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Basic Lessons in Parliamentary Procedure. Parliamentary Motions.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Lessons in Parliamentary Procedure. Parliamentary Motions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Lessons in Parliamentary Procedure

2 Parliamentary Motions

3 The Main Motion

4 A formal proposal The assembly takes a certain action. May express a certain view. Direct a particular investigation

5 Consensus

6 Organization

7 Parliamentary Law Respects the Rights Individual members. Absentees. The majority. The minority, especially a strong minority – greater than one-third

8 Other Parliamentary Principles

9 Multiple Choice Parliamentary procedure is used to: A)Make a meeting more complicated B)Make a meeting more efficient C)Confuse participants participating in a meeting D)Make it harder for all sides of an issue to be heard

10 Motion Guidelines The motion must be in order, appropriate and legal. A motion should be concise, unambiguous and complete.

11 Motions That are Not In Order Motions that the House refrain from doing something. Motion to “reaffirm” a position previously taken. Negative motions. Motions that conflict with governing documents or laws Motions that conflict with motions previously adopted. Motions that present the same question as one decided in the same session. Motions that are outside of the object of the society

12 Steps to Handle a Motion A delegate obtains the floor and makes a motion. Another delegate seconds the motion. The speaker of the House states the motion. Delegates debate. The speaker of the House puts the question (restates the motion), and gives voting instructions Delegates vote. The speaker of the House states the result of the vote.

13 Main Motion

14 Amendments Amendments must be germane. Speaker decides what is germane. Amendments cannot be a new topic.

15 Three Types of Amendments Insert (or add, if the new language is to go at the end of the motion). Strike-out. Strike out and insert (generally in the same place, unless you have permission of the House).

16 Amendment Diagrams - Insert I move to amend by inserting “and Swiss cheese” after ham. Diagrammed “I move that we have a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on rye bread”

17 Amendment Diagrams – Strike-out I move to amend the main motion by striking out “rye” Diagrammed “I move that we have a ham sandwich on rye bread.”

18 Amendment Diagrams – Strike-out and Insert I move to amend the main motion by striking out “ham” and inserting “chicken”. Diagrammed I move that we have a ham chicken sandwich on rye bread.

19 Amendment

20 Secondary Amendment #1

21 Secondary Amendment #2

22 Multiple Choice Ways a motion can be amended include all of the following except: A)Moving to amend after the motion has been voted on. B)Striking part of the language in the original motion. C)Inserting additional language in to the original motion. D)Substituting all new language for the language in the original motion.

23 Refer to a Committee

24 Call the Question (Immediately Pending)

25 Call the Question (All Pending)

26 Limit (or Extend) Debate

27 Multiple Choice An example of a motion that is not in order would be: A)A motion to amend a motion currently on the floor. B)A motion to call for a vote on a previous motion. C)A motion to reconsider a prior motion. D)Motion that affirms a prior motion.

28 Points

29 Electronic Voting One for ‘yes.’ Two for ‘no.’ Press the button again before the timer runs out to change your vote.

30 Consent Calendar Handles a block of motions as a single unit. Items can be removed at the request of a single member. Once everything is removed, the remained of the calendar is passed by general consent (without objection).

31 Multiple Choice Which of the following is not a method ASRT used to improve the efficiency of the House of Delegates proceedings? A)Using a consent calendar. B)Holding a Commission Hearing. C)Limiting the number of delegates who can speak to an issue. D)Using electronic voting.

32 Review Main motions Making motions. Amending. Debating. Voting.

33 Thank You.

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