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EASY CBM TRAINING 2014-2015 Presented by: Lisa Kokos, Technology Facilitator.

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Presentation on theme: "EASY CBM TRAINING 2014-2015 Presented by: Lisa Kokos, Technology Facilitator."— Presentation transcript:

1 EASY CBM TRAINING 2014-2015 Presented by: Lisa Kokos, Technology Facilitator

2 WEBSITE http://psd150ileasycbmcom

3 YOUR LOGIN INFORMATION Your login is the first five letters of your last name, the first three letters of your first name and your Skyward number (Employee Access- Account Example: devinbry000; ross joh002 Start with 000 and work up (001, 002, etc.)

4 YOUR PASSWORD Everyone’s password is: psd150 (all lower case) You can change your password if you want – no one will ever need it but you. It can be reset it if you forget it.

5 LOGIN Once you log in, this is the screen you should see

6 A CLOSER LOOK These links do the same thing.

7 A CLOSER LOOK (cont.) Resource links or you can just ask your interventionist.

8 Teacher’s Manuals and Quick Guides

9 ACCOUNT Right hand corner Change your password here.

10 A CLOSER LOOK (cont.) Announcements from Easy CBM appear at the bottom of the screen

11 LOG OUT Anywhere you see this Icon, you can click it to log out as well (students can too, so be careful) You can log out by clicking the button in the upper right corner or closing the browser window

12 Here you see all your students You can also create groups By default, all students associated with you are checked If you uncheck a student, you are unable to assign progress monitors to that student

13 STUDENTS The “Create Temporary Record” button should never be used! Updates are done to the system at least once a week Your interventionist can also create an association for you

14 GROUPS You can create groups though – and it makes it easier to assign tests When assigning tests, you can only assign to groups By default, there is one group (All Students) You can create as many groups as you want

15 CREATING GROUPS To make a group, click the “Add Group” button Name the group – Any name is fine – Students use it to find their assessment Click “OK”

16 CREATING GROUPS Once you click “OK” the new group is highlighted and all student checkmarks are gone

17 CREATING GROUPS You then have to manually add the students to this group Do this by clicking the box next to the student name This “associates” the student with the group

18 DIFFERENT GROUPS You can create a group with multiple students as well – Group is “lowest” – Group contains: Jackson Zach Khyle Brad

19 GROUPS The system will allow one student to be in multiple groups – Try to avoid this, as it will cause problems when assigning tests Only students in groups can be assigned tests – The “All Students” group can be assigned tests too There is no limit to the number of groups you can create Students always remain in the “All Students” group even when you put them in a different group

20 PRACTICE Create at least three groups – One group should have one person only – One group should have multiple people – One group must contain everyone not in either of the other groups These groups will be used later when we assign tests

21 MEASURES PAGE Let’s move on to measures

22 MEASURES TAB – PROGRESS MONITORS Choose Progress Monitor or Benchmark Notice different grades Notice different skills

23 MEASURES TAB – BENCHMARKS Notice different terms Notice different grades Benchmarks only default when window is open

24 BENCHMARKS There are several different benchmarks available The district wants to you to use: – Passage Reading Fluency (paper/pencil) – Vocabulary (online or paper/pencil) – Common Core Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension (MCRC) (online or paper/pencil) – Math (grades 3-8; all High School IEP students and block Algebra) – Use Common Core State Standards Mathematics – Online or Paper/Pencil

25 BENCHMARKS Benchmarks should be given 3 times a year Grades 3-8 – all students should take benchmark at GRADE LEVEL

26 BENCHMARKS – HIGH SCHOOL Benchmarks should be given 3 times a year Grades 9-12 (IEP) – Teacher should take best guess of benchmark grade level, based on IEP and Reading (or Math) goals. Grades 9-12 – all IEP students should take benchmark at ONE LEVEL ABOVE PROGRESS MONITOR

27 DETERMINING RISK Once Benchmarking is complete, you can see risk level by clicking the Reports Tab Choose the grade level of the group you want to view Determine Risk Level Hold mouse over score to see %ile (you can also click “show %ile)

28 RISK =90-100Percentile =50-89Percentile =21-49Percentile =0-20Percentile

29 DETERMINING RISK MIDDLE SCHOOL After benchmarking, assign progress monitors for the students using the following criteria: – If a student is high risk, begin progress monitors TWO grade levels below student grade level – If a student is some risk, begin progress monitors ONE grade level below student grade level – If student is low risk, do not progress monitor

30 DETERMINING RISK HIGH SCHOOL After benchmarking, assign progress monitors for the students using the following criteria: – If a student is high risk, begin progress monitors TWO grade levels below benchmark level – If a student is some risk, begin progress monitors ONE grade level below benchmark level – If student is low risk, do not progress monitor

31 ASSIGNING PROGRESS MONITORS The Passage Reading Fluency (PSF) must be done on paper and scores input manually. Vocabulary (and/or Math) can be done on paper/pencil or online. Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension (MCRC) does not need to be progress monitored (unless required by an IEP) – You can choose to progress monitor these Use the district schedule to administer progress monitors

32 ASSIGNING MATH PROGRESS MONITORS The special education teacher needs to determine which skill of the math monitors is most appropriate for the student (based on the IEP). All regular division students receiving Tier 2 interventions will use the Common Core State Standards Benchmarks and Progress monitors. Use the district schedule to administer progress monitors.


34 SCHEDULE FROM DISTRICT HOW TO READ IT September 9 – October 3 Begin with measure that ends in “_1” at instructional level of child: For example: 3_1, 4_1, 5_1, etc. January 12–30 Begin with measure that ends in “_2” at instructional level of child April 13-24 Begin with measure that ends in “_3” at instructional level of child

35 PROGRESS MONITORS You can have progress monitors administered online or on paper/pencil If you choose online, the student scores are automatically recorded If you choose paper/pencil, you must click the student responses into the system You can combine the two options *Passage Reading Fluency must be entered by hand

36 TO ASSIGN MONITOR ONLINE Click on the grade level you want to assign Click “Take Online” Select the Group for that monitor Only that group will see that monitor when logging in Repeat for all groups

37 TO ASSIGN MONITOR BY HAND Click on the grade level and progress monitor you assigned Click “Enter Scores” Dialog box opens Choose correct group Click Go

38 TO ASSIGN MONITOR BY HAND This screen will appear You have to click what the student chose (you do not grade the monitor) Click Save You can also do all students in group and hit save at end Repeat for all groups

39 CHANGING MONITOR FOR STUDENTS After student takes monitor online – you should log in and review the scores If the student needs to be moved up or down a level, you can do that Remember – monitors are at ability level, not grade/instructional level Use the following guide to determine if a student should be moved up or down a level or if the student should remain at same level

40 CHANGING MONITOR FOR STUDENTS If a student is achieving at 80% or more on three consecutive progress monitors, move up one level. If a student is achieving at less than 50% on three consecutive progress monitors, move down one level. If student is between 50% and 80%, remain at level. As always, other factors can play a factor in this determination

41 TO CHANGE MONITOR Click the “Take Online” button on the next assessment Assign to that group by clicking Uncheck the assessment above (or you can click “Take Online” to de-select it)

42 REPORTS PAGE Let’s move on to reports

43 REPORTS – BENCHMARKS You can see current school year benchmarks Choose “Benchmarks” Choose Subject Choose Grade Benchmark colors are determined by national percentile

44 REPORTS Click Reports Tab View Benchmark, Groups, or Individuals See all tests completed You can click Interventions or Goals and type them in – Other teachers can see these Click on a student for detailed information

45 REPORTS You can show one year or all history Graph and chart will grow with more progress monitors Click view and you will see the actual test with answers (correct and student)

46 ACTUAL TEST FROM STUDENT Student (and time of test in Pacific Time) Answers to question (with correct labeled and an X or a √ on student choice Total score on the assessment Question Student was given


48 STUDENT LOGINS At main screen – student clicks the paper Student is asked for teacher’s name This is your username Student Clicks “Go!”

49 STUDENT GETTING TO TEST Student selects Group (this is the group you created) Student selects his/her name Student selects test (only assigned tests are visible) Student then clicks “Take Test” and begins

50 SUPPORT There is an icon from Novell Launcher for Easy CBM You can update your students and groups from home using the website The system is compatible with iPad – Open Safari – Type web address- can create “Add to Home Screen” icon

51 PAPER COPIES OF MONITORS You can print all assessments you will need and store in a binder Click the Student Copy button and hit print Some people like to print and keep a binder

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