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Vacation of East 6 th Street From Mounds Blvd to Maria.

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Presentation on theme: "Vacation of East 6 th Street From Mounds Blvd to Maria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vacation of East 6 th Street From Mounds Blvd to Maria

2 Proposal ● Vacation of 6 th Street btwn Mounds Blvd & Maria. This will accomplish: ● Metro State will expand campus feeling and encourage students to engage in community spaces. ● Direct Traffic onto business corridor of East 7 th, Beacon Bluff & former Hospital Linen site. ● This also provides the city and community with an opportunity to develop a badly needed community park space taking advantage of the exquisite views ● Remove excessive heavy and cut through traffic off the residential East 6 th St which will have a huge benefit of improving quality of life, safety, appearance, functionality and livability for residents, Sacred Heart, Twin Cities Academy. Metro State, pedestrians, bicyclists and neighborhood traffic..

3 Why ● Metro State presently has very little outdoor space to encourage students to interact in the community. This proposal welcomes the students to take advantage of the additional land space and become more familiar with the community rather than being detached from Dayton's Bluff. ● Will also have ease of having exterior pedestrian access connecting current building with new building.

4 Why ● Directs traffic onto business district of East 7 th and clearer access to Beacon Bluff. ● Development of Mississippi Market and Dominium need clear, direct access, v.s. current design of having to go around the block. ● With 2,000 cars ADT on 6 th this traffic belongs on 7 th and can increase business visibility.

5 Why ● Current design simply dumps freeway traffic into a residential neighborhood with no indication of community businesses and services. By forcing traffic onto business corridors, business viability is increased and drivers will have greater ease locating new development projects including Beacons Bluff, former HLS and greater East Side. ● Current design is overused and functionally obsolete This section of road is often backed up for students to Metro not allowing others through.

6 Why ● Will have a HUGE impact on improvement of a residential street. This will improve safety, viability, livability and quality of life for 6 th Street residents, Sacred Heart & Twin Cities Academy. ● Street is presently dangerous and undesirable to residents, institutions, pedestrians, bicyclists and other motorists. ● Approx 1/3 of the traffic uses it as a cut through to get onto 7 th or Arcade. ● Issues currently are: ● Speed Vehicle Noise ● Vehicle Trash Large Commercial Traffic ● Excessive Traffic Volumes Pollution Concerns

7 Why ● This side of Dayton's Bluff does not have a community gathering space taking advantage of the views. This is an excellent opportunity for the city and community to develop such for gatherings, public events, fireworks displays etc. This is an excellent opportunity to provide public space with Metro State students and staff and the community together.








15 Conclusion If we don't take advantage of this opportunity we will squander the precious view and the opportunity to capitalize on the ongoing revitalization effort of Dayton's Bluff. Thank You

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