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NUTRITION AIM To understand what our bodies need to function effectively To understand how different ages and lifestyles require different nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "NUTRITION AIM To understand what our bodies need to function effectively To understand how different ages and lifestyles require different nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUTRITION AIM To understand what our bodies need to function effectively To understand how different ages and lifestyles require different nutrition

2 Calories (or kilojoules) are a measure of the energy contained in both the foods we eat and our body fat. Our bodies use the energy found in the food we eat to keep us running, and store any excess as body fat for future use. When we expend energy it is said that we are burning calories, and when we burn more calories than we eat our bodies turn to our fat stores to find the additional energy they require. Thus when we eat more calories than we burn we gain weight, and when we burn more calories than we eat we lose weight. Eat more calories than you burn and you will gain weight; eat fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight.


4 Adults require approximately 2000 calories per day. 20-50% of your calorific needs are determined by physical activity and the rest is needed for breathing, circulating blood and keeping new cells functioning. 45-60% of your calories should come from carbohydrates 25-30% of your calories should come from fat 10-35% of your calories should come from protein Fats and alcohol are by far the most energy-dense foods. This is why they should only be consumed in moderation, particularly if you are overweight or obese. 1g fat = 9 calories 1ml alcohol = 9 calories 1g carbohydrate = 4 calories 1g protein = 4 calories 1g fibre = 3 calories 1ml water = 0 calories

5 WHO NEEDS WHAT? Throughout life your nutritional needs will vary. They also vary depending on whether you are male or female the kind of life you lead. Babies – in the first 4 months breast or formula milk provides all the nutrients they need. After that the baby is slowly weaned onto more solid, mashed foods such as cereals, vegetables and fruit. Young children – need to take in more energy (in relation to their size) than they use because they are growing. They need food high in carbohydrates, such as bread and cereals as well as a mixed, balanced healthy diet to provide them with all the nutrients they need. Adolescents – need a high-energy intake because they are usually very active and, as puberty sets in, growth and development is accelerated. Adults – their nutritional needs vary greatly depending on their age, gender,lifesyle and occupation. A less active person will require less energy thana very active one. Both groups still require a balanced diet, but the energy intake will vary to avoid obesity and health-related problems. Older people – their energy requirements decrease as people become less active, but it is still essential that older people continue to eat a balanced diet that is interesting and varied.

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