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Health Promoting Schools: National Hui: 27 th April 2016 Utilising our collective expertise to overcome our puzzles of practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Promoting Schools: National Hui: 27 th April 2016 Utilising our collective expertise to overcome our puzzles of practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Promoting Schools: National Hui: 27 th April 2016 Utilising our collective expertise to overcome our puzzles of practice

2 Objective: 1: Demonstrate that within our workforce we have the innovation and leadership expertise to cause significant movement in Health Promoting Schools. 2: Focus on issues of voice, power, leadership and decision making in relation to the community’s identified health and wellbeing priorities.

3 Understanding our puzzles of practice How do we move from where we’re at to where we want to be? Illustrate and/or describe a barrier, a road block, or limitation that is getting in the way of ‘movement’. What is preventing movement from one level on the CD Taxonomy to the next?

4 Activity: Ideate = to create and contribute ideas to a forum

5 Activity: Collaborate and ideate (20 mins): Work with your team to clearly illustrate / describe your ‘Puzzle of Practice’. Rove and recommend (15 mins): Walk around other teams’ puzzles of practice. Using post-it notes provide solution statements to other groups’ barriers, limitations, or road blocks. Reflect and reframe (10 mins): Choose the top three statements that you will try upon return to your community Report (10 mins): Report your puzzle of practice and solutions back to the group

6 Suggested ‘puzzle’ structure: 1) What you aim to achieve 2) Factors preventing movement 3) Strategies used to overcome factors 4) The impact these factors have on children's health, wellbeing, and educational achievement

7 HPS Workforce Community Development Taxonomy

8 Puzzle of practice

9 Rove and recommend

10 Evaluations Day 1 Day 2

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