICE DESK Incident management Support/Service requests Access requests OPERATIONS Problem management Change management 11

12 2014 INTRODUCTION Use cases Other use cases QUALITY ASSURANCE Improvement request management Process releases management BUSINESS PROCESSES Track actions or non-conformities Track purchase requests Permission management 12

13 2014 Target users JIRA brings value to the whole organisation, including external stakeholders: Managers: for project management Engineering teams: to track technical tasks Business teams: to track business requests and requirements Support or Operations teams: for support requests or change requests Suppliers or providers: for work requests management Customers: to track issues or claims INTRODUCTION 13

14 2014 Atlassian Community and Documentation Documentation on on Knowledge Base and FAQ e+Base+Home e+Base+Home Forums Blogs / News Atlassian University INTRODUCTION 14

15 2014 Questions / Answers INTRODUCTION 15


17 2014 Table of contents What is an issue? What is a project? Components Versions Workflow and resolution concepts User interface JIRA CONCEPTS 17

18 2014 Issue Issue is a generic word for a record in the JIRA database An issue can be any item containing information that is required to follow a workflow JIRA CONCEPTS 18

19 2014 Issues JIRA CONCEPTS 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 1 12 13 19

20 2014 Issues 1.Project / Key  Unique ID of the issue / Project 2.Type  Issue type 3.Status  State of the issue in the workflow 4.Priority  Priority of the issue 5.Assignee  User assigned to the issue 6.Reporter  User who created the issue 7.Summary  Short description of the issue (title) 8.Comment(s)  Comment related to the issue 9.Change History  Changes made to the issue 10. Actions  Transitions defined in the workflow 11. Operations  Available processing operations 12. Created date  Created date of the issue 13. Updated date  Date of the last change JIRA CONCEPTS 20

21 2014 Projects A project is a container of issues It can be: A business process A marketing team A product A software application A project (!) A service desk Or any other system on which you need to track changed JIRA CONCEPTS 21

22 2014 Projects Project attributes: A name A key used as prefix of its issues A project lead Users associated to project roles A project has also many configuration schemes: Issue types, permissions, notifications, workflows… JIRA CONCEPTS 22

23 2014 Components Every JIRA project may contain components. They are used to group issues within a project into smaller parts Every issue can be associated to one, several or no component A component can be functional: HR, Billing, Claims Or technical: Web Interface, Reports, Core library JIRA CONCEPTS 23

24 2014 Versions Versions attached to a project lets you: Track releases, builds, roadmaps… Identify versions affected and/or on which a new feature/bug fix was deployed Versions have 3 states: Unreleased Released Archived JIRA CONCEPTS 24

25 2014 Projects JIRA CONCEPTS 25

26 2014 Workflow A workflow represents the lifecycle of an issue, using steps and transitions. It represents the process which your issue will follow. JIRA CONCEPTS 26

27 2014 QBE Development and Release Workflow JIRA CONCEPTS 27

28 2014 QBE Development and Release Workflow 28

29 2014 Resolution The resolution concept lets you specify what was done to an issue. Usually, this value is set when the issue transitions to a resolution step in the workflow. For example: Resolved, Duplicate or Done. The closure action lets the requester express his agreement with the resolution. A workflow should always have a single final step. JIRA CONCEPTS 29

30 2014 User interface Go back to Dashboard Projects list Search issues Create an issue In a project User currently Logged on JIRA Administration Gadget 30

31 2014 Questions / Answers JIRA CONCEPTS 31


33 2014 Permission management Users, Groups and Roles Global permissions Project permissions Issues permissions Limitation: field security Comment visibility OVERVIEW OF THE SECURITY FEATURES 33

34 2014 Comment visibility Comments on issues can be restricted Restrict viewing to a group Restrict viewing to a role OVERVIEW OF THE SECURITY FEATURES 34

35 2014 Questions / Answers 35 OVERVIEW OF THE SECURITY FEATURES


37 2014 Table of contents Managing projects Managing issues Search tools Agile project management Customising the user interface Reporting USING JIRA 37

38 2014 Managing projects Administering a project Managing components Managing versions Assigning roles USING JIRA 38

39 2014 Version management A version can have 3 states Unreleased Released Archived USING JIRA 39

40 2014 Managing issues Create, Edit and Delete issues Use Sub-tasks Attachments Comment on issues Move and clone issues Assign issues Log work on issues Link issues Watch and vote on issues Change history USING JIRA 40

41 2014 Creating issues USING JIRA ‘Create issues’ permission required Keyboard shortcut « c » 41

42 2014 Creating issues Other ways of creating issues: Using emails (e.g. Help Desk) From another web application(JIRA Issue Collector) From other applications (via the JIRA API) Using Jelly Script USING JIRA 42

43 2014 Viewing issues UTILISATION « Browse Project » permission required 43

44 2014 Editing issues This is where you can change some issue fields But editing an issue will not change its progress in the workflow USING JIRA ‘Edit issues’ permission required Keyboard shortcut « e » 44

45 2014 Editing issues From JIRA 5.1, you can edit field values directly by clicking on them (inline edit) USING JIRA ‘Edit issues’ permission required Keyboard shortcut « e » 45

46 2014 Deleting issues Do not confuse Delete and Resolve The Delete issues permission if often limited to JIRA administrators Deletion is permanent USING JIRA ‘Delete issues’ permission required 46

47 2014 Creating sub-tasks Sub-task issues can be created from a standard issue There is only 1 level of hierarchy USING JIRA ‘Create issues’ permission required Sub-tasks need to be activated 47

48 2014 Converting Convert a sub-task to an issue Convert an issue to a sub-task USING JIRA 48

49 2014 Attachments Two actions: Attach a file Attach a screenshot Attachment size limitations can be set (10 Mb by default) USING JIRA ‘Create attachments’ permission required Attachments need to be activated 49

50 2014 Attachments Attaching a file: Select a file Add a name Add a comment Set the comment visibility USING JIRA 50

51 2014 Attachments Attaching a screenshot Capture a screenshot and paste it Add a name Add a comment Set the comment visibility USING JIRA JAVA installation on user laptop is required for this feature. 51

52 2014 Comments Add a comment: Add some text (HTML can be used) Set the comment visibility USING JIRA ‘Add comments’ permission required 52

53 2014 Comments You can also: Modify a comment Delete a comment Use permalinks (pointing straight to the comment) for email/intranet communications Use Confluence wiki markup Mention users directly in the text: @administrator USING JIRA ‘Edit comments’ permission required ‘Delete comments’ permission required 53

54 2014 Cloning an issue Cloning menu Choose a new summary for the cloned issue USING JIRA Time tracking, comments and attachments are not cloned ‘Create issues’ permission required 54

55 2014 Assigning issues USING JIRA ‘Assign issues’ permission required ‘Assignable user ’ permission required to show ‘Assign to me’ buttton 55

56 2014 Time tracking This will allow you to log time spent on an issue Information available: Original estimate Remaining estimate Time spent USING JIRA ‘Work on issues’ permission required Time tracking needs to be activated 56

57 2014 Time tracking USING JIRA 57

58 2014 Linking issues Link to another issue (on the same JIRA instance or even another one): Select the description of the link Select the linked issues Confirm Link to a Confluence page Link to a web page USING JIRA ‘Link issues’ permission required Link issues needs to be activated 58

59 2014 Linking issues USING JIRA 59

60 2014 Link to a web page USING JIRA 60

61 2014 Voting for issues Allows users to vote on issues (e.g. for new features) You cannot vote for issues you created USING JIRA Voting needs to be activated 61

62 2014 Voting for issues Display vote history USING JIRA ‘View voters and watchers’ permission required 62

63 2014 Voting for issues A Voted issues gadget is available on the dashboard USING JIRA 63

64 2014 Watching issues Watchers receive emails every time an issue is edited The number of watchers is shown on the view screen of an issue USING JIRA Watchers need to be activated 64

65 2014 Watching issues USING JIRA ‘View voters and watchers’ permission required ‘Manage watchers’ permission required 65

66 2014 Watching issues A Watched issues gadget is available on the dashboard USING JIRA 66

67 2014 Share an issue Send an issue to a JIRA user or even to an external email address USING JIRA 67

68 2014 Change history A complete audit of changes can be seen in the change history tab Every change is recorded Old/New values are displayed Date, time and user who has made the change USING JIRA Ex. 2.1 ► 2.5 68

69 2014 Search features 4 search modes Quick search Basic search Advanced search Character string search Filter management Create filters Share filters Subscribe to filters Manage issue browser columns USING JIRA 69

70 2014 Quick search Search by key, e.g. ‘ABC-123’ Search on text fields: Summary Description Comments Search by keywords (possible combinations): ‘my’ : all issues assigned to me ‘TST’ : all issues on project with ‘TST’ key ‘bug’ : all issues with ‘bug’ issue type USING JIRA On Firefox and Internet Explorer 8, it is possible to add JIRA in the browser search engines 70

71 2014 Basic search Search for issues using a range of search criteria Logic between field criteria is always ‘AND’ E.g. Type, project, summary, reporter… USING JIRA 71

72 2014 Basic search Some fields are only useable for some projects and/or issue types Theses fields only become available once the right project and issue types are selected Project components and versions are only available once a project has been selected USING JIRA 72

73 2014 Advanced search Logical keywords: AND, OR, IN, NOT, EMPTY, WAS, CHANGED… Some fields are only available in advanced search: Category, Sprint, Linked issues, sub-tasks… Date functions: endOfDay(), endOfMonth(), endOfWeek(), endOfYear() Functions using roles, users and groups: membersOf(), projectsLeadByUser(), currentUser() USING JIRA 73

74 2014 Character string search Look for specific sentence using double quotation marks "" Wildcards: ‘?’ : Any single character ‘*’ : 0 or more than one undefined character Logical operators: AND, OR Required termes ‘+’ or excluded ‘-’ Search terms weight ‘^’ USING JIRA 74

75 2014 Create filters A filter is a saved search which can be reused and shared with other users Filters are used for: The issue navigator Some dashboard gadgets Some project reports Sending filter results at regular times (subscription) Sharing search results with another user A filter can be saved as favourite to make it visible on the user interface and find it again easily USING JIRA 75

76 2014 Creating filters JIRA offers some predefined filters: My open issues Reported by me Recently viewed All issues To create a filter, start searching then click on the button ‘Save as’ USING JIRA 76

77 2014 Sharing filters USING JIRA You can only share your own filters 77

78 2014 Sharing filters USING JIRA 78

79 2014 Subscribing to filters Receive the results of a filter by email Possibility to subscribe yourself or a group (with the required permission) USING JIRA 79

80 2014 Share the result of a search You can send an email with results of your search through share button: To JIRA users To external emails USING JIRA 80

81 2014 Customise the columns on a filter You can personalise the display of each filter: Re-arrange the columns Add/Remove columns USING JIRA 81

82 2014 Data export Different formats are available USING JIRA The JIRA administrator sets the maximum number of issues that can be exported at once 82

83 2014 Customising the interface Managing your profile Customising the home page Configuring the dashboard  Changing dashboards  Creating dashboards  Sharing dashboards Customising the dashboard USING JIRA 83

84 2014 Managing your profile You can change your user profile You can choose: Number of issues shown per page Format of notifications received Display language Email notifications on you own change Default navigator columns Timezone Automatic watching USING JIRA 84

85 2014 Customising the home page You can change your homepage Dashboard Agile board (JIRA Agile) Issue navigator USING JIRA 85

86 2014 Configuring the dashboard All users can customise their own dashboards USING JIRA Add a gadget to your dashboard Change visual display Manage dashboards 86

87 2014 Creating new dashboards It is possible to add new dashboards which will be shown as tabs It is also possible to copy an existing dashboard USING JIRA 87

88 2014 Sharing dashboards USING JIRA Users can only share dashboards they have created Remember to share the filters used in your dashboard as well 88

89 2014 Finding new dashboards Find the Search menu Check the star symbol if you want to display this dashboard on your dashboards page You cannot change these dashboards If you want to make updates, you have to make a copy of it USING JIRA 89

90 2014 Customising dashboards A dashboard is made up of different elements called ‘gadgets’ USING JIRA 90

91 2014 Add a gadget USING JIRA There are more than 20 existing gadgets by default, and much more available through add-ons 91

92 2014 Add a gadget You can create gadgets straight from the issue navigator USING JIRA Ex. 4.1 ► 4.2 92

93 2014 Keyboard shortcuts Some shortcuts make your life easier ‘c’ to create an issue ‘e’ to edit an issue ‘m’ to comment an issue ‘j’ and ‘k’ to go through your search results Other shortcuts are available. To view them all, type ‘?’ USING JIRA Ex. 5 93

94 2014 Reporting Standard Reporting Jira Advanced Report USING JIRA 94

95 2014 Standard Reporting Time tracking report: displays information about time tracking of issues in a project USING JIRA 95

96 2014 Standard Reporting Select versions and issue type Displays a diagram of the project USING JIRA 96

97 2014 JIRA Advanced Report 3 components BIRT Designer BIRT Engine Valiantys Plugin PowerReport USING JIRA BIRT Designer BIRT Engine SGBD, xml, csv, … XML PDF HTML 97

98 2014 JIRA Advanced Report Examples of reports USING JIRA 98

99 2014 JIRA Advanced Report BIRT Designer USING JIRA 99

100 2014 Questions / Answers USING JIRA 100

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