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Puritan Theology The Tenants of Calvinism. French theologian. Broke with Catholic Church in 1530 and fled to Geneva, Switzerland to escape violence against.

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1 Puritan Theology The Tenants of Calvinism

2 French theologian. Broke with Catholic Church in 1530 and fled to Geneva, Switzerland to escape violence against Protestants in France. Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536. His teaching became the foundation of many Protestant groups. John Calvin (1509 – 1564)

3 T.U.L.I.P. (a clever acronym for remember the tenants of Calvinism)

4 T – Total Depravity Man is totally depraved – completely sinful by nature and by choice. Original sin of Adam & Eve. Therefore man can never do enough good to please God.

5 U -Unmerited Favor God chooses to bless some people but not because they deserve it. God has chosen to “save” some and not others. The chosen are called the “elect” and will spend eternity in heaven. The rest are damned. Predestination

6 L – Limited Atonement Atonement = forgiveness of sins Jesus did not die for everyone’s sins – only the “elect.”

7 I – Irresistible grace The elect cannot resist God’s saving grace. God will make it clear to you through a personal and emotional encounter with him that you are one of the chosen. You will not be able to reject His call.

8 P – Perseverance of the Saints Saints = God’s “elect” The elect can never lose their eternal salvation. They will persevere until the end.

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