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 Meeting skit  What makes a meeting effective?  What are the roles and responsibilities of the officers and board of directors?  What is the order.

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Presentation on theme: " Meeting skit  What makes a meeting effective?  What are the roles and responsibilities of the officers and board of directors?  What is the order."— Presentation transcript:


2  Meeting skit  What makes a meeting effective?  What are the roles and responsibilities of the officers and board of directors?  What is the order of a business meeting?  Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines  Questions & Networking

3  Being prepared-come to the meeting ready to address the purpose and agenda items  Facilitation-the chair keeps the meeting on time and on track  Inspiration-incorporate activities that engage members and generate discussion  Results-the meeting achieves one or more outcomes  See Resource Guide, President’s Guide Section, pp. 2-13

4  Facilitation  The president controls whether a meeting gets side-tracked, is dominated by one individual, loses focus, or starts and ends on time  Ask for a motion, they make members focus on the issue at hand  Members want to know why they are meeting and want to use their time wisely  Consider adding social time before or after the meeting for networking

5  Do:  Start on time  Come Prepared  Listen attentively and respectfully  Follow Robert’s Rules of Order  Carry out and support the will of the organization  Leave ego at the door  Don’ts :  Have side conservations  Lose temper, make faces, or show displeasure  Criticize anyone  Monopolize discussion  Make it about yourself  Let technology distract (phone, tablet, computer)

6  Do we have to meet? How often? Check your bylaws. If you have no reason to meet, do not set up a meeting  What if there is heated debate? Maintain impartiality, ensure fair opportunities for views to be expressed, use Robert’s Rules and take control  What if someone is dominating the meeting? Be assertive, call on individuals in order, announce time limit for comments and make sure everyone gets to speak once before a second turn

7  What if we get stuck on one topic? Take control and suggest another meeting. You may want to appoint a special committee to research and recommend action at the next meeting  How can I be sure that everyone is clear on what action took place? Clearly state the motion before voting on each item and clearly state the result of each vote  What if I feel like I am being the “bad guy”? Remember that it is the chair’s responsibility to be fair and efficient and keep the meeting on target

8  Acts as facilitator, organizes and conducts business of the PTA  Knows parliamentary procedure and follows bylaws and standing rules  Schedules and presides over all meetings  Prepares the meeting agenda with all business outlined (Secretary)  Encourages opportunities for all members to be heard

9  Maintains a fair and impartial position at all times  Casts deciding vote in the event of a tie  Leads the PTA in addressing the needs of children and their families  Carries out the will of the association  Serves as a representative at District meetings  See Resource Guide, President’s Guide Section, p. 2 & p.9

10  Takes president’s place when president is unavailable (VPs)  Works closely with president and others on PTA activities  Makes reports to the full board of directors and membership, as necessary  Knows and follows parliamentary procedure  Upholds decisions made by the board  See Resource Guide, Board of Director’s Section, pp. 2-4

11  Maintains the records of PTA:  Roll call and meeting attendance of members  Accurately records all business transacted at each meeting  Committee membership and reports  Distributes minutes of previous meeting  Assists with determining a quorum  Counts a rising vote  Reminds president of unfinished business  Reminds officers and members of meetings  See Resource Guide, Secretary Section, pp. 2-9

12  Minutes should contain:  Heading-Name of PTA, type of meeting, place and time of meeting  Call to order with name of presiding officer, roll call, approval of minutes  Treasurer’s report  Summary of all reports given  Business of meeting: motions, result of vote, whether motion passed or failed  See Resource Guide, Secretary Section, P.4

13  Handles and reports on all correspondence  If a unit has only one secretary, he/she is responsible for all secretarial duties  See Resource Guide, Secretary Section, P.3

14  Submits a treasurer’s report giving a report of money received, bills paid and fund balance for all accounts at each meeting  Submits a budget comparison at all meetings  Copies of reports should be distributed to all board of directors members. Can be posted at general meetings  Submits a proposed budget to the board of directors annually and to the general membership for approval  Makes an annual report and audit report to the association  See Resource Guide, Treasurer Section, pp. 2, 12-13

15  Call to order (note time)  Opening Ceremony (optional)  Roll Call  Approval of minutes  Treasurer’s Report (filed for audit)  President’s Report  Principal’s Report (if present)  Committee Reports (standing and special)  Unfinished (old) Business  New Business  Announcements  Adjournment

16  Be knowledgeable about parliamentary procedure  Use Robert’s Rules of Order as a reference  Assist PTA officers and members with proper parliamentary procedure

17  Set of rules for conducting meetings that allows people to work together effectively  Parliamentary procedure helps meetings run with efficiency and speed  Makes sure that only one subject demands the attention of the meeting at one time  Helps to safeguard the rights of each individual  Ensures both the majority and minority will be heard and respected  Robert’s Rules of Order is the main authority on parliamentary procedure  See Resource Guide, PTA Basics Section, pp. 5-7

18  Main motion  Purpose of main motion is to introduce new business for consideration  Used when someone wants an idea considered, an action taken or a rule or policy adopted  Should be clear, concise and contain only one main idea  Only one main motion may be considered at a time  Anyone can make a main motion, except for the chair

19  Obtain the floor by raising hand or standing  Recognition by the chair  State the motion (“I move that or move to”)  Second the motion (unless coming from a committee)  Chair restates the motion  Discussion (may limit time by observing Robert’s Rules)  Chair restates the motion and calls for the vote (Aye or No)  Chair announces the result and action to be taken

20  After the chair has stated the motion and before a vote is taken, the motion may be amended by:  A primary motion-amends the main motion  A secondary motion-amends the primary motion. Each amendment must be voted on separately and then the chair must return to the amended main motion for vote

21  Louisiana PTA Resource Guide,  Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised or  PTA e-learning courses,  Back to School Kit,

22  Remember: The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children

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