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Transportation Improvement Board Complete Streets Program.

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1 Transportation Improvement Board Complete Streets Program

2 Transportation Improvement Board




6 RCW 47.04.320 Purpose: Encourage agency-wide ordinances Goals Promote healthy communities Improve safety for all users Protect the environment Preserve community character

7 Transportation Improvement Board RCW 47.04.320 Users Bicyclists Pedestrians Motorists Public transportation Other considerations Aesthetics Landscaping Sound engineering principles

8 Transportation Improvement Board RCW 47.04.320 Eligibility Agency: Cities and counties with a complete streets ordinance Project: Local agency streets and roads City streets that are part of state highways

9 Transportation Improvement Board Program Development Consultant is helping develop the program May not be traditional grant application process Will provide future workshops Other Programs

10 Transportation Improvement Board Chris Workman, PE 360.586.1153

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