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COMP150 Game Design LESSON #9: Open Testing and Radical Decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "COMP150 Game Design LESSON #9: Open Testing and Radical Decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMP150 Game Design LESSON #9: Open Testing and Radical Decisions

2 TODAY: 1. Open Digital Prototype Testing! 2. Team Meetings: Read responses and discuss 3. Radical Revisions: Design Discussion of other game modes using core ideas from your game.

3 PART 1: DIGITAL PLAYTESTING SET UP (10 minutes): 1.Teams Choose Tables 2.Set up game digital prototype on 3 laptops. 3.Decide initial Observers (1-2) and Players. 4.Discuss: 1-3 points/instructions to share with visiting players? Write them down!

4 PART 1: DIGITAL PLAYTESTING PLAYTEST ROUND #1 (20 minutes): 1.Observers stay to manage playtest, Players find other games to play. 2.If team chose 1-3 instructions, give them. 3.Players attempt to play prototype (5-10 min). Observers take notes! 4.Players fill out questionnaire (5 minutes). 5.Time permitting, discuss answers.

5 PART 1: DIGITAL PLAYTESTING PLAYTEST ROUND #2 (20 minutes): 1.Switch roles: new Observers to stay and manage playtest, new Players find other games to play. 2.If team chose 1-3 instructions, give them. 3.Players attempt to play prototype (5-10 min). Observers take notes! 4.Players fill out questionnaire (5 minutes). 5.Time permitting, discuss answers.

6 PART 2: TEAM MEETING Convene at your team table to discuss observations and questionnaire answers. Read responses and review test-runner notes. Choose a facilitator Discuss responses—what feel like the biggest ideas, the most pointed critiques? Plan to type up and post your notes. Discuss Production goals for the next class, after Spring Break (next top priority Backlog items, potentially influenced by tester experience/ observations) and divide work equitably.

7 Question: What is radical revision?

8 Revision that explores complete overhauls of your ideas: Dangerously sweep away all of the sweat and blood you have shed so far and imagine impossible new directions. You don’t have to follow those paths— you just need to give yourself the chance to consider them, to permit those ideas to percolate and enrich your games.

9 Fire Hose Games: Fall 2008

10 Fire Hose Games: Fall 2010

11 Builder Brawler #1: Initial 2D Prototype:


13 Builder Brawler #2: 3D Build-out:

14 Builder Brawler #2: Building materials from shattered enemies:

15 Builder Brawler #2: Moving screens, long boss fight:

16 USER TESTING: Lukewarm responses: “Somewhat fun” Tried to fix with better art, but just wasted time. We didn’t know what really excited playtesters looked like.

17 Builder Brawler #3: Competitive weaponized tower- building using pieces from beaten monsters. Just a mini-game?

18 Builder Brawler #3: Just a mini-game? Nope. HUGELY positive responses. We refocused on this direction, scrapping a year of development.

19 Builder Brawler #3: Build-out of multiple competitive levels.


21 Builder Brawler #3: Campaign Mode




25 Radical Revision Exercise: 5 classes left + final presentation May 8 = about 8 weeks until then. Last chance to make radical course-correction before you need to focus on building levels, fixing final bugs and polishing! SO, discuss: ID a core idea in your game to radically reposition in new modes of play.

26 Due Next Week: HOMEWORK #9: Final Game, 5th Digital Prototype TEAMS: 1.Divide Unity/Art/Audio production equitably. 2.Meet with your team at least twice to discuss progress, solve problems, and consolidate build. 3.Test clarity with at least two new players. 4.Submit fifth digital build to class next week. Individually: Progress Report #5: Submit typed page: What you agreed to produce, what you accomplished, self-evaluation/related screenshots.

27 Have a restful break and a productive week! And don’t forget to email us with questions: Instructor: JASON WISER Available an hour after class and daily email. TA: MIKE SHAH Lab hours: Wednesdays 4:30-5:45

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